Daniel W. Law, Ph.D.

Professor of Accounting

Dan has been a faculty member in the School of Business at 杏吧原创 for almost seventeen years. He teaches undergraduate and graduate cost and managerial accounting, as well as graduate trailer courses dealing with business behavioral issues...

Dr. Dan Law

Contact Information

Education & Curriculum Vitae

Ph.D., Washington State University, 2003

M.A., Washington State University, 2001

B.S., Brigham Young University, 1991

Dan has been a faculty member in the School of Business at 杏吧原创 for almost seventeen years. He teaches undergraduate and graduate cost and managerial accounting, as well as graduate trailer courses dealing with business behavioral issues and additional managerial accounting topics. Dan has also taught accounting research doctoral seminars for Creighton University, and he teaches regularly an MBA course at Aalto University in Finland. Dan has published a number of articles dealing with burnout and other behavioral issues in public accounting and higher education. He is active in serving in the community through his church and enjoys spending time with his family as well as traveling, hiking, and cycling.

Cooper, M., Knight, M., Frazier, M., & Law, D. “Conflict Management Style and Exhaustion in Public Accounting.”  Managing Auditing Journal; 2019, Vol. 34(2), 118-141.

Law, D., & Patil, V. “An Exploratory Study of the Effects of Exhaustion and Social Support on Business Students’ Persistence.” Academy of Educational Leadership Journal; 2015, Vol. 19(3), 187-193. 

Law, D. “A Successive, Comprehensive Exercise Useful for Learning Introductory Financial Accounting.” Journal of International Business Education; 2014, Vol. 9, 101-124.

Lin, T., Law, D. “The Effects of the Credit Crisis on the Shanghai Composite Index Using the Hilbert-Huang Transformation.” International Journal of Statistics and Economics; 2014, Vol. 13(1), 1-18. 

Chang, S., Law, D., & Chang, H. “The Impact of Personality on Depression among University Students in Taiwan.” Chang Gung Medical Journal; 2011, Vol. 34(5), 528-535.

Melendy, S., & Law, D. “Paper Airplanes, Inc.: Utilizing an In-Class Case to Demystify Process Costing.” Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies; Aug 2011, Vol. 17(5), 107-111, 131-133.

Law, D. “A Measure of Burnout for Business Students.” Journal of Education for Business; 2010, Vol. 85(4), 195-202.

Law, D. “Teaching Multiple Cost Accounting Concepts through an Integrative Case Study.” Journal of the International Society of Business Disciplines; 2008, Vol. 4(2), 12-19. 

Law, D., Sweeney, J., & Summers, S. “An Examination of the Influence of Contextual and Individual Variables on Public Accountants’ Exhaustion.” Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research; 2008, Vol. 11, 129-153.

Xiong, Y., & Law, D. “Student Case: Auditing a Private Third-Party Claims Processor for Medicare.”  Journal of Forensic Accounting; 2008, Vol. 9(1), 175-188.

Law, D. “Exhaustion in University Students and the Effect of Coursework Involvement.” The Journal of American College Health; 2007, Vol. 55(4), 239-245.

Law, D. “Interactive Organizational Commitment and Hardiness in Public Accountants’ Turnover.” Managerial Auditing Journal; 2005, Vol. 20 (4), 383-393.