Dr. Thorp earned his Ph.D. from the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, Canada. His primary area of research prior to arriving at 杏吧原创 examined how exercise promotes beneficial adaptations in skeletal and cardiac muscle. He started at 杏吧原创 in 2007 and currently teaches courses primarily in Anatomy and Physiology, Exercise Physiology and the Physiology of Aging. Dr. Thorp also advises undergraduate research projects in a variety of areas including cardiovascular and respiratory responses during the human dive reflex as well as the effects of exercise on cognitive function and memory.
Peer Reviewed Publications
(undergraduate students in bold)
- J.J. Walsh, C. Dunlap, J. Miranda, D.B. Thorp, D.S. Kimmerly, M.E. Tschakovsky, and B.J. Gurd. Brief, high-intensity interval exercise improves selective attention in university students. International Journal of Exercise Science. (2018) 11(5)452-167.
- S. Anderson, M. Chamberlain, S. Musgrove, A. Partusch, K. Tice, and D.B. Thorp. Is VO2 Suppressed during non-apnoeic facial submersion. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism. (2016) 41(11):1171-1176.
- J.C. Boyd, N.J. MacMillan, A.E. Green, J.E.D. Ross, D.B. Thorp and B.J. Gurd. Exercise intensity of recreational sport: Impacts of sex and fitness. Journal of Sport Science and Medicine. (2012) 11: 562-563.
- K.J. Milne, D.B. Thorp, M. Krause, and E.G. Noble. Acute Effects of Estrogen and Temperature on the Exercise Stress Response in Female Rats. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology (2011) 89(11): 855-60.
- C.W. Myocardial Hsp70 phosphorylation and PKC-mediated cardioprotection following exercise. Cell Stress Chaperones. (2009) 14(2): 141-50.
- C.W.J. Melling, D.B. Thorp, K.J. Milne, M. Krause and E.G. Noble. Exercise-mediated Regulation of Hsp70 Expression Following Aerobic Exercise Training. American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology. (2007) 293(6): H3692-8.
- D.B. Thorp, J.V. Haist, J. Leppard, M. Karmazyn and E.G. Noble. Exercise training improves myocardial tolerance to ischemia in male but not female rats American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology. (2007) 293: R363-71.
- K.J. Milne, D.B. Thorp and E.G. Noble. Castration inhibits the exercise-induced accumulation of Hsp70 in male rodent hearts. American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology. (2006) 290: H1610-6.
- C.W.J. Melling, D.B. Thorp, and E.G. Noble. Regulation of myocardial heat shock protein 70 gene expression following exercise. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology. (2004) 37: 847-55.
- C. Bell, D.H. Paterson, J.M. Kowalchuk, A.M. Moy, D.B. Thorp, E.G Noble, A.W. Taylor and D.A. Cunningham. Determinants of oxygen uptake kinetics in older humans following single limb endurance exercise training. Experimental Physiology. (2001) 86.5: 659-65.
Abstracts for Conference Presentations
- K. Block, K. Balikov, A. Draper, K. Farris, N. Tolton, and D.B. Thorp. The Effects of Postural Intervention on Isometric Force Production. ACSM Northwest annual meeting (2019). International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Abstract Submissions Vol 8: Iss 7.
- E. Kane, D. Li, E. Hayes, C. Fielding, J. McGuire, and D.B. Thorp. Effect of weighted blankets on recovery from moderate intensity aerobic exercise ACSM Northwest annual meeting (2019). Recipient of Outstanding Undergraduate Human Performance Presentation Award. International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Abstract Submissions Vol 8: Iss 7.
- M. Bergerud, J. Kepple, C. Cozza, L. Howard and D.B. Thorp. Effect of hypoxic priming on the fast component of VO2 kinetics and oxygen deficit. ACSM Northwest annual meeting (2018). International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Abstract Submissions Vol 8: Iss 6.
- N. Disser, P. Henricksen, S. Lamarche and D.B. Thorp. The metabolic cost of sustained versus repeated isometric contractions during voluntary two-legged knee extension. ACSM Northwest annual meeting (2018). International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Abstract Submissions Vol 8: Iss. 6.
- D. Kaczynski, A. Barnett, J. Turner, A. Harkinsand D.B. Thorp. Effect of deceptive placebo supplementation on isometric force production.ACSM Northwest annual meeting (2018).International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Abstract SubmissionsVol 8: Iss. 6.
- S. Anderson, M. Chamberlain, S. Musgrove, A. Partusch, K.Tice and D.B. Thorp. Is VO2 Surpressed during non-apnoeic facial submersion. ACSM Northwest annual meeting (2016). International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Abstract Submissions Vol 8: Iss. 4
- A.L. Cummins, S.M. Clay, B.A. Coad, K.R. Nelson, B.A. Cariño and D.B. Thorp. Studying while exercising: The effect of moderate exercise on long-term memory. ACSM Northwest annual meeting (2016). International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Abstract Submissions Vol 8: Iss. 4
- P. R. Lindecker, B. D. James, B. J. Winchell, G. M. Stocker, C. F. O’Loughlin, C. E. Molenaar, K. M. Quigley, A. N. Pollastro and D.B. Thorp. Ventilaroty Responses to added external dead space with varying resistance during exercise. ACSM Northwest annual meeting (2015). International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Abstract Submissions: Vol. 8: Iss. 3
- I. O’Connor, M. Yamamoto, M. Silva, R. Chavez, B. Duermit, C. Timberlake, B. Allen and D.B. Thorp. The effects of prior high intensity exercise on the diving response. ACSM Northwest annual meeting (2015). International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Abstract Submissions: Vol. 8: Iss. 3
- A. Zuehlsdorff, K. Gale, S. Fein, J. Baker, A. Burk, A. Ziemann and D.B. Thorp. Effects of peripheral and chest weight on metabolic responses while walking. ACSM Northwest annual meeting (2015). International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Abstract Submissions: Vol. 8: Iss. 3
- M.M. O’Hollaren, S.E. Risso, A.E. Zander, A.L. Johanson, A.D. Lagoy, K.M. Bishop, M.S. Fogarty and D.B. Thorp. Combined effect of blood glucose concentration and prolonged exercise on cognition. ACSM Northwest annual meeting (2014). International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Abstract Submissions: Vol. 8: Iss. 2
- K.G. Grenier, J.M. May, E.R Eckmann, M.K. Hopkins, D.A. Oldham, K.M. Slattengren, D.B. Thorp. It’s not a glass ceiling: performance is not enhanced by competition. ACSM Northwest annual meeting (2014). International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Abstract Submissions: Vol. 8: Iss. 2
- V.R. Gieser, J.T. Droessler, M.J. Dixon, R.L. Wong and D.B. Thorp. Effect of temporal deception on power output during a 30 s Wingate test. ACSM Northwest annual meeting (2013). International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Abstract Submissions: Vol. 8: Iss. 1
- C.L. Whitlock, J.T. Nadeau, M.C. Eastwood, V.K. Mehndiratta and D.B. Thorp. Effects of cycling warm up versus static stretching involving cycling specific muscles on Wingate performance. ACSM Northwest annual meeting (2013), recipient of student research award. International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Abstract Submissions: Vol. 8: Iss. 1
- R. Nelson, M. Gosselin, M. Haas, B. Ruminski, L. Volcheff and D.B. Thorp. Gross efficiency during arm cycle ergometry in active wheelchair users versus non-users. ACSM Northwest annual meeting (2012)
- C. Patton, R. Misslin, M. Conway, L. Brown, L. Hunter, S. McNurlin, and D.B. Thorp. Watching television during submaximal exercise has no impact on self-selected intensity or rating of perceived exertion. ACSM Northwest annual meeting (2012)
- M. D. Higgins, M. E. Stanley, K. Doty, M. Biggs, P. Frederick, T. Sorenson, D. B. Thorp. Effect of visual and auditory sensory deprivation on heart rate and perceived exertion during exercise. ACSM Northwest annual meeting (2012)
- B.A. Edgett, J.E.D. Ross, N.J. MacMillan, D.B. Thorp and B.J. Gurd. Aerobic fitness as a predictor for self- selected exercise intensity during recreational sport. Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. (2010) 35: S26
- D.B.Thorp, K.J. Milne and E.G. Noble. Acute exercise does not confer ischemic tolerance to the postmenopausal female rat myocardium. Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. (2006) 31: S84
- D.B. Thorp, J.V. Haist, T.D. Dzialosnzynski, R. Rabheru, J. Leppard, M. Karmazyn and E.G. Noble. Exercise training improves myocardial tolerance to ischemia in males but not females. FASEB J. (2005) 17: A1113.
- E.G. Noble, C.W.J. Melling, K.J. Milne, Z. Paroo, D.B. Thorp. The stress response to exercise is gender specific: Implications for protection. Presented at the American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons conference, Baltimore. (2004)
- D.B. Thorp, C.W.J. Melling, T. D. Dzialoszynski, J. Leppard, S. Macaluso, K.J. Milne and E.G. Noble. Prior exercise training does not inhibit the hsp70 mRNA response to acute exercise. FASEB J. (2003) 17: A961.
- C.W.J. Melling, D.B. Thorp, and E.G. Noble. PKC is involved in the regulation of the heat shock response in rat heart following physical exercise. FASEB J. (2003) 17: A961
- E.G. Noble, C.W.J. Melling, and D. B. Thorp. cAMP-dependent protein kinase activation of hsp70 expression following exercise. Med. Sci. Sport. Exerc. (2003) 35: S8.
- C.W.J. Melling, D.B. Thorp, and E.G. Noble. Intracellular signaling and myocardial hsp70 gene regulation following exercise. Presented at CSSI international congress, Quebec City. (2003)
- E.G. Noble, C.W.J. Melling, K.J. Milne and D.B. Thorp. The Hsp response to exercise. Presented at CSSI international congress, Quebec City. (2003)
- D.B. Thorp and E.G. Noble. Expression of Hsp70 in human skeletal muscle following single-limb exercise. Presented at CFBS annual meeting, Montreal. (2002)
- C.W.J. Melling, D.B. Thorp, and E.G. Noble. Regulation of hsp70 gene expression is mediated by Protein kinase A activation of HSF1 following physical exercise. Presented at CFBS annual meeting, Montreal. (2002)
- D.B. Thorp, E.G. Noble, C. Bell, A.M. Moy, D.H. Paterson, A.W. Taylor, J.M. Kowalchuk and D.A. Cunningham. Expression of SP72 is not increased following single limb endurance training is skeletal muscle of older humans. Med. Sci. Sport Exerc. (2000) 32: S217.
- C. Bell, D.H. Paterson, J.M. Kowalchuk, A.M. Moy, D.B. Thorp, E.G Noble, A.W. Taylor and D.A. Cunningham. Determinants of VO2 kinetics following single limb endurance exercise training in older humans. FASEB J. (2000) 14: A324.
- M.A. Scott, B.R. MacIntosh, D.B. Thorp and E.G. Noble. Decreased Ca2+ release and induction of HSP72 mRNA in Rat Medial Gastrocnemius Muscle. Can J. Appl. Physiol. (2000) 25: 402.
- B.A. Wilson, D.B. Thorp, L. Hogg and K. O'Rouke. Exercise ventilation modified by use of Breathe Right nasal strip: Possible use in EIA. Med. Sci. Sport Ex. (1999) 31: S250.