Andrew Kim is an Assistant Professor of Sport Management. He received his both Ph.D. and M.S. from the University of Georgia, and his B.P.E. from Chung-Ang University in South Korea. His research interests are studies of sport communication and sport consumer behavior, especially marketing and management of sport-related new media, such as social media and live streaming services. He has several book chapters and journal publications on these topic areas, which cover various traditional and contemporary concepts of sport marketing and communication. He also worked in various sport industries in South Korea.
- Mastromartino, B., Valantine, I., Kim, A., Pitts, B. G., & Zhang, J. J. (Eds., 2019). The world voice of sport management: Book of abstracts. Kaunas, Lithuania: Lithuania Sports University (ISBN: 978-609-8200- 24-9).
- Kenedy, J., Kim, A., & Johnson, L. M. (2022). Significant Influence of a Major Policy on Strategic Management and Marketing: Analyzing the Effect of Title IX on Collegiate Athletics. In R. M. Crabtree & J. J. Zhang (Eds.), Sport Marketing in a Global Environment: Strategic Perspectives (pp. 207 - 218). London, UK: Routledge.
- Zhang, J. J., Breedlove, J., Kim, A., Bo, H. H., Anderson, D. J. F., Zhao, T. T., Johnson, L. M., & Pitts, B. G. (2021). Issues and New Ideas in International Sport Management: An introduction. In J. J. Zhang, B. G. Pitts, & L. M. Johnson (Eds.), International sport business management: Global issues and new ideas (pp. 1 - 15). London, UK: Routledge.
- Anderson, D. J. F., Kim, A., & Zhang, J. J. (2021). The fitness industry in the USA. In The global private health and fitness business: A marketing perspective (pp. 69 - 75). London, England: Emerald.
- Kim, A., Qian, T. Y., Lee, H. -W., Mastromartino, B., & Zhang, J. J. (2020). Growth in sport media and the rise of new sport fandom. In Dunn, R. A. (Ed.), Multidisciplinary perspectives on media fandom (pp. 150-171). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
- Kim, A., Kim, M., Salaga, S., & Zhang, J. J. (2022). Impact of social media on intention to purchase pay-per-view and event attendance: The case of the Ultimate Fighting Championship. International Journal of Sport Communication, 15(1), 10-22.
- Jiang, X., Kim, A., Kim, K., Yang, Q., García-Fernández, J., & Zhang, J. J. (2021). Motivational antecedents, value co-creation process, and behavioral consequences in participatory sport tourism. Sustainability. 13(17), 9916.
- Li, Y., Kim, A., Liu, O. X., Mastromartino, B., Wang, Y., & Zhang, J. J. (2021). Impact of perceived value on behavior intention of parent-child runners in a marathon event. Sport in Society, 1-19.
Professional Papers Presented
National & International
- Kim, A., Rickel, K., Kim, M., Turcott, R. J., & Zhang, J. J. (2024, May). Dimensions of motivation for paid
sport streaming services: Development of a scale. Paper to be presented at the North American Society for Sport Management Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
- Turcott, R. J., Rickel, K., Kim, A., Hwang, Y., & Ariyo, E. (2024, February). Pitching for change: Evaluating a U.S. sport diplomacy program between Ecuador and 杏吧原创’s Sport Management Program. Presented at the Applied Sport Management Association Conference, Knoxville, TN.
- Kim, A., Kim, E., Turcott, R. J., & Zhang, J. J. (2023, June). Social media and consumption in sport fans: How fan identification affects fan’s consumption with the mediating impact of attitude towards social media. Presented at the North American Society for Sport Management Conference, Montréal, Québec, Canada.
- Kim, A., Turcott, R. J., Kim, M., & Zhang, J. J. (2023, March). Impact of fans’ perception of paid sport streaming service quality. Presented at the World Association for Sport Management Conference, Doha, Qatar.
- Turcott, R. J., Boe, B. M., Kim, A., & Zhang, J. J. (2023, February). Examining the Impact of social media on sport participation intentions: The case of Tour de France. Presented at the Applied Sport Management Association Conference, Birmingham, AL.
- Kim, A. & Zhang, J. J. (2022, June). The impact of same-language subtitles in social media contents on sport fans. Presented at the North American Society for Sport Management Conference, Atlanta, GA.
- Kim, A., Kim, M., & Zhang, J. J. (2021, June). Exploring sport media consumption behavior in the use of paid sports streaming services: A qualitative inquiry. Presented at the North American Society for Sport Management Conference, Virtual.
- Li, Y., Kim, A., Liu, O. X., Mastromartino, B., & Zhang, J. J. (2020, September). Impact of perceived value on behavior intention of parent-child runners in a marathon event held in China. Presented at the Olympic Scientific Congress, Yokohama, Japan.
- Kim, A., Kim, S., Kim, M., & Zhang, J. J. (2020, May). Constraints of pay per view viewership and the role of social media: A case of the Ultimate Fighting Championship. Presented at the North American Society for Sport Management Conference, San Diego, CA.
- Kim, A., & Zhang, J. J. (2019, October). Social media motivation of mixed martial arts fans influence on purchase intention with the mediating effect of fan identification: A review of literature. Presented at the World Association for Sport Management Conference, Santiago, Chile.
- Kim, A., Kim, M., & Zhang, J. J. (2019, June). Dimensions of social media usage motivation of Ultimate Fighting Championship fans: A qualitative inquiry. Presented at the North American Society for Sport Management Conference, New Orleans, LA.
- Kim, A., Kim, M., & Zhang, J. J. (2018, October). Studying the impact of Ultimate Fighting Championship fans’ social media motivation and on their consumption behavior: Development of a conceptual framework. Presented at the Sport Marketing Association Conference, Dallas, TX.
Regional & Local
- Kim, A. (2020, October). Development of social media research in sport: The uses and gratifications theory
approach. Presented at the annual conference of UGA Global Educational Forum, Athens, GA.
- Kim, A., Qian, T. Y., Lee, H. -W., Mastromartino, B., & Zhang, J. J. (2020, October). Sport media and fandom. Presented at the annual conference of UGA Global Educational Forum, Athens, GA.
- Kim, A. (2020, October). Marketing environment, opportunities, and challenges of mixed martial arts. Presented at the annual conference of UGA Global Educational Forum, Athens, GA.
- Breedlove, J., Kim, A., Bo, H. H., Anderson, D. J. F., Zhao, T. T., Johnson, L. M., Pitts, B. G., & Zhang, J. J. (2020, October). Global issues and new ideas in sport management. Presented at the annual conference of UGA Global Educational Forum, Athens, GA.
- Anderson, D. J. F., Kim, A., & Zhang, J. J. (2020, October). The fitness industry in the USA: Contemporary state-of-being and state-of-challenges. Presented at the annual conference of UGA Global Educational Forum, Athens, GA.
Submitted Grants
- Principal Investigator: Andrew Kim. Sport Commission in the United States. SESNETWORKS Inc. Seoul, South Korea. Total: $2,500 (May 2023 – August 2023)
- Principal Investigator: Andrew Kim. Faculty Adviser: Dr. James J. Zhang. The 3rd long term program strategies establishment of UNESCO ICHCAP. SESNETWORKS Inc. Seoul, South Korea. Total: $3,000 (Direct Cost - $2,222 and Indirect Cost - $778) (October 2021 – December 2022)
- Principal Investigator: Andrew Kim. Faculty Adviser: Dr. James J. Zhang. Development of Youth Athlete Baseball Training System in South Korea. Monoplane Inc. Seoul, South Korea. Total: $3,000 (Direct Cost - $2,222 and Indirect Cost - $778) (September 2019 – December 2021)
- Principal Investigator: Dr. James J. Zhang. Co-Investigators: Dr. Bryan A. McCullick, Dr. Christopher D. Mojock, Yizhou Qian, Eui Soo Kim, Lauren M. Johnson, Dr. Patrick J. O’Connor, Dr. Thomas A. Baker III, Dr. Steven Salaga, Dr. Phillip D. Tomporowski, Dr. Paul Schempp, Dr. Rob Lynall, Brandon Mastromartino, Wen-hao Chou, & Andrew Kim. Advancing coaching effectiveness through the ‘Elite Coach Training’ program. General Administration of Sport of China. Beijing, China. Total: $143,208 (Direct Cost - $119,340 and Indirect Cost - $23,868) (August 2018 – August 2019).