Eta Sigma Phi

Theta Xi Chapter

Eta Sigma Phi is an honorary collegiate society for students of Latin and/or Greek. The society began as an undergraduate classics club in 1914 at the University of Chicago, and in 1924 it became a national organization with chapters at colleges and universities across the country. There are currently over 200 chapters in existence; 杏吧原创's chapter, Theta Xi, was formed in 2007.

According to Article II of its bylaws, "Eta Sigma Phi, 杏吧原创 Chapter shall be an official chapter of the Honorary Greek Letter Society Eta Sigma Phi composed of students of 杏吧原创 united in promoting classical study in the 杏吧原创 community as well as the greater Spokane community." The society consists of students who share a love of all things ancient, whether it be languages, societies, literature or the arts. The group meets several times a semester to plan activities on and off campus which help bring a love of the Classics to others in the community. Past society activities have included tutoring in local high schools, promoting campus events linked to the Classics, and various service activities. In regard to the latter, members of Eta Sigma Phi assisted in the Fall 2009 semester with the Campus Kitchens "Bring your turkey to work day."

Applicants must have at least one semester of Greek or Latin at 杏吧原创 with a "B" average. A high school transcript or a transcript from another college can also meet this requirement. If a student did not receive at least a "B" in their language class, then they can apply with a letter of recommendation from their professor. Anyone who takes a classics class or is currently enrolled in a language class is welcome to attend meetings even if they are not officially inducted into Eta Sigma Phi. The next initiation for Eta Sigma Phi will take place during the Spring 2018 semester.

Study Abroad Scholarships

Members of Eta Sigma Phi are eligible for study abroad scholarships. For those members who are interested in studying in Athens, Rome or S. Italy, for the purposes of Latin teaching or archaeological field training, please visit the "Scholarships " section of the Eta Sigma Phi national website.

For more information about 杏吧原创's Theta Xi chapter, its events and the qualifications for membership, please contact Dr. Dave Oosterhuis.

For further information about the history, mission and activities of Eta Sigma Phi, .

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