This chart lists all students who have completed the M.A. degree in Philosophy at ÐÓ°ÉÔ´´ since 1999. The placement information on this page is, to the best of our knowledge, complete and accurate.
Placement Summary Statistics
Data since 1999, updated March 18, 2018; some graduates belong to more than one category.
Graduate Category |
Count | Percentage |
Total M.A. Degrees awarded | 49 | 100% |
Graduates placed in Ph.D. programs | 20 | 37.8% |
Graduates who have completed Ph.D. programs | 9 | 17.8% |
Total graduates in all forms of teaching positions | 24 | 53.3% |
Graduates in tenured and tenure-track positions | 5 | 11.1% |
Graduates in adjunct teaching positions | 16 | 35.6% |
Graduates in high school / prep school positions | 3 | 6.7% |
Graduates in law practice | 2 | 4.4% |
Graduates in religious vocations or careers | 2 | 4.4% |
Graduate Degrees, Theses, and Placement Information
Below represent success for the last 10 years. Our program has many more graduates extending back to 1999.
Name (year) | Thesis / Supervisor | Post-ÐÓ°ÉÔ´´ Placement |
Annalee Ring ('18) |
Accepted in Ph.D program in Philosophy, The University of Oregon. |
Kelly Howard ('18) |
"Understanding Knowledge Through Sense and Reference: A New Perspective on the Gettier Problem." Q. Liu |
Sam Underwood ('17) |
"Language, Silence, and Anatheistic Epiphanies of the Sacred: A Hermeneutic Phenomenology of Poetry." Dan Bradley |
Accepted in Ph.D program in Philosophy Memorial University in St John’s, Newfoundland. |
Elizabeth Hill ('17) |
"Irigaray and the 'Maleness' of Reason in the PreSocratics, Plato, and Aristotle." Danielle A. Layne |
Accepted in Ph.D program in Philosophy Memorial University in St John’s, Newfoundland. |
Sister Mary Eucharista, SMMC ('17) |
"Hermeneutics and Consecrated Life: Roycean Truth and Method." Tom Jeannot |
Robert MacDonald ('16) |
Accepted into Ph.D. program in Religion, Center for Process Studies, Claremont School of Theology. |
Jarrad Felgenhauer ('16) |
"The Negation of the Negation of the Subject." Tom Jeannot |
Accepted into Ph.D. program at University of Kentucky. |
Andrew Towers ('16) |
"Dependent Co-Arising: Non-Objective Neutral Monism in Consciousness-Only Buddhism." Quanhua Liu |
Ph.D. program in comparative philosophy, State University of New York, Binghamton. |
Chase Willcuts ('16) |
"Marital Friendship, Reproduction, and Social Contract Marriage." Michael Tkacz |
Mitchell Palmquist ('15) |
"Modern Society, Abstraction, and Recovery through Marcellian Ideas on Reflection." Dan Bradley |
Applying for grad study. |
Caleb Reynolds ('15) |
"Hume, Moore, and the Dual-Process Theory of Moral Judgment" Erik Schmidt |
Ph.D. program in psychology, Florida State University. |
Melissa Thiringer ('15) |
"Defending Solidarity: A Re-Reading of Being and Nothingness in the Light of Sartre's 1964 Rome Lecture." Tom Jeannot |
Freelance writing on philosophy and technology, online tutoring for high-school and college students. |
Arren Ellingson ('15) |
"Empathetic Interaction: Understanding Empathy with Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences." Richard McClelland and Kirk Besmer |
High school counseling and tutoring, Seattle WA. |
Maja Rodell ('14) |
"Recognitional Justice for Childbearing Women and Mothers." Ellen Maccarone |
ÐÓ°ÉÔ´´ Law School; work with advocacy organizations. |
John Stewart ('14) |
"On the Attributive Nature of 'Good': Geach's Distinction Between Predicative and Attributive Adjectives." Dan Bradley |
Seeking adjunct teaching work. |
David Kovacs ('12) |
"Aquinas on Formal Objects." John Wagner |
Robert Bellarmine Postdoc at LMU Ph.D. Fordham University. |
Craig Vander Hart ('12) |
"Recovering Hegel's Method: Raya Dunayevskaya, Marxist-Humanism, and the Crisis of Praxis" Tom Jeannot |
Philosophy professor (tenure-track), Wenatchee Valley College. |
John Van Houdt ('12) |
"Contingency and Necessity: Hegel, Badiou, and the Logic of Quantitative Infinity." Tom Jeannot |
M.Phil. program in philosophy, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), Ph.D. program in philosophy, Tilburg University (the Netherlands), teaching assignments at KU Leuven. |
Ricardo Davila ('11) |
"On What we Know There Is: A Critique of Independently Existing Essences" Richard McClelland |
Adjunct teaching in philosophy, ÐÓ°ÉÔ´´; accepted in MA program at San Francisco State University; pursuing non-academic career options. |
Lukas Sauer ('11) |
"The Moral Justification of Violence in Civilly Disobedient Action" Ellen Maccarone |
Applying for adjunct teaching in philosophy. |
Brent Diebel ('11) |
"Intertheoretic Relation, Reduction, and a Defense of the Legitimacy of Mental Discourse in the Sciences." Erik Schmidt |
Adjunct teaching in philosophy, ÐÓ°ÉÔ´´; applying for philosophy Ph.D. study. |
Bruce Beerman ('11) |
"Care and Dasein: A Study of the Notion of Care in the Early Writings of Martin Heidegger" Tom Jeannot |
Adjunct teaching in philosophy, ÐÓ°ÉÔ´´. |
Daniel Wagner ('10) |
"Thomistic Critique of Occasionalism from Natural Causality, Divine Omnipotence, and the Psychology of Human Agency." Michael Tkacz |
Tenure-track position at Aquinas College, Grand Rapids, MI |
Spencer Murphy ('10) |
“Leo Strauss, the Crisis of the West, and the Theologico-Political Problem” Douglas Kries |
Adjunct instructor in philosophy, Green River Community College. |
Adriana Kowal ('10) |
"Phenomenology of ‘Le Regard’: Understanding a Merleau-Pontian Ethics Through Aesthetics." Kirk Besmer |
Adjunct teaching in philosophy, Loyola University Chicago; Ph.D. program in philosophy, Marquette University. |
Adriane Leithauser ('09) |
"Schelling’s Religious Philosophy: A Step Toward a Meaningful Postmodern World?" Tim Clancy, SJ |
Adjunct instructor, ÐÓ°ÉÔ´´ (Philosophy and School of Business). |
Elton Callahan ('09) |
"A Critique of Four Contemporary Versions of Divine Simplicity." Brian Clayton |
N/A |
David M. Huntley ('09) |
"Santayana and Dewey: Two Naturalistic Responses to the Everyday." Tom Jeannot |
Private law practice. |
Barney H. Corbin ('09) |
"A Thomistic Reply to the Reformed Objection to Natural Theology." Michael Tkacz |
Graduate coursework in theology, Liberty University. |
Lara Perry ('08) |
"The ‘Failure’ of Physics, the Mystical Experience, and the Experiential Knowledge of the Founders of Modern Physics." Quanhua Liu |
Ph.D. program in Leadership Studies, ÐÓ°ÉÔ´´ |
Anthony George ('08) |
"The Soteriology of Epictetus the Mystic: An Exposition of Stoic Religiosity and Mysticism." Richard McClelland |
Instructor, US Military Academy, West Point; Security Transition Team, Iraq. |
Molly Ayers ('08) |
"Naming the Ultimate: The Approach and Methods of St. Thomas Aquinas and Taoist Philosophers in Speaking Meaningfully About the Ultimate." John Wagner |
Assistant Director, Center for Community Action and Service Learning, ÐÓ°ÉÔ´´; adjunct instructor in philosophy, ÐÓ°ÉÔ´´. |
Graduate Admissions
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