Graduate Placement

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This chart lists all students who have completed the M.A. degree in Philosophy at ÐÓ°ÉÔ­´´ since 1999. The placement information on this page is, to the best of our knowledge, complete and accurate.

Placement Summary Statistics

Data since 1999, updated March 18, 2018; some graduates belong to more than one category.

Placement Summary Statistics
 Graduate Category
Count Percentage
Total M.A. Degrees awarded 49 100%
Graduates placed in Ph.D. programs 20 37.8%
Graduates who have completed Ph.D. programs 9 17.8%
Total graduates in all forms of teaching positions 24 53.3%
Graduates in tenured and tenure-track positions 5 11.1%
Graduates in adjunct teaching positions 16 35.6%
Graduates in high school / prep school positions 3 6.7%
Graduates in law practice 2 4.4%
Graduates in religious vocations or careers 2 4.4%

Graduate Degrees, Theses, and Placement Information

Below represent success for the last 10 years. Our program has many more graduates extending back to 1999.

Name (year) Thesis / Supervisor Post-ÐÓ°ÉÔ­´´ Placement

Annalee Ring ('18)


Accepted in Ph.D program in Philosophy, The University of Oregon.

Kelly Howard ('18)

"Understanding Knowledge Through Sense and Reference: A New Perspective on the Gettier Problem."

Q. Liu

Sam Underwood ('17)

"Language, Silence, and Anatheistic Epiphanies of the Sacred: A Hermeneutic Phenomenology of Poetry."

Dan Bradley

Accepted in Ph.D program in Philosophy Memorial University in St John’s, Newfoundland.

Elizabeth Hill ('17)

"Irigaray and the 'Maleness' of Reason in the PreSocratics, Plato, and Aristotle."

Danielle A. Layne

Accepted in Ph.D program in Philosophy Memorial University in St John’s, Newfoundland.

Sister Mary Eucharista, SMMC ('17)

"Hermeneutics and Consecrated Life: Roycean Truth and Method."

Tom Jeannot

Robert MacDonald ('16)


Accepted into Ph.D. program in Religion, Center for Process Studies, Claremont School of Theology.

Jarrad Felgenhauer ('16)

"The Negation of the Negation of the Subject."

Tom Jeannot

Accepted into Ph.D. program at University of Kentucky.

Andrew Towers ('16)

"Dependent Co-Arising: Non-Objective Neutral Monism in Consciousness-Only Buddhism."

Quanhua Liu

Ph.D. program in comparative philosophy, State University of New York, Binghamton.

Chase Willcuts ('16)

"Marital Friendship, Reproduction, and Social Contract Marriage."

Michael Tkacz

Mitchell Palmquist ('15)

"Modern Society, Abstraction, and Recovery through Marcellian Ideas on Reflection."

Dan Bradley

Applying for grad study.

Caleb Reynolds ('15)

"Hume, Moore, and the Dual-Process Theory of Moral Judgment"

Erik Schmidt

Ph.D. program in psychology, Florida State University.

Melissa Thiringer ('15)

"Defending Solidarity: A Re-Reading of Being and Nothingness in the Light of Sartre's 1964 Rome Lecture."

Tom Jeannot

Freelance writing on philosophy and technology, online tutoring for high-school and college students.

Arren Ellingson ('15)

"Empathetic Interaction: Understanding Empathy with Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences."

Richard McClelland and Kirk Besmer

High school counseling and tutoring, Seattle WA.

Maja Rodell ('14)

"Recognitional Justice for Childbearing Women and Mothers."

Ellen Maccarone

ÐÓ°ÉÔ­´´ Law School; work with advocacy organizations.

John Stewart ('14)

"On the Attributive Nature of 'Good': Geach's Distinction Between Predicative and Attributive Adjectives."

Dan Bradley

Seeking adjunct teaching work.

David Kovacs ('12)

"Aquinas on Formal Objects."

John Wagner

Robert Bellarmine Postdoc at LMU Ph.D. Fordham University.

Craig Vander Hart ('12)

"Recovering Hegel's Method: Raya Dunayevskaya, Marxist-Humanism, and the Crisis of Praxis"

Tom Jeannot

Philosophy professor (tenure-track), Wenatchee Valley College.

John Van Houdt ('12)

"Contingency and Necessity: Hegel, Badiou, and the Logic of Quantitative Infinity."

Tom Jeannot

M.Phil. program in philosophy, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), Ph.D. program in philosophy, Tilburg University (the Netherlands), teaching assignments at KU Leuven.

Ricardo Davila ('11)

"On What we Know There Is: A Critique of Independently Existing Essences"

Richard McClelland

Adjunct teaching in philosophy, ÐÓ°ÉÔ­´´; accepted in MA program at San Francisco State University; pursuing non-academic career options.

Lukas Sauer ('11)

"The Moral Justification of Violence in Civilly Disobedient Action"

Ellen Maccarone

Applying for adjunct teaching in philosophy.

Brent Diebel ('11)

"Intertheoretic Relation, Reduction, and a Defense of the Legitimacy of Mental Discourse in the Sciences."

Erik Schmidt

Adjunct teaching in philosophy, ÐÓ°ÉÔ­´´; applying for philosophy Ph.D. study.

Bruce Beerman ('11)

"Care and Dasein: A Study of the Notion of Care in the Early Writings of Martin Heidegger"

Tom Jeannot

Adjunct teaching in philosophy, ÐÓ°ÉÔ­´´.

Daniel Wagner ('10)

"Thomistic Critique of Occasionalism from Natural Causality, Divine Omnipotence, and the Psychology of Human Agency."

Michael Tkacz

Tenure-track position at Aquinas College, Grand Rapids, MI

Spencer Murphy ('10)

“Leo Strauss, the Crisis of the West, and the Theologico-Political Problem”

Douglas Kries

Adjunct instructor in philosophy, Green River Community College.

Adriana Kowal ('10)

"Phenomenology of ‘Le Regard’: Understanding a Merleau-Pontian Ethics Through Aesthetics."

Kirk Besmer

Adjunct teaching in philosophy, Loyola University Chicago; Ph.D. program in philosophy, Marquette University.

Adriane Leithauser ('09)

"Schelling’s Religious Philosophy: A Step Toward a Meaningful Postmodern World?"

Tim Clancy, SJ

Adjunct instructor, ÐÓ°ÉÔ­´´ (Philosophy and School of Business).

Elton Callahan ('09)

"A Critique of Four Contemporary Versions of Divine Simplicity."

Brian Clayton


David M. Huntley ('09)

"Santayana and Dewey: Two Naturalistic Responses to the Everyday."

Tom Jeannot

Private law practice.

Barney H. Corbin ('09)

"A Thomistic Reply to the Reformed Objection to Natural Theology."

Michael Tkacz

Graduate coursework in theology, Liberty University.

Lara Perry ('08)

"The ‘Failure’ of Physics, the Mystical Experience, and the Experiential Knowledge of the Founders of Modern Physics."

Quanhua Liu

Ph.D. program in Leadership Studies, ÐÓ°ÉÔ­´´

Anthony George ('08)
(Major, US Army)

"The Soteriology of Epictetus the Mystic: An Exposition of Stoic Religiosity and Mysticism."

Richard McClelland

Instructor, US Military Academy, West Point; Security Transition Team, Iraq.

Molly Ayers ('08)

"Naming the Ultimate: The Approach and Methods of St. Thomas Aquinas and Taoist Philosophers in Speaking Meaningfully About the Ultimate."

John Wagner

Assistant Director, Center for Community Action and Service Learning, ÐÓ°ÉÔ­´´; adjunct instructor in philosophy, ÐÓ°ÉÔ­´´.



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