Janel Anderson, Ph.D.
- Assistant Professor, Educational Leadership and Administration
- (509) 313-6559
- andersonj5@gonzaga.edu
Andrea Bertotti Metoyer, Ph.D.
- Professor of Sociology & Criminology, Director of Solidarity & Social Justice and Director of Health Equity, Clinical Instructor-UW School of Medicine
- bertottimetoyer@gonzaga.edu
Laura Brunell, Ph.D.
- Professor of Political Science
- (509) 313-6929
- brunell@gonzaga.edu
Angela Bruns, Ph.D.
- Associate Professor of Sociology & Criminology
- (509) 313-5689
- brunsa@gonzaga.edu
Ann M. Ciasullo, Ph.D.
- Core Director, Professor of English and Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies
- (509) 313-5955
- ciasullo@gonzaga.edu
Carolyn M. Cunningham, Ph.D.
- Professor and Chair, Communication & Leadership Studies
- (509) 313-3819
- cunninghamc@gonzaga.edu
Avery Dame-Griff, Ph.D.
- Lecturer, Department of Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies
- (509) 313-6712
- dame-griffa@gonzaga.edu
Sara P. Díaz, Ph.D.
- Associate Professor & Department Co-Chair of Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies
- (509) 313-5779
- diazs@gonzaga.edu
Jeremiah Favara, Ph.D.
- Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Studies
- (509) 313-3923
- favara@gonzaga.edu
Rabbi Elizabeth Goldstein, Ph.D.
- Associate Professor of Religious Studies; Jewish Chaplain, Office of Mission and Ministry
- (509) 313-6788
- goldstein@gonzaga.edu
Itohan Idumwonyi, Ph.D.
- Assistant Professor of Religious Studies
- (509) 313-6798
- idumwonyi@gonzaga.edu
Maria J. Kulp, Ph.D.
- Associate Professor of Philosophy
- (509) 313-4724
- kulp@gonzaga.edu
Danielle A. Layne, Ph.D.
- Professor of Philosophy, Director of Philosophy Graduate Program
- layne@gonzaga.edu
Rebecca E. Marquis, Ph.D.
- Professor - Spanish; Modern Languages and Literature
- (509) 313-5583
- marquis@gonzaga.edu
Jessica Maucione, Ph.D.
- Professor of English and Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies
- (509) 313-3624
- maucionej@gonzaga.edu
Megan K. McCabe, Ph.D.
- Associate Professor of Religious Studies
- (509) 313-6776
- mccabem@gonzaga.edu
Shalon Parker, Ph.D.
- Professor of Art, Department Chair of Critical Race & Ethnic Studies
- (509) 313-6718
- parker@gonzaga.edu
Amy Pistone, Ph.D.
- Associate Professor and Department Chair Elect of Classical Civilizations
- (509) 313-6683
- pistone@gonzaga.edu
Sarah F. Porter, Ph.D.
- Assistant Professor, Department of Religious Studies
- (509) 313-6778
- porters@gonzaga.edu
Noralis Rodriguez-Coss, Ph.D.
- Associate Professor and Department Co-Chair of Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies
- (509) 313-5927
- rodriguez-coss@gonzaga.edu
Cynthia Stavrianos, Ph.D.
- Professor of Political Science
- (509) 313-6585
- stavrianos@gonzaga.edu
Linda Breton Tredennick, Ph.D.
- Professor of English, Director of Honors
- (509) 313-6790
- tredennick@gonzaga.edu
Rose Mary Volbrecht, Ph.D.
- Professor of Philosophy, Emeritus
- volbrecht@gonzaga.edu