Norasakkunkit, V., Champagne, B., Prietto, K., Armour, J., Ball, C., Bigoni, H., & Cutuli, A. (2022). Precarious Lives Predict Culturally Deviant Psychologies: Extending the Psychology of Marginalization From Japan to the US. Japanese Psychological Research, 64(2), 127-140. (Awarded Outstanding Manuscript Award by the Japanese Psychological Association in 2023)
Matsuo, M., Brown, C., Norasakkunkit, V., & Karasawa, M. (2020). How can I become a member of my culture? Shared representations of community-related moral violations in Japan and the U.S. Culture and Brain.
Liu, I-TH-C., Uchida, Y. & Norasakkunkit, V. (2019) Socio-Economic Marginalization and Compliance Motivation Among Students and Freeters in Japan. Front. Psychol. 10:312. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00312
Lassiter, C., Norasakkunkit, V., Shuman, B., & Toivonen, T. (2018) Diversity and Resistance to Change: Macro Conditions for Marginalization in Post-industrial Societies. Front. Psychol. 9:812. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00812
Kirchner, A., Boiger, M., Uchida, Y., Norasakkunkit, V., Verduryn, P., & Mesquita, B. (2018). Humiliated fury is not universal: The co-occurrence of anger and shame in the U.S. and Japan. Cognition and Emotion, 32, 1317-1328.
Boiger, M., Ceulemans, E., Uchida, Y., Norasakkunkit, V., Mequita, B. (2018). Beyond essentialism: Cultural differences in emotions revisited. Emotion, 18, 1142-1162.
Norasakkunkit, V., Uchida, Y., & Takemura, K. (2017) Evaluating Distal and Proximal Explanations for Withdrawal: A Rejoinder to Varnum and Kwon’s “The Ecology of Withdrawal”. Front. Psychol. 8:2085. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.02085
Kirchner, A., Boiger, M., Uchida, Y., Norasakkunkit, V., Verduryn, P., & Mesquita, B. (2018). Humiliated fury is not universal: The co-occurrence of anger and shame in the U.S. and Japan. Cognition and Emotion.
Boiger, M., Ceulemans, E., Uchida, Y., Norasakkunkit, V., Mequita, B. (2018). Beyond essentialism: Cultural differences in emotions revisited. Emotion.
Park, J., Norasakkunkit, V., & Kashima, Y. (2017). Cross-Cultural Comparison of Self-Construal and Well-Being between Japan and South Korea: The Role of Self-Focused and Other-Focused Relational Selves. Front. Psychol. 8:1516. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01516
Boiger, M., Uchida, Y., Norasakkunkit, V., & Mesquita, B. (2016). Protecting autonomy, protecting relatedness: Appraisal patterns of daily anger and shame in the United States and Japan. Japanese Psychological Research, 58, 28-41.
Norasakkunkit, V. (2016). Demotivated to align self with cultural norms. Psychological consequences of youth marginalization. Paper Presentation for the Symposium on Re-Negotiating Adulthood: Changing Ideals and Identities of Young Japanese. 75th Association of Asian Studies Conference. Seattle, WA.
Park, J., Haslam, N., Kashima, Y., & Norasakkunkit, V. (2015). Empathy, culture and self鈥恏umanising: Empathising reduces the attribution of greater humanness to the self more in Japan than Australia. International Journal Of Psychology, doi:10.1002/ijop.12164
Uchida, Y., & Norasakkunkit, V. (2015). The NEET and Hikikomori spectrum: Assessing the risks and consequences of becoming culturally marginalized. Front. Psychol. 6:1117. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01117
Norasakkunkit, V., & Uchida, Y. (2014). To conform or to maintain self-consistency? Hikikomori risk in Japan and the deviation from seeking harmony. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 33, 919-937.
Sato, K., Yuki, M., & Norasakkunkit, V. (2014) A Socio-Ecological Approach to Cross-Cultural Differences in the Sensitivity to Social Rejection: The Partially Mediating Role of Relational Mobility. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 10, 1549-1560.
Norasakkunkit, V., & Gulati, N. (2014). Japan. In A. Scull (Ed.), Cultural sociology of mental illness: An A-to-Z guide. (Vol. 10, pp. 433-435). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. doi:
Deguchi, M. & Norasakkunkit, V. (2014). Book Review: An Overlooked Consequence of Globalization: Exporting American Notions of Mental Illness and Mental Health. Journal of American and Canadian Studies, 31, 87-99.
Uchida, Y., & Norasakkunkit, V. (2014). Asian Versus Western Views In: Michalos AC (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, pp. 248-253.
Oishi,S., Kesebir, S., Felicity, M. F., Endo, Y., Uchida, Y., Shibanai, Y., & Norasakkunkit, V. (2013). Residential mobility increases motivation to expand social network: But why? Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49, 217-223.
Uchida, Y., Norasakkunkit, V., & Kitayama, S. (2013). Cultural Constructions of Happiness: Theory and Empirical Evidence. In Delle Fave, A. (Ed). The Exploration of Happiness: Present and Future Perspectives (Happiness Studies Book Series), 269-280. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London: Springer.
Norasakkunkit, V. (2013). A social psychological paradigm of NEET / Hikikomori. In T. Kawai, & Y. Uchida (Eds.). Hikikomori-ko. Kyoto: Sogensha. (In Japanese).
Norasakkunkit, V., Kitayama, S., & Uchida, Y. (2012). Social anxiety and holistic cognition: Self-focused social anxiety in the U.S. and other-focused social anxiety in Japan. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 43(5), 742-757.
Norasakkunkit, V., & Uchida, Y., (2012). Marginalized Japanese youth in post-industrial Japan: Motivational patterns, self-perceptions, and the structural foundations of shifting values. In Trommsdorff, G., & Chen, X. (Eds). Values, Religion, and Culture in Adolescent Development, pp. 211-234. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Norasakkunkit, V., Uchida, Y., & Toivonen, T. (2012). Caught between culture, society, and globalization: Youth marginalization in post-industrial Japan. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 6/5, 361-378.
Norasakkunkit, V., & Uchida, Y. (2011). Psychological consequences of post-industrial anomie on self and motivation among Japanese youth. Journal of Social Issues, 67(4), 774-786.(Special issue on Psychology of Globalization).
Toivonen, T., Norasakkunkit, V., & Uchida, Y. (2011). Unable to Conform, Unwilling to Rebel? Youth, Culture and Motivation in Globalizing Japan. Frontiers in Cultural Psychology.
Norasakkunkit, V. (2010). NEET/hikikomori ni tsuite no shakaishinrigakuteki kousatsu: Geiin to taishou houryaku ni tsuite (A social psychological study on NEET/hikikomori: Causes and intervention strategies). Kokoro No Mirai, 4, 68-69.
--Toivonen, T., Norasakkunkit, V., Cassegard, C., Zielenziger, M., & Uchida, Y. (2010). Workshop: Nihon no wakamono no mondai ni tsuite no shinrigaku/shakaigakuteki kousatsu: Nihon ni okeru gaikokujin kenkyousha kara no Shiten (Workshop: Psychological and Sociological studies on Japan’s youth problems: A perspective from foreign researchers in Japan). Kokoro no Mirai, 5, 40-47.
--Toivonen, T., Norasakkunkit, V., & Uchida, Y. (2010). The social psychology of changing motivational processes: ‘Hot’ institutions vs. ‘cool’ youth in globalizing Japan. Proceedings for The Future of Work for Young Adults: A Workshop on Youth, Early Careers and Motivation. Green Templeton College: University of Oxford.
--Norasakkunkit, V., & Kalick, M.S. (2009). Experimentally detecting how cultural differences in social anxiety measures misrepresent cultural differences in emotional well-being, Journal of Happiness Studies, 10(3), 313-327.
--Lee, Y-T., Norasakkunkit, V., Liu, Li, Zhang, J, & M. Zhou (2008). Taoist altruism and wateristic personality: East and West. In Vakoch, D. (Ed)’s World Cultures eJournal, 16 (2), Article 2.
--Uchida, Y., Norasakkunkit, V., & Kitayama, S. (2004). Cultural constructions of happiness: Theory and empirical evidence. Journal of Happiness Studies, 5, 223-239.
--Penney, S., Norasakkunkit, V., Leigh, J. (2002). New leaders for a new century. Building Leadership Bridges, 48-59.
--Norasakkunkit, V., & Kalick, S.M. (2002). Culture, ethnicity, and emotional distress measures: The role of self-construal and self-enhancement. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 33 (1), 56-70.
--Kitayama, S., Markus, H.R., Matsumoto, H., & Norasakkunkit, V. (1997). Individual and collective processes in the construction of self: Self-enhancement in the United States and self-criticism in Japan. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 72 (6), 1245-1267. (Note: This paper has been identified by Susan Fiske (2003, Psychological Inquiry, 3&4, 196-202) as a modern classic in social psychology.)