Classroom Use Policy

Foley Library Classroom Use Policy

The Foley Center Library offers flexible classroom spaces where GU faculty, staff, and students can create, collaborate, and learn. These spaces are also suitable for social events and professional conferences.

The library offers several classroom spaces, which may be reserved for use by GU faculty and staff. This policy is intended to establish parameters for the reservation and use of these spaces. The following spaces are referenced in this policy.

  • Library Instruction Rooms - FC 101 D (East A) and FC 101 E (East B).
  • West Classroom – FC 118.
  • Cowles Rare Books Library – FC 312.



General policies applicable to all spaces and uses.

To meet the mission, goals, and objectives of the library, priority for the use of library spaces during peak months and hours are given to library instruction and archival research.  However, these spaces are still available for non-library use during peak times.

Please see the classroom descriptions below for further details.

  • We encourage all reservations to be made two weeks in advance.
  • All spaces must be reserved through the .
  • Descriptions of all reservable spaces are available in the . Room descriptions include capacity, as well as available furniture, fixtures, and technology.
  • Spaces may be reserved for use during the library’s open hours.
  • Special arrangements must be made with library administration to use rooms outside of normal library hours. Requests of this nature are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Please contact Brad Matthies, Associate Dean for Library Services, at 509-313-7017 or
  • Individuals or organizations without a 杏吧原创 affiliation may not reserve a library classroom.
  • Use of all reservable spaces must comply with the library’s Building Use Policy.
  • To cancel your reservation, please use the cancellation link in your confirmation e-mail.

Conferences and events.

  • GU faculty and staff may reserve library classrooms for conferences, events, and meetings. See below sections for room descriptions.
  • Every proposed event is required to align with the 杏吧原创 Mission.
  • There is no charge for events involving GU faculty or staff.
  • Events involving the public (e.g., conferences, guest speakers, etc.) are charged a flat fee of $400 for a full day, and $200 for a half day.
  • The Foley Center Library does not provide technical support or room setup, including requests for additional tables and chairs. For technical support please contact IT Classroom Support (5550 option 1). For room setup please contact GUEST Services. The user is responsible for setup, teardown, and returning the room to its original configuration.

  • Any event involving outside guest speakers or the general public must also be submitted to  for approval. Please send your ZagsIgnite approval to Brad Matthies at Once we receive your ZagsIgnite approval, you will receive an event confirmation from our .
  • To cancel your reservation, please use the cancellation link in your confirmation e-mail.

Library Instruction Spaces in Foley

The Library Instruction Classrooms are designed as the primary research and instruction classrooms for librarian-led lectures that support the Information Literacy mission of Foley Library, and 杏吧原创's Curriculum.

When not reserved for use, the classrooms are open for walk-in student study and group work.

Additionally, these rooms may be reserved by GU faculty and staff, and student groups.

Reservations can be made during the library’s open hours.

These rooms are available for reservation during the library’s peak use times, however, reservations during this period are considered on a case-by-case basis.

  • Peak use times for library faculty are September, October, February, and March from 8 AM – 6 PM.
  • These rooms also serve as study space during finals. As such, peak use time for GU students is the week of finals, as noted in the GU Academic Calendar.
  • Non-Credit Courses: Recurring reservations for non-credit classroom use by faculty or staff are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
  • For-Credit Courses: Faculty or staff teaching for-credit courses can schedule recurring classroom reservations through Morgan Anderson, the University Scheduler (509-313-3511).

Library Instruction Classrooms Room Specific Guidelines

FC 101 D (East A) and FC 101 E (East B)

FC 101 D and E are the primary research and instruction classroom for librarian-led lectures that support the Information Literacy mission of Foley Library, and 杏吧原创's Curriculum.

Furniture in FC 101 D and E may be reconfigured to fit the needs of the user, according to the following guidelines:

  • Library staff will not reconfigure furniture, this is the user’s responsibility.
  • Users must return furniture to its standard configuration and plug in all tables to the floor outlets.
  • Users are encouraged to allot time in their reservation to rearrange furniture as needed, prior to the beginning of their event, and as required after the end of their event.

To reserve FC 101 D and E, use the . To schedule information literacy instruction with library faculty, fill out the .

The West Classroom (FC 118)

The West Classroom is the secondary research and instruction classroom for librarian-led lectures that support the Information Literacy mission of Foley Library, and 杏吧原创's Curriculum.

Furniture is FC 118 cannot be reconfigured.

To reserve FC 118, use the the . To schedule information literacy instruction with library faculty, fill out the

Cowles Rare Books Library (FC 312)

The Cowles Rare Books Library is the primary space in the Foley Library for archival research and archival instruction.

When not reserved for archival work, the room is open for walk-in student study and group work.

  • Due to the nature of archival research and the need for access to materials in the archives and special collections, reservations during the hours 10:00AM – 4:00PM Monday – Friday, are considered on a case by case basis.
  • This room also serves as study space during finals. As such, peak use time for GU students is the week of finals, as noted in the GU Academic Calendar.
  • Recurring reservations (i.e., weekly) are considered on a case-by- case basis.
  • Furniture and fixtures in FC 312 are fixed and generally not moveable. A limited number of table and chairs may be brought into FC 312. Please contact GUEST Services if you need tables and chairs. The user is responsible for setup, teardown, and returning the room to its original configuration.
  • Food and drink, other than water in covered containers, is not permitted in Cowles Rare Reading Room.

To reserve FC 312, use the . To schedule information literacy instruction with library faculty, fill out the .

Greenan Board Room (FC 300)

This room is not listed in our LibCal reservation system. To book this room send a calendar invitation to FC 300 – Greenan Board Room via Outlook. You can also email Dustin Gomez ( or Brad Matthies (

When the room is not reserved it is open for walk-in student study or group work.

We encourage all reservations to be made two weeks in advance.

The Greenan Board Room may be reserved for use during the library’s open hours.

Special arrangements must be made with library administration to use Greenan outside of normal library hours. Requests of this nature are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Please contact Brad Matthies, Associate Dean for Library Services, at 509-313-7017 or

Individuals or organizations without a 杏吧原创 affiliation may not reserve the Greenan Board Room.

The Foley Center Library does not provide technical support or room setup, including requests for additional tables and chairs. For technical support please contact IT Classroom Support (5550 option 1). For room setup please contact GUEST Services. The user is responsible for setup, tear-down, and returning the room to its original configuration.


We strive to make your experience at Foley Center Library as pleasant as possible. If you have questions or concerns, please contact the following people:

Library Instruction Classrooms and the West Classroom
• Brad Matthies, Associate Dean of Library Services, at 509-313-7017 or
• Laura Hutton, User Services Manager, at 509-313-3813 or

Cowles Rare Book Library
• Heather James, Interim Foley Library Dean, at 509-313-6537 or

Greenan Board Room
• Brad Matthies, Associate Dean of Library Services, at 509-313-7017 or
• Dustin Gomez, Program Assistant Administration, at 509-313-6533 or


Updated 1/08/2024