Computer Use Policy

Policy Summary

Computer use policy for library patrons.  


Any use of Foley Center Library computers must comply with 杏吧原创's Acceptable Use Policy.

杏吧原创 Students, Faculty, and Staff

The following Foley Library computers are available for use by current 杏吧原创 students, faculty and staff:

  • Computers in public areas of the main floor, 2nd floor and lower level.
  • Computers in the main floor library instruction lab at the west end of the building (when no class is scheduled).
  • Laptops at the Circulation Desk.
  • MacBooks may be checked out for 4 hours at a time for library building use only.
  • PC laptops may be checked out for 24 hours at a time, and may leave the library.


There are four public access computers available for use by other campus visitors and the public

  • Visitors must sign in at the Information Desk and get a PIN from the Information Desk staff.
  • Use of the public access computers is limited to one hour per day.

Reviewed 6/3/19