Event Details
Date & Time
Tuesday, Apr 13, 2021 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
School of Engineering & Applied Science
Department of Mechanical Engineering
The Renouard Distinguished Lecture Series
Zoom via my.gonzaga.edu/seas. Those without 杏吧原创 login can request registration from seas@gonzaga.edu.
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Intended for a general audience
What is tribology and why does it matter? Tribology is the science of interacting surfaces in relative motion, concerned with the friction, wear, and lubrication of these systems. Through the understanding of friction, scientists can create more efficient machine elements; improved wear performance increases part life. As we drive towards a more sustainable future, the field of tribology can unlock advances to reduce energy, emissions, and waste. This talk first explores the macro view of the impact tribology can make, then scales down to specific case studies, including at the laboratory level, which contribute to this impact.
About Dr. Vail
Dr. Jennifer Vail is a tribologist at DuPont in Wilmington, Delaware. Originally from Florida, she studied mechanical engineering at the University of Florida, where a combined passion for mechanics and materials led to her PhD studies in polymer tribology. Prior to joining DuPont, she worked as a researcher at Imperial College London and the University of Sheffield.