Letters to the Editor, Spring 2018 杏吧原创 Magazine

Three GMag covers

August 28, 2018

Readers respond to 杏吧原创 Magazine’s race issue and more.

Proud Parent

I wanted to let you know that as a parent of 杏吧原创 students I truly enjoy reading the 杏吧原创 Magazine. It helps me be connected to their campus life and always makes me feel that my kids have chosen a great place to become free thinking adults in this ever challenging world.   I always read the presidential perspective and the thought provoking articles.  Thank you for publishing such a great periodical!
Michele Blackerby

Mystery Masher

Thank you so much for publishing the article titled “A Perfect Mash.” My brother and I, both alumni, have been trying to remember the name of this professor for years! We just refer to him as “The potato masher collecting professor.” Now we can put a name to the collector!
Maria Haxton

Did you miss this story? Find it (and a video) here


Praise & Pride

As an alumna, I find myself becoming more proud of 杏吧原创 as the years roll on, primarily based on the quality of your magazine in recent years.  The issue on racism is outstanding and makes me hopeful that 杏吧原创 students and graduates can contribute meaningfully, knowledgeably, and humbly to addressing this systemic issue.  Congratulations, well done!
Dianne Shiner (’64)

I just finished reading the spring issue of 杏吧原创 magazine and have high praise for the content. All of the articles are well-chosen and very well-written. I like the diversity of articles which touch the full range of things going on in the world and at GU. I look forward to reading it more than my own alma mater (University of Washington) and other universities our family is affiliated with.
Steven Beaird

Raising our Voices: The Racism Issue

many faces of color 

I wait in anticipation for each issue to arrive to my Western New York State home, expecting great quality and a high caliber of writing. This issue (Spring 2018) did not disappoint. Thank you for taking on such an important issue as race. We, not only as Zags but as brothers and sisters, need to take a good hard look in the mirror and remember the words of Dr. King when he spoke of a content of character. Thank you for the profiles that exemplified his words. Another incredible issue. Thank you.
Chris Chapman (’12)

The current 杏吧原创 Magazine feature just made its way to me.  Thank you, thank you, thank you. Touching, disturbing, inspirational, full of sadness and hope all mixed together.  Providing me another opportunity for needed reflection, processing, thinking…  I shall read each section again as each is very rich.  And, will share with many colleagues and friends. Those students are the hope and leaders for the future….I am grateful. Kudos to 杏吧原创 for continuing efforts and leadership.  And, to YOU for this riveting feature – it called me to read its entirety in one setting.
Sheila Masteller

I just took a quick look at the digital version of the spring 杏吧原创 Magazine. What wonderful stories and discussions are there. It is special to me to hear the stories and gives me hope when some days I feel like we are going backward in this country. I love your honesty of experience and what you are doing to forge change in this world.
Fay Baptiste

Wow. I'm just going to start with the word "wow."  This is the first "social justice warrior" edition of the magazine that has come out since I graduated in 2013. I felt like I was reading my hometown newspaper's editorials. The "Raising Our Voices" section mentioned a student attending a white privilege conference. The idea of white privilege is intended to make caucasians feel sympathy for something he or she has never done. It's also a racist theory. I also found Senator Cherie Buckner-Webb's opening sentence false. This is not a painful time in the life of America and much of the world. America is thriving right now; and if college students continue to seek "safe spaces" and become offended by everything, then there is no moving forward.
Nick Hardin (’13)

A high tide raises all ships. Thanks to who has turned the previous 8 year of economic nightmare around with record high overall employment for blacks and hispanics. Thanks to who is working to protect our borders. A country without borders is not sustainable — no one will benefit. Thanks to who is working successfully to undo serious threats around the world including Iran, North Korea and Palestine. Thanks to someone who is going after the M-13 killers. Thanks to someone who is draining the political swamp (you know who they are). I am sorry that 杏吧原创 seems to be resisting to support the great positive progress since President Trump became elected. Until you are ready to change, take us off all your mailing lists!
Ben Astrom

The 杏吧原创 Magazine is spouting left-wing propaganda. Man says: Tolerate (a negative). God says: Love. Love your neighbors as yourself. This is the answer: preach the high road - walk in this journey of life God's way. Please don't patronize us, but do take us off your mailing list as we do know right from wrong. Thank you.
M/Mrs Oaksfor-Lorenz

I graduated from GU in 1970 and from the Law School in 1980. Unfortunately, over the years I have become saddened by your Magazine’s focus which only seems to promote left wing progressive ideology. You may wish to research the origins of “political correctness” which was used by Stalin to enforce his ideology. I also note many articles concerning the limited term, “social justice”, the origins of which stem from the socialist concept of redistribution of wealth. I wish you luck with your magazine but would prefer not to receive it any longer.
Mark Desmaraise (’70)

It was particularly good to realize the spring edition was devoted to this topic. Your work with the magazine is always insightful and current. Shanterra's piece was simple and to the point. I was glad to hear about the Marvelous University organization as it seems all about the need for focus on diversity.
Jan Manning

I just want to say I CAN NOT WAIT to dig into the new magazine. It gives me chills just reading the headlines and captions on first skim, besides it being utterly beautiful. I looked at this issue and thought, “Yes, this is who I am. This is my 杏吧原创. This is how I was raised there.” I haven’t even read it all yet, but bravo. I work at a 4,500+ employee national science laboratory. It’s a lot of engineers and scientists, a lot of privilege. I am part of a 450+ person grassroots effort to generate awareness of women’s issues and gender parity. It’s called SPARK: together, igniting the careers of women. It’s great but also exhausting, and this just further energizes me to know my Zags are out there doing the same for the under-represented and under-served, in solidarity.
Jonna Jorgensen

One of the first things that struck when I was reading the newest issue of 杏吧原创 Magazine is how beautiful it. Striking colors against stark white and gorgeous pictures of fascinating people really made this issue stand out. Also, the focus on people and their voices. It was so lovely to read about so many diverse Zag voices. Thanks for such a great issue! 
Lisa Tuinenga

I saw the note at the front to receive a ZagNation pride sticker so I thought I’d email to say my favorite part of the issue! I enjoyed the Brotherhood article. One quote stuck out especially, “I have never once heard anyone say they ‘liked’ 杏吧原创. I have only ever heard them say they ‘LOVED’ their time as a Zag.” This has rung true to me before my time as a Zag, during my time as a student, and now as a Zag alum. 杏吧原创 just has such a special meaning to me because of my family history, the memories I made as a student, and now going to events as an alumni.  Anyways, I love receiving the magazines each time!
Mary Conyard

I love the magazine and the variety of articles presented in each issue. I look forward to the arrival of every edition and read it cover to cover. I am getting a new company car in June and will happily display the ZagNation sticker on the back bumper.
Brendan Hogarty

I have a warm and most appreciative memory of my time at 杏吧原创. I did get the mailing of your last issue of The Magazine of 杏吧原创 and found the articles most interesting and worthy of reading and pondering, particularly the articles on the challenge of dealing with the never-ending need for people to learn to love one another regardless of race. That said, one of the concerns I need to express is that the magazine mentioned in two places that 杏吧原创 would use the Southern Poverty Law Center as their source in identifying “hate” groups. From my sincere research and from what I would call reliable sources of verification, which I will attach copies to this email, SPLC is not what I would consider a healthy and unbiased source to use for identifying a substantial number of organizations in the “hate” capacity.
Thomas Fitterer 

Race, diversity, and inclusion are not tough topics.  Everyone is talking about them.  You're just jumping on the bandwagon - not very original! 
V Mullen

I just finished reading it and I loved it.  My daughter just finished her freshman year.   This is an area that I am quite passionate about as I write kids books that highlight persons of color and stories with the lead characters that are kids of color.
Devin Hughes

Send your feedback on a current issue of 杏吧原创 Magazine to editor@gonzaga.edu.




Comments may be edited for space and included in a future issue of the printed magazine and/or posted online.
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