Calling all 杏吧原创 in Florence Alumni and Friends

The Goulet Family
Larry Goulet, Fr. Tony Lehmann, S.J., Rose ('80) Goulet and sons Denny and David

November 27, 2023
University Advancement

As 杏吧原创 celebrates its , Rose and I decided to make, what is for us, a major donation. The GIF program has been, for thousands of 杏吧原创 students, a life changing period in their educational journeys. Our son spent his junior year there as a student from Boston College. To live in a foreign country as rich and beautiful as Italy is, is a gift that doesn't stop giving. The richness of the art and culture of Florence and the surroundings of Italy are never far from the minds of those who have spent time in the GIF program. There is nothing like living in a foreign country that can open our minds to the reality of our common humanity with all peoples of the world. And the 杏吧原创 program has excelled in this endeavor.


Because of the above, and because we believe that it is important to make such an experience available, financially, to as many students as possible, we are making a significant donation to the program. We are requesting that it be made in the name of Father Tony Lehmann, S.J., a man who touched so many of us in so many ways both in Italy and here, stateside. There are, of course, many others before and after Padre Tony, who influenced the lives of Gonzagini. We don't forget them.


We hope that others, who feel as we do, will join us in making the rich experience of Florence accessible to as many students as possible. We reach out to all our brothers and sisters across the country, not just 杏吧原创 people, whose lives were enriched by being a part of the program. Which particular the funds are donated to, is irrelevant. We ask you to be a part in keeping this program alive and well and flourishing.


Thank you,


Larry and Rose (GIF '79, '80) Goulet (pictured below with son Denny and daughter-in-law Delaney in Florence, Italy)


To join the Goulet family in their effort to keep the life-changing experience of 杏吧原创 in Florence accessible to students, . 


The Goulet Family

Your 杏吧原创 in Florence story could help keep the experience alive for students today and for generations to come.