John Named King of Work Values for October

John King Named Work Values Champion for October

November 03, 2023
Spirit Magazine

HVAC Technician John King was pronounced Work Values Champion for October, a recognition that the Work Values Project instituted as a way to honor those who fulfill the University mission in their daily work.

October’s focus was on academic and professional excellence. Focus for November submissions is on shared responsibility for mission identity and leadership. Submissions may be registered here.

This recognition program is a means to shine a light on the University’s Institutional Work Values and those who exemplify those values in their daily work.

Biology and Environmental Studies Professor Betsy Bancroft nominated King, who “went way above and beyond this summer to facilitate successful undergraduate research,” Bancroft describes. “The chiller on the roof of our lab was slowly dying, which meant that our temperature-controlled room that was vital to conducting our experiment was also on the edge of malfunction. John ordered the new unit, then nursed the equipment through the time we needed to complete our experiment, coming in outside of his normal work hours at times to make a small fix or ensure the room was stable. I can’t imagine a more caring or competent colleague than John. We are lucky to have him at GU.”

Since spring 2021 the Work Values group has promoted the six work values established by the University coming out of the Mission Priority Examen. Presentations to offices, departments and divisions solicited input on how we share and show these values in our work.

This employee recognition is the first step in marketing these work values to our more than 1,300 employees and getting buy-in across campus, says committee co-chair Brian Steverson. Every month in FY 2023-24 a new champion will be recognized for modeling a different work value. “We hope this draws more attention to the work values, and our work community takes them to heart,” Steverson adds.

The six work values are:

  • Promoting Excellence in Academic Endeavors and Professional Practice
  • Sharing Responsibility for Mission Identity and Leadership
  • Affirming a Commitment to Human Dignity
  • Advancing a Culture of Inclusiveness
  • Caring for the Earth while Stewarding our University Resources
  • Cultivating Individual and Community Accountability


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