杏吧原创 in Berlin: Hamburg's Planten un Blomen


May 26, 2023
Ethan Bao (Computer Science)

It’s the weekend, so I decided to take a weekend trip to Hamburg! The main attraction of the day was Hamburg’s very well-known botanical garden/park, Planten un Blomen. The weather was perfect for a nice stroll through the park, and thankfully, there were not too many people in the morning. Upon my first few steps into the park, I could immediately understand why the park was well-known. Colorful flowers covered all the different winding pathways. Birds were chirping in harmony as the sound of flowing water filled the air. There was an immense air of peace, calmness, and beauty in this park. I enjoy taking photos, so this place was like heaven.

I slowly strolled through the park, stopping every few steps to snap a few pictures. Everything was gorgeous, and all the different pathways gave access to seeing the entire park at multiple angles. After walking around for about an hour and a half, I opened my map to then find out I only saw half of the park. I was quite elated that this visit would be extended even longer. The other half of the park has a lot more open space. It is more catered to hanging out, picnicking, and other group activities, and it is just as beautiful as its other half. It even included a Japanese garden.

My time at this park was amazing to say the least. Most of my day was spent walking around the park, taking pictures, and just relaxing on a bench. As more people ventured through the park, it got more lively, but there was still a sense of calmness and silence throughout the entire park. I will likely return here more throughout my weekend in Hamburg.


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