ÐÓ°ÉÔ´´ Dance in Florence
Jazzin’ - a Rooted History of Jazz Dance and Music was developed by 19 students and Suzanne over the Spring Semester. Partnering with the Music Department, 2 of the students were musicians that played live music for the performance tour. Studying abroad in Florence is a transformative learning experience, and also having the opportunity to perform in various settings and learn from Italian Dance Professionals is a dream come true for our students.
In addition to learning renaissance dance from a local scholar, and working with a professional from Florence Dance Center, the students performed the following tour:
- May 23 Jazzin’ - ÐÓ°ÉÔ´´ in Florence Courtyard in collaboration with ÐÓ°ÉÔ´´ Choir
- May 30 Jazzin’ - Marble Hall, Florence
- June 9 Jazzin’ - Two performance at Vicchio Theatre, in a village outside of Florence
- June 21 Renaissance Dance – Certosa Monastery for start of Conference on Medieval Italian history from the Cloister
- June 23 Angelo Egarese work – Florence Dance Festival at Santa Maria Novella
- June 25 Jazzin’ - Florence Dance Festival at Santa Maria Novella
The final weeks of the semester, ÐÓ°ÉÔ´´ Dance Alumni Joined us for the performances and an opportunity to experience Florence.