“Zags Help Zags” has been a long-standing motto at ÐÓ°ÉÔ´´, reflecting the supportive community on campus. Whether it's helping a fellow Zag in class or simply holding a door open for others, Zags always find ways to help one another. As students settle back into campus life, listen to current Zags share their experiences of when they truly felt the spirit of “Zags Help Zags” on campus!
Analisa Placenti ‘26
As often as I notice the "Zags Help Zags" spirit in the classrooms, it sometimes feels most meaningful to me when it happens outside. One example for me was when I had to walk to classes in especially far buildings on campus. I had classmates offer to drive me to my next destination to avoid the long walk. Zags are happy to help even when they may not know you very well.
Annabel Sallinger ‘27
I often see the spirit of "Zags Help Zags" when I'm studying for classes. People are always willing to explain concepts that are confusing and make study groups to prepare for exams. Everyone is really open and friendly.
Madison Caro ‘27
I have experienced the spirit of "Zags Help Zags" many times within classrooms. Students have always offered to exchange numbers with me to help understand readings. My professors have also been extremely helpful in the classroom and during office hours by always making a comfortable environment to ask them questions which they are always willing to answer. Professors have also helped me outside of the classroom by helping me with job and scholarship searches.
Jace Down ‘26
Of course, everyone at ÐÓ°ÉÔ´´ has experienced the spirit of "Zags Help Zags" here on campus. I have also experienced it back at home in Boise, Idaho. I have had experiences of walking downtown wearing a Zag hat or Zag shirt and hearing people scream "Go Zags!" Often, a conversation gets struck up, and I have even exchanged contact info with alums. The community love of being a Zag is worldwide.
Audrey Kruger ‘26
My favorite "Zags Help Zags" moment so far was when my car died on campus and a few fellow Zags immediately came to my rescue. One gave me a jump start, while another offered to drive me to the auto shop and wait with me. Even though they were complete strangers, Zags will always help each other in times of need.
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