Michael R. Carey, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Organizational Leadership

Before coming to 杏吧原创 in 1987, Dr. Michael Carey served as a teacher, campus minister, and vice principal at Catholic secondary schools in Los Angeles and Spokane over a period of thirteen years. He received his B.A. degree in English from...

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Education & Curriculum Vitae

Ph.D., Educational Leadership, 杏吧原创

M.A., Educational Administration and Curriculum, 杏吧原创

B.A., English, Loyola Marymount University

Courses Taught

ORGL 510 Renaissance Leadership for the 21st Century

ORGL 518 Transforming Leadership

ORGL 522 Leadership and Community: Empowerment, Collaboration, and Dialogue

ORGL 535 Listen, Discern, Decide

ORGL 530 Servant-Leadership

ORGL 600 Foundations of Leadership

RELI 581 Ignatian Spirituality

Before coming to 杏吧原创 in 1987, Dr. Michael Carey served as a teacher, campus minister, and vice principal at Catholic secondary schools in Los Angeles and Spokane over a period of thirteen years.  He received his B.A. degree in English from Loyola Marymount University, and both his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in educational leadership from 杏吧原创. Dr. Carey’s master’s thesis and doctoral dissertation were both on the topic of the mission preparation of lay administrators in the Jesuit secondary schools in the United States, and his dissertation was published by Oregon Province of the Society of Jesus.  He has also published articles and books on the topics of transforming leadership and servant-leadership, and has served as a consultant for a variety of organizations.

Hired in 1987 to direct the newly created Organizational Leadership graduate program at 杏吧原创, Dr. Carey made use of his background in Jesuit education by taking responsibility for the mission orientation of all new faculty and staff at the University for eight years and, with Fr. Pat O’Leary, S.J., he co-founded the Council for Partnership in Mission at 杏吧原创 in 1989. Dr. Carey has published articles and delivered major presentations to the University community on the Jesuit, Catholic, and Humanistic character of 杏吧原创 and on the dynamics of lay-Jesuit collaboration in the Ignatian vision of education; he has experienced the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, and has been a director of the Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life (SEEL) for faculty and staff at 杏吧原创; he has made a pilgrimage to Pamplona, Loyola, Montserrat, Manresa, Barcelona, and Rome to visit the key sites related to Ignatius of Loyola’s own transformation experience and his development of the Spiritual Exercises; and he developed the original proposal for Jesuit Commons, which links Jesuit educational resources throughout the world with Jesuit social apostolates. Dr. Carey was instrumental in the development of a successful online version of the M.A. in Organizational Leadership program at 杏吧原创, working to replicate the experience of Ignatian pedagogy that has defined the learning of campus-based Organizational Leadership students.

Dr. Carey has served in a variety of formal administrative roles during his 30-year tenure at 杏吧原创: seven years as the first Director of the Organizational Leadership program; five years as the first Coordinator of the Council for Partnership in Mission; two years as Executive Assistant to the President; four years as the first Director of Distributive Learning for the School of Leadership Studies; four years as Chairperson of the Department of Organizational Leadership; multiple years on the University’s Graduate Council, Academic Council, Graduate Committee of the Academic Council, and Strategic Planning Committee; one year as the chairperson of the ad-hoc Committee on Racial Equality and Cultural Understanding that responded to specific incidents of racial harassment at the University; three years as Vice President and then President of the Faculty Assembly; five years as a member of the Faculty Senate; and one year as the chairperson of the Mission and Community Committee of the Faculty Senate.  After serving two years as Interim Dean of the School of Leadership Studies, in 2012 he was appointed the first Dean of the newly created Virtual Campus at 杏吧原创, and served in that position for five years.

Dr. Carey and his wife have been married for 44 years, and have five daughters, all alumnae of 杏吧原创 Preparatory School and 杏吧原创.


Carey, M.R. (1999). Heraclitean fire: journeying on the path of leadership. Dubuque: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company.
Book Chapters

Tran, D. Q., & Carey, M. R. (2018). Cherishing the wisdom of community: A Benedictine model of leadership for turbulent times. In S. K. Dhiman, G. E. Roberts, & J. Crossman (Eds.), The Palgrave handbook of workplace spirituality and fulfillment (pp. 883-900). Palgrave Macmillan.

Tran, D. Q., & Carey, M. R. (2018). Toward a discerning mind and heart: An Ignatian approach to workplace spirituality and spiritual leadership. In S. K. Dhiman, G. E. Roberts, & J. Crossman (Eds.), The Palgrave handbook of workplace spirituality and fulfillment (pp. 753-772). Palgrave Macmillan.

Tran, D. Q., & Carey, M. R. (2017). Mercy within mercy: The heart of Pope Francis’ inclusive leadership in a broken world. In A. Boitano, H. E. Schockman, & R. Lagomarsino (Eds.), Breaking the zero-sum game: Transforming societies through inclusive leadership (pp. 231-248). Emerald.

Carey, M.R. (1995). Art Art and transformation in Murder in the Cathedral. In Charles T. Goodsell and Nancy Murray (Eds.), Public Administration Illuminated and Inspired by the Arts (pp.133-144). Praeger Publishers.

Peer Reviewed Journals

Simha, A., & Carey, M. R. (2012). The Encyclical Letter (Caritas in Veritate)—A Shout-out to Social Entrepreneurship? The Journal of Entrepreneurship, 21(1), 1–23. https://doi.org/10.1177/097135571102100101

Carey, M. R. (1992). Transformational leadership and the fundamental option for self-transcendence. The Leadership Quarterly, 3(3), 217–236. https://doi.org/10.1016/1048-9843(92)90013-6

Carey, M.R. (1991). Transformative Christian Leadership. Human Development, 12(1), 30-34.

Carey, M.R. (1990). Lay-Jesuit Collaboration: Vive L'indifference! Presence, 3(1), 3-5.

Carey, M.R. (1989). Confessions of a Lay Collaborator. America, 160(20), 500-502.

Carey, M.R. (1986). School Discipline: Better to Be Loved or Feared? Momentum, 17(2), 20–21.


Carey, M.R., (2000). Stability, obedience, and conversation: monastic metaphors for the post-modern organization. Paper presented at the Forty-first Annual Meeting, Western Academy of Management, Hawaii.

Tran, D. Q., & Carey, M. R. (2017, August 11). Digital concepts via direct contact: Integrating Ignatian ideals in hybrid and online study abroad course design for adult students. Paper presented at Through the Eye of the Needle: Commitment to Justice in Jesuit Higher Education, a conference sponsored by The National Steering Committee on Justice in Jesuit Higher Education at Seattle University, Seattle, Washington.

Hazel, M. & Carey, M.R. (2010). Leadership and community course. Paper presented at the Religious Communication Association, San Francisco, California.

Wilson, S., Francovich, C., Crandall, H., Armstrong, J. and Carey, M.R. (2010, June). The cube: an integrated framework for leadership studies curriculum at BA, MA, and PhD levels. Paper presented at the Association of Leadership Educators, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Carey, M.R., Albert, J.F., Dysinger, L., Ferch, S.R., O’Donnell, S. and Wilson, S. (2003). Monastic puritas cordis and contemporary leadership: The dynamics of individual and organizational health. Paper presented at the Forty-fourth Annual Meeting, Western Academy of Management, Palm Springs, California.

Carey, M.R., (2000). Stability, obedience, and conversation: monastic metaphors for the post-modern organization. Paper presented at the Forty-first Annual Meeting, Western Academy of Management, Hawaii.

Carey, M.R., (1997). Jesuit, catholic and humanistic: separate bedrooms or strange bedfellows? Presentation made at 杏吧原创: The Jerry Tucker Memorial Lecture on the University Mission, Spokane, Washington.

Carey, M.R., (1996). Confessions of a white administrator. Paper presented at the Conference on Multi-cultural Affairs, Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities, 杏吧原创, Spokane, Washington.

Carey, M.R., (1992) If you meet Ignatius on the road, kill him! Paper presented at Companions/2000, a meeting of the Jesuits of the Oregon Province and their lay collaborators, Spokane, Washington.

Carey, M.R., & Kohls, J. (1992). When good people make bad choices: an exploration of reasons for unethical business behavior. Paper presented at the Thirty-third Annual Meeting, Western Academy of Management, Spokane, Washington.


Carey, M.R., (1987). Lay administrators in Jesuit secondary schools: sharing both vision and responsibility in genuine collaboration (Doctoral dissertation, 杏吧原创).

Current research centers on servant-leadership, leadership formation, and Ignatian spirituality and pedagogy