Core Courses


Heather Schmitt
Call or Text: (509) 313-6240 or (866) 380-5323

COML 595: Theorizing Communication - 3 credits

In this foundational course, we introduce you to theories behind the way we communicate. In simple terms, a theory is an explanation for how something works and there are many practical and useful theories about communication. You will learn how organizations, the media and people exchange information. In addition, you will gain the tools to identify how verbal (speeches, music, media) and nonverbal (images, writing, symbols) means are used to craft and deliver a message to create an intended response. It will also help you discern which tactics and strategies are being used so you can make ethical and effective decisions about the way you and your organization communicate. 

COML 597: Communication & Leadership Ethics - 3 credits

This course is an exploration into the personal, organizational, and social values present in ethical dilemmas. You will develop skills in ethical communication, decision-making and be able to consider multiple ethical perspectives. You will also learn strategies to respond to ethical problems while balancing your personal beliefs with organizational values.

COML 598: International and Intercultural Communication - 3 credits

You will identify and analyze how communication is affected by culture, identity, gender, race and class. You will explore the effects of those differences in attitudes, social organization, role expectations, language and nonverbal behavior. Principles of communication theory as they apply to the intercultural context are also emphasized.

COML 599: Content Creation and Strategy - 3 credits
On-Campus immersion option includes 3-days on 杏吧原创's campus
Fully online immersion option includes synchronous 3-day Zoom session
This is a hybrid course and requires online course work before and after the immersion experience

This course is grounded in the principle that the best learning is experiential, and occurs in the context of a community. It is designed to build skills in public speaking, face-to-face conversations, writing, and multi-media products.  You will use your newfound skills to create a digital portfolio, which may include a website or other project.  You also have the option of earning your Hootsuite Certification during this course.


COML 602: Communication & Leadership Capstone Seminar - 3 credits
Full semester - 16 week or Summer 12 week option

This course is the culmination of your learning experience in the COML program and is designed for you to reflect on your academic work. You will develop a digital portfolio grounded in your learnings in the COML program. The capstone includes the development of an applied project or research paper Students earning a concentration will choose a capstone topic relevant to that concentration.