Anny Fritzen Case, Ph.D.

Professor of Teacher Education

Anny Fritzen Case joined 杏吧原创's faculty in 2011. Her scholarship focuses on multilingual learners, particularly ways in which schools intentionally and unintentionally limit immigrant and refugee students' access to equitable and intellectually rich...

Anny Case

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Education & Curriculum Vitae

Ph.D., Curriculum, Teaching, and Educational Policy, Michigan State University

M.A., Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Brigham Young University

B.A., History Teaching, Brigham Young University


Anny Fritzen Case joined 杏吧原创's faculty in 2011. Her scholarship focuses on multilingual learners, particularly ways in which schools intentionally and unintentionally limit immigrant and refugee students' access to equitable and intellectually rich instruction. A proponent of field-based teacher preparation, she teaches two courses on-site at local middle schools where her students develop professional skills while simultaneously providing academic and social support to diverse students in Spokane's public schools. She is actively involved in the Hillyard Youth Collaborative and is a founding member of the Spokane Regional ESOL Consortium. Dr. Case was recognized with an Exemplary Faculty Award in 2017.


  • Case, A. F., Dodd, M., & Petrie, G. (2022). Involvement and authenticity: Transforming literacy curricula for Marshallese students through community-based writing projects. In Sandro Barros & Luciana C. de Oliverira (Eds.), Freire in Multilingual Education: Theoretical and Methodological Issues (pp.91-109). Routledge.
  • Dawson, C. & Case, A.F. (2021). Upcycling the edTPA: Practicing Advocacy. In Fleischer & Garcia (Eds.) Everyday Advocacy: Teachers Who Change the Literacy Narrative.
  • Case, A. F. (2018). Structuring and un-structuring interaction among English learners and their non-EL peers. In Tonya Huber & Philip S. Roberson (Eds.), Inquiries into literacy learning and intercultural competency in a world of border tensions (pp. 73-94). In Bogum Yoon (Series Ed.), Research in second language learning (Vol. 13). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.


  • Case, A. F. (2022). Creating pedagogically effective and visually appealing instructional slides: Design tips for language educators. Journal of English Learner Education, 14(2). Retrieved from
  • Case, A. F., Dodd, M. (2022). Building investment and engagement through community-linked literacy projects. WAESOL Education. 47(2), 3-5.
  • Case, A. F. (2021). Complex and connected lives: Voices of “English language learners” in middle school. Middle Grades Review 7(1).
  • Dawson, C. & Case, A.F. (September 2021). Practicing Everyday Advocacy in the Context of Teacher Performance Assessments. Everyday Advocacy
  • Hunter, J., Green, B., & Case, A.F. (2020). The essential elements of language learning. WAESOL Educator. 45(1), 30-33.
  • Case, A. F. & Montgomery C. (2020). The untapped potential of academic language in world language classrooms. In Burke, B. (Ed.), Room for all at the Table: 2020 Report of the Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (pp. 75-93). Ashland, VA: Robert M. Terry. Retrieved from:
  • Case, A.F. (2019). Seeing- and supporting – immigrant teens, Educational Leadership, 76(8), 40- 45.
  • Case, A.F. (January 2017). The problem with graphic organizers. [peer-reviewed blog post]. Writers Who Care
  • Case, A.F., Traynor, J. (2016) Early field experience innovations to increase positive impact on K-12 students, AILACTE Journal, 13, 1-22.
  • Case, A.F. (2016) Let social interaction flourish, Educational Leadership, 73(5), 51-55.
  • Case, A.F. (2015) Beyond the language barrier: Opening spaces for ELL/Non-ELL interaction, Research in the Teaching of English, 49(4), 361-382,
  • Fritzen, A. (2011) Teaching as sheltering: A metaphorical analysis of sheltered instruction for English language learners, Curriculum Inquiry, 41(2), 185-211.
  • Rosaen, C. L., Lundeberg, M., Cooper, M., Fritzen, A., & Terpstra, M. (2008). Noticing noticing: How does investigation of video records change how teachers reflect on their experiences Journal of Teacher Education, 59(4), 347-360.
  • Rosaen, C. L., Lundeberg, M., Cooper, M., Fritzen, A. (2010). Interns’ use of video cases to problematize their practice: Crash, burn and (maybe) learn. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education. 18(3), 459-488.


  • Case, A.F. (November 2022). Composing Storylines of Possibilities: Immigrant and Refugee Families Navigating School [Review of the book Composing storylines of possibilities: immigrant and refugee families navigating school by M.J. Strickland]. Teachers College Record.

Professional Papers Presented

National & International

  • Case, A.F., Dawson, C., & Van Duinen, D., Exploring AI With Preservice Teachers: Learning to Teach in the Age of ChatGPT. A presentation at the annual convention of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), November 2023, Columbus, Ohio.
  • Case, A. F. Building Investment Through Involvement: An Alternative to Literacy Interventions. A presentation at the annual meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), March 2022, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
  • Case, A. F. & Hunter, J. Deepening Teachers' Critical Awareness Through Dialogue With Indigenous Educators. A presentation at the annual meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), March 2022, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
  • Case, A. F. Community-Linked Literacy Projects to Amplify the Voices of Multilingual Learners. A presentation at the annual meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), March 2021 (virtual conference).
  • Nitta, K. & Case, A. F. Mediated Field Experiences: Leveraging Clinically Rich Partnerships in Support of Equity-based Teaching and Learning. A presentation at the annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE), February 2021 (virtual conference).
  • Case, A.F. Chillin’ in the United States: Voices of immigrant and refugee students in middle school. A presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), April 2019, Toronto, British Columbia.
  • Bondarenko, A., Case, A.F., Hagen, N., Nelson, J., Petrie, G., Meuer, E. Fostering community partnerships in support of refugee and immigrant students. A presentation at the annual meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), March 2017, Seattle, Washington.
  • Dawson, C. & Case, A.F. Argumentation as advocacy: Preparing teachers to strategically argue for their practice and students. A presentation at the annual convention of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), November 2016, Atlanta, Georgia.
  • Case, A.F. & Nitta, K. Intensive field experiences as living curriculum: Uncovering hope in "tough classrooms." A presentation at the annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE), February 2016, Las Vegas, Nevada.
  • Case, A.F. More than our words: The possibility for mutually responsive ELL/Non-ELL interaction. A presentation at the annual convention of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), November 2015, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
  • Dawson, C. & Case, A.F. Writing their way into teaching: How high-stakes teacher performance assessments invite an argument for competency. A presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), April 2015, Chicago, Illinois.
  • Case, A.F. & Montgomery, S. Big ideas in small packages: Beginners communicating about complex content. A presentation at the annual meeting of the American Council on Teachers of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), November 16, 2012, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  • Case, A.F. Implying Levinasian ethics to support the interaction of English language learners and their English-speaking peers. A presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), April 2012, Vancouver, British Columbia.
  • Fritzen, A. & Marquardt, S. Behind the scenes: ELLs’ interaction with English-speaking peers. A presentation at the annual meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), March 2010, Boston, Massachusetts.
  • Fritzen, A. Teaching as sheltering: A metaphorical analysis of sheltered instruction in three ESL history classes. A presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), April 2009, San Diego, California.
  • Rosaen, C. L., Lundeberg, M., Cooper, M., Fritzen, A. Interns’ use of video cases to problematize their practice: Crash, burn and (maybe) learn. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), April 2007, Chicago, Illinois.
  • Fritzen, A. & McConnell, C.L. Encouraging communication between English language learners and their native English speaking peers. A presentation at Intermountain Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (ITESOL), March 2003, Salt Lake City, Utah.
  • Fritzen, A. Academic content from the start. A presentation at the annual meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), April 2002, Salt Lake City, Utah.
  • Fritzen, A. Correlating sheltered and mainstream instruction. A presentation at the annual meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), March 2001, St. Louis, Missouri.
  • Henrichsen, L.H. & Fritzen, A. The effects of communicative pronunciation teaching. A presentation at the annual meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), March 2000, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Regional & Local

  • Case, A.F. & Montgomery, C. Project-Based Learning Open Forum. A presentation at the Spokane Regional ESL conference, February 2024, Spokane, Washington.
  • Case, A.F. & Daniel, D. Marshallese Cultural Values Shaping Our Students. A presentation at the Spokane Regional ESL conference, February 2023, Spokane, Washington.Case, A.F. &
  • Kabua, R. Four Marshallese Cultural Values Educators Should Know and Include. A presentation at the Washington Association for the Education of Speakers of Other Languages (WAESOL), October 2022, Des Moines, WA.
  • Case, A.F. Upcycle Your Slides: Applying Visual Design Principles to Support ELLs. A presentation at the Washington Association for the Education of Speakers of Other Languages (WAESOL), October 2020. (virtual conference).
  • Case, A.F. Rethinking Reading to Re-engage Secondary English Learners. A presentation at the Spokane Regional ESL conference, February 2020, Spokane, Washington.
  • Case, A.F. Enlivening literacy through community-linked projects. A presentation at the Washington Association for the Education of Speakers of Other Languages (WAESOL), October 2019, Renton, Washington.
  • Case, A.F. Speaking up: Advocating for yourself, your job, and your students. A presentation at the Spokane Regional ESL conference, February 2018, Spokane, Washington.
  • Case, A.F. The power of their ideas: Engaging minds and hearts with inquiry. A presentation at the Washington Association for the Education of Speakers of Other Languages (WAESOL), October 2016, Spokane, Washington.
  • Case, A.F. & Radmer, Elaine. Empowering teachers through scaffolding professional language. A presentation at the Northwest Association of Teacher Educators conference, June 2014, Pullman, Washington.
  • Case, A.F. Getting Beyond the Language Barrier: Facilitating ELL/Non-ELL Interaction. A presentation at the Spokane Regional ESL conference, February 2014, Spokane, Washington.
  • Case, A.F. Using content standards to identify and teach high mileage academic language. A presentation at the Spokane Regional ESL conference, February 2012, Spokane, Washington.

Submitted Grants

  • Case, A., Hunter, J., Thompson, W. (2021-present). Community Language & Language Acquisition. WA Professional Educator Standards Board (PESB) Advancing Equity Grant. ($20,000)
  • Petrie, G., Case, A., Hunter, J., Jeannot, M., Radmer, E., Wilcox, A., & Wilson, A. (2016). Valuing immigrant/refugee learning by leveraging assets in a grassroots ecology: The VILLAGE project. Office of English Language Acquisition. ($2.6 million, not granted.)