Margaret Cox, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, School Psychology

Before coming to 杏吧原创, Dr. Cox earned her Ph.D. at University of Oregon, during which time she completed an APA-accredited psychology internship focused on school-based mental health. She served as a K-12 school psychologist and school-based therapist...

Margaret Cox

Contact Information

Education & Curriculum Vitae

Ph.D., School Psychology, University of Oregon, Eugene
M.S., Special Education, University of Oregon, Eugene
B.A., Psychological and Brain Sciences, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis

Before coming to 杏吧原创, Dr. Cox earned her Ph.D. at University of Oregon, during which time she completed an APA-accredited psychology internship focused on school-based mental health. She served as a K-12 school psychologist and school-based therapist in two public school districts in the Omaha, NE metro area, where she provided consultation and technical assistance with mental health screening and intervention across MTSS tiers. Her areas of interest include psychoeducational and neurodevelopmental assessment in school and clinical settings, supports for educator mental health and well-being, equitable delivery of behavioral and socioemotional interventions, and family-school partnerships. Her research is focused on understanding parent and educator emotion regulation processes as they relate to fostering positive child and adolescent developmental and educational outcomes, and preventing and reducing exclusionary discipline practices in public schools.


  •  Cox, M. & Giuliani, N.R. (2023, April) Modeling Parent Emotion Regulation Profiles in Daily Life: A Latent Class Analysis. Extended abstract selected for peer-reviewed publication in a supplemental edition of Affective Science.
  • Cox, M. & Giuliani, N.R. (2021, April) Towards causality in parent-child emotion regulation dynamics. Extended abstract selected for peer-reviewed publication in a supplemental edition of Affective Science.

Professional Papers Presented

  • Robers, A., Cox, M., Snyder, D., Bassingthwaite, B. (May 2024) Making Educators and Students SMILE: Pilot Results from Supporting More Inclusive Learning Environments Project. Presentation delivered at the Middle America School Mental Health Conference.
  • Cox, M., Jezowit, C., Chadwell, M., Young, K., Franta, E. (April 2024) Location Matters: Comparing Youth Therapy Show Rates Across Outpatient Behavioral Health Settings. Poster presented at the Annual Munroe-Meyer Institute research symposium.
  • Esterer, M., Godfrey, E., Cox, M., Baker, N., Hunter, M. (April 2024) Evaluation of an Anxiety Group Intervention Adapted for Neurodiverse Youth. Poster presented at the Annual Munroe-Meyer Institute research symposium.
  • Cox, M. & Giuliani, N.R. (March 2023) Modeling Parent Emotion Regulation Profiles in Daily Life: A Latent Class Analysis. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Affective Science, 2023.
  • Cox, M., Christopher Ives, & Giuliani, N.R., (April 2022) Affective synchrony in daily caregiver-child emotional exchanges: the role of caregiver emotion regulation choices. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Affective Science, 2022.
  • Cox., M., Glenn, L., Garcia, J., Calvez, S., & Giuliani, N.R., (August 2022) Variety is the spice of life; but for caregiver emotion regulation, less may be more. Poster presented at the 128th Annual American Psychological Association Convention 2022.
  • Garcia, J., Cox, M., & Giuliani, N.R., (August 2022) Unique contributions of caregiver stress in caregiver-child affective exchanges. Poster presented at the 128th Annual American Psychological Association Convention 2022.
  • Glenn, L., Cox, M., Taiwo, A., (August 2022) Regulatory pathways between maternal distress and child socioemotional development. Poster presented at the 128th Annual American Psychological Association Convention 2022.
  • Gallo, J., St. Joseph, S, Cox, M., (April 2022) Does the number of trusted adults influence student perception of school climate? Poster presented at the Northwest PBIS Network Conference 2022.
  • Cox, M. & Giuliani, N.R. (2021, April) Towards causality in parent-child emotion regulation dynamics. Abstract submitted to the Annual Meeting of the Society for Affective Science, held online due to COVID-19.
  • Cox, M., Glenn, E., & Giuliani, N.R. (2021, February) Facilitation of preschool socioemotional competence through maternal emotion regulation. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, held online due to COVID-19.
  • Cox, M., Giuliani, N. (2020, August). Specific Features of Maternal Emotion Regulation and Child Socioemotional Development. Poster presented at the 126th Annual American Psychological Association convention.

Research Interests

  • Lifespan emotional and self-regulation development (early childhood, school-age, adolescence, adulthood, parenting, and educating)
  • Family-centered intervention to promote early childhood self-regulation, school readiness, and adolescent behavioral and mental health in the context of disability
  • Tiered systems of school-based behavioral and mental health assessment and intervention
  • Comprehensive psychoeducational and neurodevelopmental assessment and consultation across school, clinic, and hospital settings