Dr. Ji is an editor of Journal of Digital Signal Processing, an editorial board member of Biomedical Engineering Research (BER), and a reviewer for 23 international journals. He is also a member of the Program Committees of various international conferences and workshops including the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, the 15th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations, the 13th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications, and so on.
09/2015 – present Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 杏吧原创, Biomedical Literature Search and Knowledge Discovery
- Developed a novel relevance feedback system, called BiomedSearch, for effective biomedical literature search.
06/2014 – present Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 杏吧原创, High-Performance Biomedical Association Mining
- Developed a new high-performance association mining algorithm using MapReduce
08/2009-08/2015 – Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 杏吧原创, Mining Infrequent Casual Associations
- Developed a new interestingness measure that can be used to assess the degree of causal association between two events
- Developed an efficient mining algorithm based on the above measure
- Tested the above algorithm using real electronic health database
12/2003-06/2010 – Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at 杏吧原创 and Biomedical Intelligent Systems Laboratory at Wayne State University, A Collaborative Multi-Agent System Approach to Postmarketing Surveillance of Unknown Adverse Drug Reactions (This multidisciplinary work is supported by NIH R21grant)
- Led system analysis and design of a multi-agent system for distributed healthcare
- Developed a fuzzy logic-based computational recognition-primed decision model
- Optimized the decision model using genetic algorithms and physicians’ expertise
- Implemented the multi-agent system using Java, SQL, database, fuzzy inference tools
- Participated in writing two grant proposals – NIH R21 and AHRQ R18
01/2002-12/2003 – Parallel and Distributed Computing Laboratory, Wayne State University, MigThread: Heterogeneous Process/Thread Migration and Checkpointing (This research was supported in part by NSF grants IGERT 9987598, NSF MRI 9977815, and NSF ITR 0081696)
- Assisted in system analysis and design of MigThread
- Developed adaptation strategies for application-level computation migration
- Designed and did experiments to test these strategies under UNIX environment
12/2000-07/2001 Microcomputer Application Laboratory, University of Science & Technology of China, “Full TOF System” for RHIC – STAR
- Assisted in developing a high frequency “Signal Amplifying Card” for its subsystem “High Precision MRPC Electronics System”
09/1999-04/2001 – Microcomputer Application Laboratory, University of Science & Technology of China, Microcomputer-Based Real-Time Gauge System (M.S. Thesis)
- Designed a multi-channel data acquisition and control card
- Developed the data acquisition and control software of the system
09/1998-07/1999 – Microcomputer Application Laboratory, University of Science & Technology of China, Cable Television Charging System