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We embody the 杏吧原创 traditions of service, leadership and the celebration of all people in pursuit of the common good. ... The building is home to The Hogan Center for Entrepreneurship, where students and mentors conduct online data analysis, research
Accounting. Our program provides a strong foundation for students to launch a career in the public or private sector, or pursue their Master in Accountancy degree. ... HoganEntrepreneurialLeadershipProgram. Human Resource Management (concentration). .
Director of HoganEntrepreneurial听LeadershipProgram: D. Stewart. ... Student Internships. An internship program is available to eligible juniors and seniors in the School of Business.
These two programs are the Comprehensive LeadershipProgram (CLP), and the HoganEntrepreneurialLeadershipProgram. ... HoganEntrepreneurialLeadershipProgram. The HoganEntrepreneurialLeadershipProgram is a three-year undergraduate Concentration
Open to any major at the university (for HoganProgram students and those not in the HoganProgram). ... ENTR 497 Internship. 00- 3.00 credits. An approved internship is required for completion of the concentration in entrepreneurialleadership.
We emphasize projects within our classes, internships (approximately 150 students/year take an internship for credit), and co-curricular activities such as the New Venture Lab (part of the HoganEntrepreneurial ... Leadershipprogram) and the VITA