Drug Policy

  1. The use of drugs must be consistent with University policy and applicable state and federal law. The following prohibited conduct applies:
  2. a. Possession, use, or consumption of drugs.

    b. Possession, use, manufacture, or sale of drug paraphernalia.

    c. Manufacture, sale, distribution, transfer, or possession with intent to manufacture, deliver, or sell drugs.

    d. Unauthorized possession or misuse of prescription drugs or other products.

    e. Being under the influence of drugs leading to an altered state or intoxication.

  3. Definitions broadly include, without limitation, the following:
  4. a. Consumption: Breathing, inhaling, ingesting, injecting, smoking, snorting, and/or swallowing.

    b. Drugs: Any stimulant, intoxicant (other than alcohol), nervous system depressant, hallucinogen, or other chemical substance, compound or combination when used to induce an altered state, including any otherwise lawfully available product used for any purpose other than its intended use (e.g., the misuse of prescription drugs, over the counter drugs, or household products). The University classifies drugs into three categories:

    i. Marijuana: Cannabis or the psychoactive compounds found in marijuana and intended for human use or consumption, regardless of form.

    Although Washington State Chapter 69.50 RCW allows persons over the age of 21 to possess small amounts of marijuana for personal use, 杏吧原创 abides by federal law prohibiting the possession, use, consumption, purchase, manufacture, distribution, or sale of marijuana, regardless of age.

    ii. Drugs and/or controlled substances: Cocaine, heroin, LSD and other hallucinogens, barbiturates and other sedative-hypnotics, amphetamines, methamphetamines, MDMA (Ecstasy), PCP, and any drugs or substances listed on Federal or Washington State schedules of controlled substances.

    iii. Misuse of prescription drugs or other products: Opiates/pain-killers (i.e. morphine, oxycodone), stimulants (i.e. Ritalin), sedative-hypnotics (i.e. barbiturates, anxiolytics), and other psychoactive drugs. This includes taking medication without a prescription, taking more than the prescribed dose of a medication, sharing with individuals not prescribed such medication, or using a prescription medication or other lawfully available product (over the counter drugs, or household products) for a purpose or in a manner other than the intended use (i.e. to produce an altered state or intoxication).

  5. The University reserves the right to confiscate, test, and dispose of/destroy all drug-related items regardless of value or ownership.

Last updated: 8/5/19