Our group consists of faculty and staff of color and their allies at 杏吧原创 who have come together for the purposes of supporting one another as individuals who are members of larger racial or ethnic groups least in number on this campus; to support the students of color who represent the same; and, to support this University in its efforts to reflect and educate one another and the community on the rich mysteries of cultural, racial and ethnic human differences that exist both locally, regionally and in our world. The members of this group have set forth for itself the following organic Purpose, Goals, and Objectives.
The 杏吧原创 IMPACT initiative has four components:
- address issues of employment of faculty, administrators, and staff as it relates to recruitment and retention of employees of color,
- promote awareness of cultural diversity on our campus, in our community, and in the world and be an advocate voice for further learning, and supporting diversity,
- develop relationships and partnerships amongst other 杏吧原创 community members in order to promote good will and mutual understanding of our human difference, and
- be a presence and a voice for students of color though mentorship, education, and support.