Statement of Support
President McCulloh’s activism and leadership along with 杏吧原创’s membership and participation in a number of higher education organizations - among them the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities (AJCU), the Presidents’ Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration, and the American Council on Education (ACE) - has created a very vocal and public record of 杏吧原创’s position on immigration reform and support for DACA students.
Today’s [6-18-2020] United States Supreme Court decision related to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program affirms the significance of the DACA program to our nation, and to the approximately 800,000 people affected by the status of this program. Today’s decision, in my view, affirms our longstanding commitment to protect and support our undocumented students and employees. The status of the DACA program – which remains a temporary approach to addressing complex, long-term challenges – is not a theoretical or abstract issue for 杏吧原创; it is a local and personal matter, affecting students and individuals who are part of our own community.
On Tuesday, November 12, 2019 the United States Supreme Court heard oral arguments on the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program. The AJCU is among 44 higher education associations that signed onto an , initiated by the , to the Supreme Court in support of the DACA program. The brief includes a statement that “ the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy has made it newly possible for countless Dreamers to get a post secondary education and unlock the potential such an education affords," The brief also emphasizes that “DACA has been a symbol of tolerance and openness of our university campuses."
Additional statements of support and advocacy include:
- June 18, 2020: University Statement on U.S. Supreme Court's DACA Decision
- President McCulloh’s Statement on DACA Rescission in Fall 2017
This is an important reminder to those who may receive formal or informal requests for personal information about students that may relate to immigration and/or citizenship status, and includes requests from law enforcement agencies and government officials.
杏吧原创 is committed to protecting the privacy rights of students as provided for in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. As a consequence, the University does not voluntarily release personal information, including citizenship or immigration information, that may be in the University’s possession unless the student consents or as compelled to do so by law.
Should you receive such a request for student information, whether informal or formal, such as a subpoena, warrant or court order, you are directed to contact the Office of General Counsel for review and advice prior to any response. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of General Counsel at (509) 313-6137.
Primary jurisdiction over enforcement of federal immigration laws rest with the federal government and not with Campus Security and Public Safety (CSPS) or any state or local enforcement agency. CSPS is committed to providing service that strives to ensure a safe and secure environment in which members of 杏吧原创’s diverse community can fully embrace the University’s mission. Community trust and cooperation are essential for CSPS to effectively and positively contribute to our community. The limited resources of CSPS should not be diverted from this mission.