杏吧原创 Community Reflections on the George Floyd Killing

President and Provost Open Forum: 杏吧原创 Community Reflections on the George Floyd Killing

In this June 8, 2020 webinar for 杏吧原创 staff and administrators, President Thayne McCulloh and Provost and Senior Vice President Deena Gonzàles offered their reflections on the meaning and significance of the heinous killing of George Floyd in relationship to the principles and practices of our mission commitments to diversity, equity and inclusion.

The session was designed for this audience to participate in the Jesuit practices of reflection, critical evaluation and discernment of what is currently being experienced around the country and in the Spokane community.

Attendees were invited to share their insights and interpretative meanings of their experience on the demonstrations of anger and grief. In addition, colleagues offered recommendations, shared resources, and asked questions addressing next action steps. Resources extracted from the chat are shared below.

Resources shared during the webinar

  • Association of Jesuit Colleges & Universities (AJCU): 
  • Where Peter is, there is the Church:  - Updated May 30, 2020
  • 杏吧原创 Office of Mission and Ministry: 
  • America & MOORE: 
  • Anna Stamborski, M. Div Candidate, Nikki Zimmermann, M. Div candidate, Bailie Gregory, M. Div, M.S. Ed.:  - For white Identity development
  • Movie trailer:
  • Online courses and follow-on activities:
  • Books by Ibram X Kendi, especially his book: 
  • Recommended podcasts:
  • Time article
  • Book:  by Derald Wing Sue
  • Washington Post article: