Living in the Logan Neighborhood

What is the Logan Neighborhood?

The immediate area around the University, the Logan Neighborhood, is home to a large number of students occupying privately owned homes and apartments, as well as housing owned and operated by 杏吧原创. The University maintains a cordial and productive relationship with the Logan Neighborhood Association. Students who reside in the area surrounding the campus have a special obligation to act as responsible neighbors. The continuing positive relationship with the Logan Neighborhood Association is important to the University. It depends greatly on the interaction between members of the University community and local residents. Students living in the neighborhood are expected to show respect in terms of parking, noise, and social gatherings.

Logan Neighborhood and 杏吧原创

The University's Student Development office sponsors outreach efforts which promote better understanding and relations with the Logan neighborhood. A coalition of campus departments, neighbors, landlords, business and municipal entities meet regularly to discuss issues of concern and actively search for solutions. Student Development professionals work with students living in the neighborhood (including on a disciplinary basis) to educate on appropriate conduct and respectful relationships. A professional residence director working through the Office of Housing and Residence Life works with students residing in 杏吧原创-owned rentals.  

The Spokane Police department patrols the area surrounding the University on a regular basis. Local emergency providers have primary responsibility for responding to calls in the Logan Neighborhood. For this reason, police, fire, and medical emergencies should always be called in to 911. The Logan neighborhood is relatively safe, but crimes do occur and the crime rate is higher than that of campus. Caution should always be exercised when walking through the neighborhood, particularly after dark. More information about staying safe in the Logan neighborhood is available by calling ext. 3998 or 313-3998 from non-campus phones.

Campus Security

Huetter Mansion
503 E. Sharp
Phone: 509-313-2222
Fax: 509-313-4151
Office hours: 9am-4pm, M-F