
Purchase Your Permit 

Permits for the 2024-2025 academic year go on sale online August 12th.


Parking permits can be mailed directly to students, staff and faculty members via campus mail. Please provide your campus mailing address (MSC Box or AD Box) with your purchase as indicated. Permits will NOT be delivered off campus. Allow two weeks for processing. Do not forget to select the delivery option.

The following information is required for vehicle registration:

  1. Name, address and student or employee ID # (no SSN).
  2. Year, make, model and color of vehicle
  3. State of registration and license plate number
  4. Signed registration form acknowledging receipt of regulations and agreement to abide by them.

Permit Pricing

 Green (Commuter) $125
 Red (Staff & Faculty) $125 
 Orange (Law) $125 
 Yellow (Residential) $125 
 Purple (Off-Campus Rental) $125 
 Blue (Carpool - 2 People) TBD
 Blue (Carpool - 3 People)  TBD
 Teal (Corkery) $125  
 Gold (Leadership) $125  
 White (All Lots Staff & Faculty) $125  
 Pink (Adjunct/Dual Enrollment)  $62.50 

Permit Display

Parking permits shall be displayed as directed from the time of purchase (lower driver’s side front windshield or rear view mirror). It is permissible to move your parking permit from one vehicle to another; however, all vehicles using that parking permit must be registered and only one of the vehicles can be on campus at a time. Parking is assigned by lot (color-coded) and the vehicle is authorized only in the lots designated by the color of the permit purchased. All motor vehicles with current permits are allowed to park in any green lot. 杏吧原创 community members who do not purchase permits and park on University property are subject to citation and/or administrative action.

Where To Park

The following list will help you determine where your permit allows you to park.

Red Permit (non residential, Staff/Faculty)

red permit sign
  • College Hall
  • 2nd floor of BARC
  • Jundt Lot
  • HR/Tilford Lot
  • Schoenberg (east side)
  • Northwest corner at Martin Centre and McCarthey Athletic Center (east lot)
  • Law School (southwest corner)
  • St Gregory’s Choral Building (south side)

Green Permit (non-residential, Student)

green permit sign
  • Martin Centre, McCarthey Athletic Center and Patterson Baseball Complex
  • 3rd & 4th Floor of BARC
  • Boone/Van Gorp Lot
  • Schoenberg (west side)
  • West Burch along Pearl

Yellow Permit (residential, Students)

yellow permit sign
Student Residence Halls/Apts

Orange Permit (non-residential, Law Students)

Law School (Student lot)

Gold Permit

President Council Members only
Valid in All Lots: Not Valid in Carpool, Visitor or Handicap Stalls.

Teal Permit (residential, Corkery only)

Corkery Apts.

Blue Permit (non-residential, Carpool)

Valid in designated car pool stalls and all faculty and staff parking lots

Purple Permit (residential, Rental)

GU owned Rental Properties

White Permit

Custodial/CCNSS only
Valid in all lots, not valid in carpool, visitor or handicap stalls

Pink Permit (non-residential)

Dual Enrollment/Adjuncts/Distance Learners