A honeybee collects pollen from a black-eyed susan flower

Spirituality Programs

We support the spiritual growth and development of staff and faculty. Drawing upon the rich spiritual foundation which grounds our Catholic and Jesuit mission, our offerings attract employees from a variety of faith traditions as well as those who do not consider themselves religious. We host a variety of programs intended to meet people where they are. Programs range in topic, format, and length. See our Events for current offerings.

Ignatian Spirituality

Rooted in the life and writings of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, Ignatian Spirituality offers adaptable and actionable wisdom for people of today.

First Spiritual Exercises

This month-long program offers participants a taste of Ignatian Spirituality through daily personal reflection and weekly group sharing.


杏吧原创 supports and subsidizes the participation of faculty and staff in the SEEL (Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life) Retreat, a 30-week experience of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Through daily personal prayer, weekly meetings with a spiritual guide, and monthly group sessions, participants deepen their relationship with God and others. For more information, visit .

Discernment Workshops

This 3-session series explores discernment in the Ignatian tradition and the significance of discernment at a Jesuit university. With interactive elements, this series includes opportunities for participants to practice tools for individual and/or communal discernment. Offered on a regular basis for mid-later career faculty and available by request for teams and departments.



Retreat experiences offer a distinct time and space away for reflection and connection. In addition to the spiritual retreats detailed below, we also offer a Faculty Writing Retreat.

Founder's Day Retreat

Offered annually on 杏吧原创’s Founders Day holiday, this one-day retreat with optional overnight stay allows employees time and space for personal reflection, meaningful conversation, enjoyment of Bozarth’s beautiful grounds, and delicious meals. Topics and activities vary each year.

Silent Retreat

This multi-day overnight retreat offers a unique experience of solitude, reflection and rest at the end of the academic year. Following an orientation and dinner, participants honor an environment of sacred silence except during reflection talks, communal prayer times, and one-on-one conversations with a spiritual guide. This retreat is open to persons from any religious/spiritual background who desire an experience shaped by the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Offered annually in May between Commencement and Summer Session.


Prayer Opportunities

There are many opportunities to pray on campus. In addition to visiting one of 杏吧原创’s many sacred spaces, the following offerings are available for 杏吧原创 faculty and staff.

Weekly Scripture Prayer Group

A small group gathers weekly to pray and reflect with Scripture.

Lent and Advent Programming

Faculty and staff can sign up to receive free daily prayer books during Advent and Lent. We also offer special experiences for faith and fellowship during these liturgical seasons, often in partnership with University Ministry and .

Guided Prayer with the St. John’s Illuminated Bible

Several times each year, we offer guided prayer experiences in the style of visio divina (sacred seeing) with beautiful images from the hand-calligraphed St. John’s Bible. 杏吧原创 is the permanent home to one of 299 copies of the Heritage Edition of St. John’s Illuminated Bible. One of the seven volumes is always on display in University Chapel, while the others are housed in . Be welcome to download a free set of printable prayer bookmarks.


Catholic Mass is celebrated in University Chapel on Sundays as well as Monday-Friday during the academic year. Special liturgies are offered honoring Welcome Weekend, Mass of the Holy Spirit, Red Mass, Ash Wednesday, and Commencement.  (adjacent to campus) also celebrates Mass daily.

Multifaith Hallway

杏吧原创 is home to many sacred spaces, including the Jewish Sacred Space and Muslim Prayer Rooms in the Multifaith Hallway (College Hall, third floor).