TO: | ÐÓ°ÉÔ´´ Students, Families and Colleagues |
FROM: | Thayne M. McCulloh, D.Phil., President |
SUBJ: | Thanksgiving Message |
DATE: | November 24, 2021 |
Tomorrow is a day in which many within the United States and around the world will observe Thanksgiving: a holiday first proclaimed by President Washington in 1789, and then formalized as a national holiday by President Lincoln in 1863. This day was first established to give thanks to our Creator and for many of us, it continues to serve as a reminder to be mindful of what we have been given and continue to receive every day. One of the most significant lessons of the pandemic has to remind us not to take what we have been given for granted – perhaps especially those people who mean the most to us.
Last year, many of us were unable to celebrate as we would in a “normal” year according to our own traditions. This week, many more people feel comfortable traveling and spending time with loved ones; but no matter how you are spending this weekend, I hope it will be a time of respite and gratitude, reflecting on the many blessings we have in our lives. Let us continue to remember those that have suffered through this pandemic through illness and loss, and may we continue to stay strong in our hopes for what is possible in our world.
This year, I give thanks in a special way for all of you. Thank you to our students, for pursuing your education with diligence and fortitude. Thanks to our parents and family members, whose support of our students is so important. Special thanks to faculty and staff, for your dedication and commitment through the course of these past 18+ months. I am grateful that we not only have continued to weather this storm, but that the collective strength and spirit of this community has demonstrated our resilience and determination to make this a success despite all we must manage.
Every day at GU I continue to witness countless acts of compassion, generosity and expressions of gratitude within our community. These attributes are what make our ÐÓ°ÉÔ´´ community so special – and what has carried us through times both challenging and celebratory.
During this season of giving thanks, please know that I am grateful for you. Please travel safely; may God bless you and your family members now and always. Happy Thanksgiving!