Who is my Academic Advisor?
Advisor assignments will be distributed prior to Welcome Weekend. You will work with your assigned faculty or professional advisor on all things academic from that point forward. Your advisor will either be a faculty member for your major or Professional Advisor in your field of study. Your advisor's name, contact information, and other pertinent details will be emailed to you.
How do I know what schedule changes to make if I don't have an advisor yet?
Your first semester schedule was constructed by professional advisors in the Academic Advising & Assistance office. We are cross-curriculum advisors, which means we are experts in any major or field 杏吧原创 offers.
What can I expect when requesting a schedule change?
Please review the Schedule Changes page for more information. We give each student the time and attention necessary to feel informed and comfortable going into their first semester at 杏吧原创. We will answer any questions you have and, if necessary, will help you make an adjustment to your schedule. It will help our advising process if you:
- Are prepared - Write down what you are requesting and any questions you have so you don't forget anything important.
- If you wish to add an elective course, be prepared with more than one choice, as they do fill quickly.
- Practice patience. We are doing our absolute best to move through student requests efficiently without sacrificing quality. We appreciate your patience very much!
Can I change my own schedule on ZagWeb?
As a new student, you will not be able to alter your schedule in any way on ZagWeb until your second semester. Your first semester is the only time in your 杏吧原创 career where your entire schedule will be constructed for you. You will make all future schedules in conjunction with the advice of your Academic or Faculty Advisor.
Can I change my schedule to have all online courses? Or, Can I change my schedule to have all in-class or hybrid courses?
Classes are offered in person for the upcoming fall semester, and therefore we are not able to make any schedule changes regarding course modality.
Biology 105 and Lab are unique courses at 杏吧原创 in that they are completely independent of each other in terms of course content. This allows students to take Lecture the semester prior to taking their lab for the course. If you were enrolled for BIOL 105 but not the lab, you will take your lab in the following semester.
Why do I have a Lab that meets two days a week, when others only meet once?
Lab Science courses at 杏吧原创 are sometimes scheduled for two days to make up for lost class time during Holidays. For example, labs scheduled for M/W will meet on Wednesdays when Monday is a holiday. You will not be meeting more than once a week for your lab science credit.
I am a Human Physiology major. Why do I have 3 sciences in my first semester (applies to students entering in the fall semester only)?
As a Human Physiology major, you will take a heavy load of science courses in your first year to prepare you well for the major. Students with a solid understanding of Biology, Chemistry and Physics are more prepared to be successful in their Anatomy & Physiology series as a sophomore. This also provides students who are pursuing professional programs (i.e. pre-med, physical therapy, etc.) with a better science and core path in preparation for entrance exams by the end of their junior year. Students who are uncomfortable with a 3-science fall semester schedule have other options and should consult with an academic advisor.
I am a Human Physiology major. Why don’t I have 3 sciences in my first semester?
Due to limited seat capacity in Physics, as well as science and mathematics preparation, not all incoming Human Physiology majors will be prepared for, or have the opportunity to take Physics along with Biology and Chemistry in their first semester.
I took a Foreign Language Placement Assessment, but do not have a language in my first semester. Why?
We do our best to accommodate students who ask for language their first semester, but some language levels are in high demand, and other levels are only offered in spring semesters. If you asked for a language and took the placement assessment, we did our best to get you enrolled in a language course this fall. If you did not get a language course this semester, you will have the opportunity to add one in a later semester. Your assessment results will be good for your entire time at 杏吧原创.
I think I was placed too low in Mathematics, and want to move up. How can I do so?
Students who took the ALEKS Math Placement Assessment have the opportunity to retake this assessment up to two times to improve their scores, after spending time in the Prep and Learning Module. Go to the and log in with the credentials you created when taking the assessment. Once you have completed your second and/or third attempt, please contact our office (advise@gonzaga.edu) so we know to look for an updated score.
Do I have to Audition for music ensembles and choir?
Yes, most of our ensemble music groups, including University Choir, require an audition. The Music department will be communicating with students regarding audition times, which are held either during Orientation or within the first week of the term. For questions, please contact the Music Department at (509) 313-6733.
Why am I taking Music in the Humanities? What requirement does HIST 101 fulfill? Does this course even count towards my degree?
Get these questions answered by visiting the "Why am I taking these courses" page, where we break down your schedule by University Core or major/area of interest.
I don't have Math/Science/English, etc., in my first semester. Why?
If your first semester schedule is missing requirements that you are used to having as a high school student, that's okay! College is different from high school, and requirements like math and science rely heavily on the type of major you are pursuing. Likewise, some students may not have English their first semester due to scheduling complexities. Please know everything we have enrolled you for will count towards your degree as core, major, minor or general elective credit.
I am concerned about the number of classes/credits I have as a first-semester student, and my friends say my schedule is too heavy. What can I do?
Most students need an average of 16 credits per semester in order to graduate on time. This credit load varies in terms of number of classes because different classes are worth a different number of credits. If you have than 16 credits your first semester, and wish to add a course, please contact us during the Schedule Change window. If you have more than 16 credits, this is likely due to your major(s) or the pursuit of extracurricular activities such as sports or teacher certification programs. As professional advisors, our job is to put you in the right classes for an on-time graduation, which may give you heavier credit loads than your friends. If in doubt, feel free to contact us.