Assessment, Accreditation & Programs

Portrait of Kathleen Jeffs, D.Phil. Associate Professor & Associate Provost for Assessment, Accreditation, and Programs
We ensure high-quality student and faculty experiences through assessment of our academic outcomes and providing programs that support the whole person.


Click to learn more about Dr. Jeffs

Hometown: Spokane, WA
  • D.Phil. University of Oxford
  • M.Phil. University of Oxford
  • BA English and Spanish, University of San Francisco
With 杏吧原创 since: 2012


Dr. Jeffs’ portfolio includes Accreditation, the Honors program, Institutional Assessment, and University Core.

The accreditation responsibilities involves coordinating the ongoing campus efforts to complete the annual reports, mid-cycle review, and 7-year review with the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU).

Dr. Jeffs began teaching and directing at 杏吧原创 in 2012, and is Associate Professor in the Theatre and Dance Department at 杏吧原创, where she has also served as department chair.  She holds a BA in English and Spanish from the University of San Francisco, and a MPhil and DPhil from the University of Oxford, where she also held a postdoctoral fellowship. Dr. Jeffs is known at 杏吧原创 for her leadership in the performing arts, as the Director of the University Core since Fall 2021, and most recently for chairing the Equity in Registration Task Force. 

Click here to read more about Dr. Jeffs

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The accreditation responsibilities involve coordinating the ongoing campus efforts to complete the annual reports, mid-cycle review, and 7-year review with the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU).