GCSH Events



6th International Conference on Hate Studies – Justice and Equity: Challenging Hate and Inspiring Hope. To be held virtually Nov 4-6, 2021. Accepted proposals from submissions across the country and around the world, working with IT to find a solution for a virtual conference platform and University Advancement for sponsorship, partnering to serve the local community through organizing caucusing sessions and co-hosting the closing banquet with the Spokane Human Rights Task Force to announce the Eva Lassman Take Action Against Hate and Human Rights Champions Awards.
  Eva Lassman Take Action Against Hate Awards, 2021 electronic submission process created and coordinated with Spokane Human Rights Champions Awards (Spring 2021, ongoing)

*GU Eva Lassman Memorial Student Research Awards, 2021

  • Sharon Jang with Advisor Dr. Sara Diaz for research on “Increasing Anti-Asian Hate Crimes: The Experiences of Asian and Asian-American Students Attending 杏吧原创 During the COVID-19 Pandemic.”
  • Honorable Mention: Shane Fugate with Advisor Dr. Forrest Rogers for research on “Food Accessibility at 杏吧原创.”Honorable Mention: Emma Wood with Advisor Dr. Michael Deland for research on “The Alt-Right Pipeline: Political Radicalization during the Internet Era.”
  KSPS (Doug Nadvornick, May, 2021
  EWU Chertok Lecture Series panelist (Jim Collins, April 21, 2021)
  Responding to the Chauvin verdict, April 20, 2021
  AJCU Anti-Racist Examen. Faculty participants: 18. (April 16, 2021).
  AAC&U DEI and Student Success Conference Presentation: No Good Deed (March 25, 2021)
  Actions in support of our Asian Community, March 20, 2021
  AAC&U DEI and Student Success Conference Poster: Only 24 Hours in a Day (March 23, 2021)
  *GU Course Design Institute: Teaching to Transform (March 9, 2021). Video presentation of INDS 432.
  The San Francisco Experience podcast at Https://www.thesanfranciscoexperiencepodcast.com (Jim Herlihy, March 23, 2021)
  AAC&U DEI and Student Success Conference Poster: Only 24 Hours in a Day (March 23, 2021)
  Actions in support of our Asian Community, March 20, 2021
  Inclusive Excellence Video Vignette – Cura Personalis: Anti-Semitism in the classroom and Zoom backgrounds. Faculty participants: 25 (March 19, 2021)
  Spokane Human Rights Commission (Lance Kissler, March 4, 2021)
  GLORIE Benchmark Study: Government Local Offices dedicated to Rights, Equity and Inclusion, research for the Spokane Human Rights Commission (March 4, 2021)
  Horizon Forum (Nagham Elkarhili, March 3, 2021)
  Civic Dinners (Racial Equity, March 2, 2021)
  Supporting inclusion and taking action against hate, February 22, 2021
  Inclusive Excellence Video Vignette – Cura Personalis: Caring for me is knowing my name. Faculty participants: 30 (February 17, 2021)
  *GU MarCom So You Want to Talk About Race Book Group (February 9, 2021). Facilitated discussion. Staff engaged: 14.
  *GU Faculty Assembly DEI Meeting (Jan 25, 2021). In partnership with ODEI, CTA and Productive Discomfort, co-facilitated Inclusive Excellent Video Vignettes (Cura Personalis: Caring for me is knowing my name). Faculty participants: 30
  Mountain West News Bureau, NPR member stations (Nate Hegyi, January 14, 2021)
  *GU INDS 432 Core Integration Seminar Why People Hate (Three sections, Spring 2021). All three sections of class were the first core integration seminars to fill during the first week of registration. This is a new team-taught interdisciplinary in-load model that includes a semester long project engaging 10 community partners with the Spokane Hate Report. Faculty: Monica Bartlett, Psychology; Adriane Leithauser, Business; and Jessica Maucione, English. Seniors enrolled: 60.
  *GU INDS 432 Core Integration Seminar Why People Hate (Three sections, Spring 2021). All three sections of class were the first core integration seminars to fill during the first week of registration. This is a new team-taught interdisciplinary in-load model that includes a semester long project engaging 10 community partners with the Spokane Hate Report. Faculty: Monica Bartlett, Psychology; Adriane Leithauser, Business; and Jessica Maucione, English. Seniors enrolled: 60.
  *GU Learning Assessment Day (Jan 15, 2021 LeAD). In partnership with CTA, co-facilitated virtual faculty workshop focused on student engagement, classroom inclusivity, and DEI. Number of registered GU faculty registered: 257.
  Journal of Hate Studies, volume 17 General issue with a forum on Pandemonia, call for submissions completed and review process underway, Guest Editor Dr. Lisa Silvestri


  Responding to the Chauvin verdict, April 20, 2021
  Affirmations of our Aspirations. Faculty participants: 14 (December 4, 2020)
  BSU Zoom Bombing Faculty participants: 6 (November 16, 2020)
  *Democracy and Extremism Campus Conversation (November 11, 2020) In partnership with DICE, co-facilitated a campus conversation relating to national political divisions.
  Just Mercy discussion. Faculty participants: 16 (November 5, 2020)
  Journal of Hate Studies, volume 16 Building Peace through Dialogue, Kindness, and Forgiveness published, Managing co-editors Drs. Kem Gambrell and Lazarina Topuzova.
  *Eva Lassman Take Action Against Hate Awards (September 21) recognizing the work of Leslie McAuley and the Spokane Human Rights Commission.
  *International Day of Peace and World Peace Flag Ceremony (September 21) coordinated with One Peace Many Paths
  Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) Seal of Approval earned (September) by the Journal of Hate Studies


Approval of 杏吧原创 Core Integration Seminar: INDS 432 Why People Hate team-taught class with DICE, Office of Health Promotion, Center for Community Engagement and Foley Library. Community Partner: Spokane County Human Rights Task Force. (Approved Spring 2020, Planned offering three sections in Spring 2021)




Americans and the Holocaust Exhibit co-organized with Foley Library (March 17-April 27, 2020, postponed to 2022, 杏吧原创 Foley Library)

  • Opening reception and panel,
  • Yom Hashoa middle and high school essay and art competitions,
  • Inspiration from Holocaust Survivors,
  • Closing Panel on Hate: Documenting it, Understanding it, and Countering it




Productive Discomfort Pedagogy Workshop: Classroom Dynamics in the Rise of Hate Movements in partnership with EWU Commons (February 13, 2020, 杏吧原创 Hemmingson Center)






Regional Research Retreat in the Field of Hate Studies and Social Justice with Eastern Washington University (November, 20, 2019, 杏吧原创 Cataldo Globe Room)




Humanities Washington Think and Drink Panel One Click Away: Hate and the Internet (October 16, 2019, Yakima, WA)




Humanities Washington Think and Drink Panel One Click Away: Hate and the Internet (October 8, 2019, Red Lantern, Spokane, WA)




Idaho The Other Choice (NAACP) presentation (October 5, 2019, Coeur d’Alene, ID)




Faith over Fear with Aneelah Afzalli of MAPS-AMEN and Rev. Terry Kyllo of Neighbors in Faith (October 2, 2019, 杏吧原创 Wolff Auditorium)




International Day of Peace with partner Ministry and Mission and One Peace Many Paths, Pax Christi USA, United Nations Association GU Student Chapter, Mission and Ministry (September 21, 2019, 杏吧原创 Hemmingson Center)




Yom Hashoa Remembrance Middle and High School Essay and Art Competition with partners GU Law School and Never Again Spokane (April 15, 2019, 杏吧原创 Law School)





20th year Recognition of the 杏吧原创 Institute for Hate Studies Founding (October) with Nadine Strossen of the NYU Law School on Hate: Why we should resist it with free speech not censorship and GU Panel in partnership with GU Mission and Ministry, Law School, DICE (October 12, 2018, 杏吧原创 Hemmingson Center)




International Day of Peace with partner Ministry and Mission and One Peace Many Paths (September 21, 2018, 杏吧原创 Hemmingson Center)




Hate Groups, Bias, and Action Steps: A Panel on Race and Ethnicity with Joan Braune from 杏吧原创, Tracy Simmons of Spokane FaVs, Fr. Colgan, and Nicole Herrera of Eastern Washington and partner St. Joe’s Parish (September 12, 2018, St. Joe’s Parish, Otis Orchards, WA)




Rapid Responses to Hate 杏吧原创 Strategic Planning Session (June 25, 2018, 杏吧原创 Hemmingson Center)




Graduate class Contemporary Strategies to Counter Hate first offered (Summer 2018, MA in ORGL and DPLS programs)




International Network for Hate Studies Conference presentation (May 29-30, 2018, University of Ontario)




Forum on Anti-Semitism with Ken Stern partner Spokane County Task Force on Human Rights, Temple Beth Shalom, Congregation Emanu-El, Peace and Justice Action League of Spokane (April 13, 2018, Spokane Public Library, Spokane, WA)




Activist and Advocate for the Abolition of the Death Penalty: An Interview and Reception with Sr. Helen Prejean with partner School of Leadership Studies Women Lead Conference (March 14, 2018, 杏吧原创 Jepson Center)




Rally for Welcome, Not Hate GU Mission and Ministry (March 8,2018, 杏吧原创 Hemmingson Center)




Values in Action Trinity Institute Conference Faithful Responses to Hate sponsorship with Rick Mathers of SCAR Spokane Community Against Racism (February 3, 2018, Spokane, WA)




Teaching Tolerance Seminar with Kate Schuster of the Southern Poverty Law Center and partner 杏吧原创 Center for Community Engagement, (January 18, 2018 杏吧原创 Hemmingson Center)






Library Resources for Hate Studies and Human Rights partnership between 杏吧原创 Foley Library and North Idaho College Molstead Library (2017 - Ongoing)




International Day of Peace with partner 杏吧原创 Ministry and Mission and One Peace Many Paths (September 21, 2017, 杏吧原创 Hemmingson Center)




Global Unity Compassion Games with partner One Peace Many Paths and SNAP (September 13, 2017, 杏吧原创 Hemmingson Center)




Association for Leadership Educators presentation – Learning Servant Leadership and Identifying Community Engaged Strategies in Times of Divide by Maggie Douglas (GU student) and Kristine Hoover of 杏吧原创 Institute for Hate Studies (July 11, 2017, Charleston, NC)




FUSE Spokane talk White Nationalism in the Neighborhood by Devin Burghart of Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights sponsorship (June 10, 2017, 杏吧原创 Jepson Center)




Souper Bowl with partner One Peace Many Paths (February 26, 2017)






Good Neighbors Conference Addressing Hate through Advocacy and Action with partners Spokane FaVs and Spokane Interfaith Council and 25 community organizations (December 3, 2016, 杏吧原创 Jepson Center)




Peace Across the Aisles t-shirt campaign in partnership with 杏吧原创 Student Development (November, 2016)




International Day of Peace and Solidarity Celebrations featuring David J. Smith of Peace and Justice Studies Association with partners Center for Global Engagement, Center for Professional Development, 杏吧原创 Choir, Whitworth University, One Peace Many Paths, and Spokane County Human Rights Task Force (September, 20-21, 2016, 杏吧原创)




Payne Center for Leadership Development presentation (2016, 杏吧原创)




Leadership Studies Student Research Symposium Speaker: Larry Spears on Hate and Servant Leadership (April, 1-2, 2016, 杏吧原创 Jepson Center)






Eva Lassman Take Action Against Hate Banquet and Awards (2013)




Pursuit of Justice Conference with 杏吧原创 School of Law and the Washington State Task Force on Race and the Criminal Justice System (2013)



Eva Lassman Take Action Against Hate Banquet and Awards with , Director of Global Health Training and Teaching Professor, Eck Institute for Global Health, University of Notre Dame (2012)






: Hate & Political Discourse (2012)



The Washington College of Law, American University Washington, DC (September 27, 2012)






Eva Lassman Take Action Against Hate Banquet and Awards (2011)






Dr. Tomaz Jardin, The American Investigation and Prosecution of Nazi War Criminals: The Case of Mauthausen Concentration Camp sponsored with the History Department and the US Holocaust Memorial Museum (2010)




Dave Pallone, Who’s Really on First: Respecting Yourself and Others sponsored with Athletics, Residence Life, GAB, and the Programming Board (2010)




Hate Studies in Business course begins; Why People Hate course held for a second time (Spring, 2010)






Two graduate student research grants awarded. (2009)




Hate Crimes on College Campuses Webinar with Unity House and Intercultural Relations (2009)




International Day of Tolerance in collaboration with Unity House (2009)




Take Action Against Hate Annual Banquet (2009)




Teaching about the Holocaust with partners Washington State Holocaust Education Resource Center, Spokane Community College, Institute for Extended Learning and East Valley Middle School (March 12-13, 2009)

  • Stories of a Holocaust Survivor: Pete Metzelaar
  • Stories Among Us: Witness to the Holocaust Exhibit
  • Teacher Seminar: Teaching About the Holocaust




Why People Hate: Interdisciplinary Perspectives course begins. Fills in 2 days. (Spring, 2009)




Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Panel Discussion (2008)






Nonie Darwish “Arabs for Israel” (2008)




Jane Elliot – “Eye of the Storm” (Brown Eyes-Blue Eyes Social Experiment) (2008)






Establishment of committee of GU faculty to create an interdisciplinary course on the study of hate, “Why People Hate: Interdisciplinary Perspectives” (2007)

  • Sociology (Marguerite Marin)
  • Psychology (Monica Bartlett)
  • Criminal Justice (Vic Gumbhir)
  • History (Robert Donnelly)
  • Business (Molly Pepper)
  • GIHS (Jerri Shepard, Jim Mohr, Ken Stern)




“Fighting the Fires of Hate: America and the Nazi Book Burnings”, in conjunction with The Foley Library and The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (March 10-May 5, 2007)




Smallest Witnesses: The Crisis in Darfur Through Children’s Eyes with partners GU Office of Student Activities and Human Rights Watch (2007)






“War and Reconciliation, and Human Rights” International Film Series (2006)

  • “Faces of the Enemy”
  • “Liberia: An Uncivil War”
  • “Shake Hands with the Devil: The Journey of Romeo Dallaire”
  • “Long Nights Journey into Day”






“Confronting Hate: America’s Greatest Challenge” Popcorn Forum, in conjunction with North Idaho College (2002)




Voices of Tribal Neighbors: Beyond Myth and Misunderstanding. American Indian Symposium, in conjunction with the Northwest Museum of Art and Culture (2002)






Anne Frank Travelling Exhibit from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (April-May, 2000)






First Meeting of the 杏吧原创 Institute for Action Against Hate






Official Recognition of the 杏吧原创 Institute for Action Against Hate


Contact the Center for the Study of Hate

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502 E. Boone Avenue
Spokane, WA 99258
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