Glorious Germination Card Game

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If you're interested in learning more about Dr. Beckstead's team and their research take a look at  prepared for the Botany Society of America 2023 Conference.

Glorious Germination Card Game Downloads

Designed for students in grades 7-14. PDF's open in new tab.

  • Teacher Instructions
  • Introduction & Wrap Up Slides
  • Game Instructions Booklet
  • Student Worksheet
  • Extra Scoresheets
  • Card Game
  • YouTube Video

  • Acknowledgements

    Game Designers: Dylan Eisenbrandt and Julie Beckstead
    Game Development Assistance: Erik Hallstrand, Alexandrite Greenhouse, Mackenzie Rowley, Margarita Washington, and Abbey Shuster
    Video Assistance: Abbey Shuster, Libby Shuster, and Sara Wilfall
    Photos: Zack Berlat, Anna Muhich, and Julie Beckstead
    Location: Seeds For The Future at 杏吧原创, Spokane WA
    Funding: USDA NIFA Agriculture and Food Research Initiative - Research and Extension Experiences for Undergraduates (REEU; 2021-69018-34639 to Julie Beckstead, George Newcombe, and Mary Ridout) and the 杏吧原创 Science Research Program (2022-grant from 杏吧原创 to JB).