ÐÓ°ÉÔ´´ offers International Payment Transfer of Funds (IFT) through Flywire. This provides international students an alternative method for paying student bills. This payment option allows you to pay your student account balance in the currency of your choice and provides a simple and reliable way of initiating payments electronically through your bank.
Advantages of using this payment method include:
- You can easily obtain a foreign currency quote by accessing Flywire within the Transact Payments payment portal through the Zagweb website
- You can pay your tuition and fees in the currency of your choice which will then be converted to U.S. Dollars.
- There are NO additional transaction charges from Flywire or ÐÓ°ÉÔ´´, though you may be charged a transaction fee by your bank.
- The exchange rate is valid for 72 hours after the transaction is initiated, taking the uncertainty out of the total payment amount.
- The exchange rate is competitive when compared to most banks’ retail rates.
- Payments received will include your reference information, which ensures that your payment reaches your student account quickly.
- Payments will be electronically transmitted to ÐÓ°ÉÔ´´ ensuring timely posting, typically two to five business days from the time you initiate the payment.
To initiate your payment quote online simply log on to your Zagweb account and follow the instructions to make a payment through Transact Payments.
Make a Payment on Transact Payments with Foreign Currency
($50 minimum to use Flywire)
Students log in to Zagweb using your network username and password:
Locate the "Student Accounts" tile on the Main Menu and select "Transact Payments…". You will be connected to Transact Payments/CASHNet's Main Menu screen.
Click "Make a Payment" on the left side of the screen
Select "Balance" if you want to pay the entire account balance or "Student Accounts Payments" if you would like to make a partial payment.
Enter amount of payment into the "Amount" box and click "Add to Payment". (There is a $ 50.00 minimum to use their site)
Click on "Pay Now" and then "Continue" on the bottom of the next screen.
Enter your email address on the next screen and click on "Continue"
Select your Payment Method (Foreign Currency) and click on "Continue". You will be re-routed to Flywire's payment site.
Select the country from the drop-down menu that your payment will come from and then click on "Next".
Select your "Preferred Payment Method" from the list of available options for your county that you will be sending your payment from.
Complete the "Payer Information", read and agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and then click on "Next".
On the next screen complete the "Student Information" and click on "Next".
Verify all of your payment information and then click "Pay".
Click on the link on the next page that reads "Download Auth Letter and Instructions."
Print a copy of this page and bring this form into your personal bank to complete your Money Transfer. (A copy will be emailed to the payer's email address as well)
You have 72 hours to bring the form into your bank and complete the payment, otherwise the conversion rate will no longer be valid, and you will need to make a completely new payment on Transact Payments by following these steps listed above.