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Course Catalog

General Academic Information

Please refer to the specific programs for time requirements and advanced and transfer credit information. Information pertaining to the Law School is published in the School of Law Student Handbook and Catalog available from the Law School Registrar.

Degree Requirements

  1. Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.00.
  2. Only degrees and courses from regionally accredited institutions will be accepted.
  3. For most programs undergraduate and post-baccalaureate level courses may not be counted toward a graduate or doctoral degree. Students majoring in the post-baccalaureate DNP degree program may use post baccalaureate coursework toward completion of the post-baccalaureate DNP degree unless the coursework was used toward completion of another academic credential (i.e. degree or certificate).
  4. Courses used in the completion of a previous degree program may not be reused.
  5. Fractional credit is never rounded on a cumulative GPA and major GPA. Credit is not waived toward the total minimum credits required for a 杏吧原创 degree.
  6. Course attendance is not allowed without official registration and financial confirmation.
  7. Payment of all indebtedness to 杏吧原创, the return of all equipment to the appropriate entity, and the return of all books to Foley Library are required prior to a prospective graduate's departure from 杏吧原创. Holds may be placed on diplomas for any of these or other deficiencies.
  8. Formal application for graduation: students must file an application and pay the graduation application fee according to the instructions and dates published by the University Registrar.  Degrees will be awarded upon completion of all requirements as of March, May, June, August, October, or December, with one public commencement ceremony held on the second Saturday in May.
  9. Once a student has graduated from the University and a degree has been posted, no further change can be made to the academic record (i.e. grade changes).

Time Requirements for Degrees

All work accepted toward a degree is to be completed within a five-year period from the date of acceptance into the program or from the first semester of graduate-level enrollment, or advanced credit, whichever comes first. Students who wish to appeal to use course work older than five years will need to appeal to their respective Dean.

The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program requires completion of the post-master’s DNP within a five-year period from the date of acceptance into the DNP program or from the first semester of enrollment into the DNP program. For post-master’s DNP students, this is measured from their semester of acceptance (inclusive). For post-baccalaureate DNP students who must first complete their MSN, this is measured from the first semester of doctoral (700-level) coursework. (Post-baccalaureate DNP students completing under the—pre-2019—curriculum have seven years in which to complete their DNP degree.) Students who wish to use course work older than the allowed time limit for degree completion will need to appeal to their Dean.

Challenge of Courses

Graduate-level courses may not be challenged. See the undergraduate catalog for a definition of a course challenge. 

Repeating Courses for Improved Grade

A graduate student can repeat any course with another course of the same designation, in an effort to improve the GPA.  The original course and grade will remain recorded on the student's transcript but will not be calculated into the student's GPA.  The cumulative credits and GPA will be adjusted to reflect the last credits and grade earned.  Courses for which a student received a grade carrying no quality point value, such as W, (X prior to Fall 1996), and AU, may be re-taken in subsequent semesters; these grades are not included in the repeat course policy jurisdiction.  Courses taken as direct instruction also do not qualify under this policy.  Only courses re-taken at 杏吧原创 qualify to improve the GPA.

Academic departments are permitted to have more restrictive policies regarding repeating and/or withdrawing from courses.  Students are advised to work carefully with their academic advisors and departments regarding departmental policies.

Individualized Study

Students may undertake individualized study if it is considered necessary to complete their degree program. Application for an individualized study must be made on a form available from the University Registrar's Office. It is the responsibility of the student to demonstrate the relevancy of the proposed study and the ability to complete it within an agreed upon time line. For most master’s programs, the student is allowed a maximum of two individualized study courses (six credits) for degree completion.

Extension and Correspondence Courses

Courses taken in extension or by correspondence are not allowed as credit toward graduate degrees. In exceptional cases, the Provost may waive this regulation if recommended by the Program Director and Dean.

Thesis Information

Graduate students who are preparing their thesis for publication will work with their respective Program Directors.

International Graduate/PhD students

To comply with immigration and reporting regulations, graduate international students on an F-1 or J-1 visa who have completed all required coursework, but remain on campus to complete their dissertation/thesis are required to enroll in at least 1-credit thesis or dissertation course every fall or spring semester until completion. Please contact the  for more information.


A student’s scholastic standing in each subject is determined by the combined results of examinations, assignments, class participation, and general evidence of regular and consistent application. Due weight is given not only to the degree of subject mastery manifested by the student but also to the ability to communicate orally and in written form.

Faculty are expected to be able to explain how final grades are calculated through the accumulation of points or percentages assigned in the evaluation of graded work. To quantify a student's achievement in a given subject, final grades, in the form of letters and plus/minus indicators, are used by all instructors in the University’s graduate programs. The letter grades A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, F and V are assigned a “quality point value” for purposes of cumulative grade point average calculations, certification and consistency of grade assignment and reporting.

Letter Grades

Quality Points













Below graduate level expectations



Below graduate level expectations



Below graduate level expectations



Treated as an “F”



Treated as an "F"



Treated as an "F"



(Computed in GPA)

Grade awarded to students who complete the term and the course but fail to achieve course objectives.



Failing (computed in GPA)

Grade awarded to students who have not officially dropped or withdrawn from a course and consequently have not met class attendance requirements or participation in the course through the end of a semester. The grade is given at the discretion of the professor. Students should not assume that professors will automatically initiate course drops/withdrawals for non-attendance.

S (Satisfactory)


(Not computed in GPA)

grade of B or higher

P (Pass)


(Not computed in GPA)

grade of B or higher

NS(Non Satisfactory)


Failing (computed in GPA)

grade of B- or lower

W (Withdrawal)

(Not computed in GPA)

RD (Report Delayed)

(Not computed in GPA)

AU - Audit

No credit hours earned; does not apply toward a degree; the “AU’ grade is not an option for instructors. Students must register for this grade mode no later than the close of the add/drop period.

I - Incomplete

Assigned  when a student, with a legitimate reason as determined by the instructor, does not complete all the work for the course within the semester that he/she is registered for the course. Faculty members may assign a provisional grade to represent  what the student would earn if no additional work is submitted. This process is  through ZAGWEB’s Faculty Services tab and the “Email Provisional Grades” block, initiating  an automated email to the University Registrar’s Office. The provisional grade received will be applied to a student’s academic record thirty (30) calendar days into the following semester (not including summer sessions) as outlined every semester on the Academic Calendar. Date extensions beyond this date may be requested and must be approved through the appropriate Dean’s Office and the Office of the Provost.  Forms for this action can be obtained from the University Registrar's Office.

If the instructor does not submit a Change of Grade form before the Academic Calendar’s grade conversion date occurs or an approved date extension lapses, a provisional grade received will be recorded on the student’s transcript. If no provisional grade has been provided, the "I" grade automatically converts to an "F" grade and is recorded on the transcript as an "I/F". Whenever an "I" grade has been assigned, the "I" grade becomes part of the permanent record, even if a provisional grade has been provided. i.e. "I/B", etc.

IP - In Progress

Assigned for certain courses due to the nature of the course and the need for more than a semester to complete the course work, such as Research, Comprehensive, Thesis, Dissertation and Proposal Seminar, DPLS 730, 735-736, and for other courses recognized by a Program Director/Dean as eligible. Instructors must indicate the deadline for completion of the work. If no grade is submitted within one year, an “IP” automatically converts to a “W” (official withdrawal). Requests for time extension beyond the deadline must be submitted by the instructor to the Office of the University Registrar by completing the Extension form and obtaining signatures from the appropriate Dean as well as the Provost. Once the course is complete and graded, the Change of Grade form needs to be processed and the grade will be entered on the student academic record by the Registrar’s Office.

P/F - Pass/Fail

Designated elective courses may be taken on the Pass/Fail grading option by student request, not that of the instructor. Students select this option prior to the last published date to Withdraw from courses and may not revoke their decision after this date, by completing the appropriate paperwork in the University Registrar’s Office. Letter grades assigned by instructors that are 'B' or higher are converted to 'P' grades at the end of the semester and grades of B- or below are converted to 'F' grades. The 'P' grade does not calculate into the grade-point average and the credits earned count toward the minimum number of credits required to graduate. The 'F' (fail) grade affects the cumulative GPA as a standard 'F' grade.

S/NS - Satisfactory/Non Satisfactory

Certain courses are designated by academic departments for Satisfactory (S)/Non-Satisfactory (NS) grading only. This grade mode is determined by a department/school, not a student. The “NS” grade has the same effect on the GPA as an “F” (failing). An “S” grade does not affect the GPA, and the credits earned are counted toward the total needed to graduate. Courses using this grade mode will not be converted to a standard grade.

RD - Report of Grade Delayed

If an instructor fails to assign a grade for a course and the grade entry is left blank, the University Registrar’s Office will assign an “RD”, remaining part of the student record until an earned grade has been submitted. To submit the grade after the University grade submission deadline, a Change of Grade form is required along with the appropriate Dean’s approval.

V - Unofficial Withdrawal

Grade awarded to students who have not officially dropped or withdrawn from a course and consequently have not met class attendance requirements or participation in the course through the end of a semester. The grade is given at the discretion of the professor. Students should not assume that professors will automatically initiate course drops/withdrawals for non-attendance.

W - Withdrawal

No penalties incurred. Not included in the attempted or earned GPA.

Grade Point Average

Graduate programs require a minimum 3.00 cumulative grade point average in course work approved for the degree program. Students failing to meet the minimum grade point average will be considered on probation for one semester, may lose veteran benefits, and may be dropped from the program. Credits which carry a letter of C-, D+, D, F, AU, W, V, IP, I, or RD do not count toward a graduate degree. The grade point average is determined by dividing cumulative quality points earned in authorized courses by the cumulative credits attempted in authorized courses. .

Transfer of Credits

Graduate students may transfer credits into their program with the approval of their Program Director, the Dean of the student's program, and the University Registrar’s Office. A maximum of one-fifth (1/5) of program credits may be transferred; usually six credits for graduates, 12 credits for doctoral. 

Course work must be advertised as distinctively graduate level by the transfer institution and must have been taken within the last five years from a regionally accredited institution. A minimum grade of a B (P grades must be defined as B or better) must be earned. Courses applied to a degree or certificate previously awarded are not transferable to the student’s current program. It is important to note that all credits converted to semester credits, are not rounded up and are awarded only after signature approval for transfer of the course have been obtained on the Permission to Transfer Graduate Credit form. Transfer credits are used in the calculation of the graduate grade point average but are not entered on the student's transcript until the student has been admitted to candidacy.

Non-杏吧原创 Transcripts

Based on standard institutional practice, copies of transcripts from other educational institutions attended by 杏吧原创 students and housed in student files, will not be provided back to the student. Students are recommended to contact the issuing institutions directly. 

Change of Grade

A change of grade requires a Change of Grade form to be submitted via Zagweb by the instructor and approved by the Dean of the school in which the course was offered. Grades are normally changed when (1) a provisional grade was submitted, (2) no grade was submitted, (3) there was a calculation error, or (4) when there was a failure to take into account a significant amount of student work.

Full-Time Status

Students must be registered for a minimum of six credits per semester to be considered as full-time. Students who are in their final semester of enrollment and are registered for fewer than six credits to complete their dissertation or thesis should contact the Office of the University Registrar to have their enrollment status reviewed for full-time qualification.