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Course Catalog


The accounting major is designed to enable students to develop an understanding of, and proficiency in, accounting concepts and techniques. Building on the principles of accounting, students study financial reporting, auditing, taxation, income determination, account valuation, accounting systems, and the role of accounting in the allocation and use of resources. The program offers several career options leading to employment in business, government, and public accounting.

CPA Certificate Track

To sit for the CPA examination, Washington State requires candidates to obtain 150 semester credit hours of acceptable educational preparation. 杏吧原创 offers three degrees tailored for students who desire to fulfill the 150-hour requirement and earn a graduate degree at the same time: Master of Accountancy (MAcc), Master of Science in Taxation (MSTax), and Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA) with a concentration in accounting. A student pursuing this track will, during the junior, senior, and graduate years, acquire the technical competence in the 300-level and 400-level accounting courses, while more fully developing research, communication, and presentation skills offered in graduate classes. A student planning to obtain both undergraduate and graduate degrees should work closely with a faculty advisor for proper course sequencing.

杏吧原创’s accounting majors are eligible to apply for the Accelerated M.Acc or Accelerated MS.Tax program. If accepted into the program, nine credit hours of graduate-level courses may be taken during the senior year with the permission of the accounting program coordinator. The cost of the graduate credits is covered by the student’s undergraduate tuition so long as the student does not exceed the maximum credit load. Before applying for admission to the accelerated M.Acc, a student should have completed ACCT 360, Intermediate Financial Accounting I. Before applying for admission to the Accelerated MS.Tax, a student should have completed ACCT 365, Federal Taxation I.

Non-CPA Track

A student who does not wish to obtain CPA certification can earn the B.B.A. degree in accounting. With this degree, a student might find employment opportunities in governmental agencies, financial institutions, and industrial firms such as Boeing or Avista. The student pursuing this track is encouraged to obtain an accounting major accompanied by elective course work in information systems. Both the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) and Certified Managerial Accountant (CMA) designations are available to students with this degree.

B.B.A. Major in Accounting: 21 credits

Upper Division
ACCT 311 Data Analysis for Accountants  3 credits
ACCT 360 Intermediate Financial Accounting I 3 credits
ACCT 361 Intermediate Financial Accounting II 3 credits
ACCT 363 Cost Accounting 3 credits
ACCT 365 Federal Taxation I 3 credits
ACCT 464 Auditing 3 credits
  One of the Following Electives: 3 credits
        ACCT 362 Accounting Information Systems
        ACCT 366 Federal Taxation   
        ACCT 460 Advanced Financial Accounting  
Lower Division
ACCT 260 Principles of Accounting I
3.00 credits
Introduction to financial accounting with emphasis on the preparation and analysis of basic financial statements of business organizations. Fall, Spring, Summer.
HONS 260 - OK if taken since Fall 2024
ACCT 261 Principles of Accounting II
3.00 credits
An introduction to managerial and cost accounting concepts and techniques. Topics include cost determination and the uses of cost data for managerial planning, control, and decision-making. Fall, Spring, Summer.
ACCT 260 Minimum Grade: D or HONS 260 Minimum Grade: D
ACCT 263 Accounting Analysis
3.00 credits
An accounting foundation course for non-business majors pursuing a general business minor or planning to apply for admission to graduate business programs. The course introduces the student to accounting and emphasizes preparation, analysis, and interpretation of general purpose financial reports and uses of accounting information for decision-making.
ACCT 290 Directed Study
1.00- 3.00 credits
Topic to be decided by faculty.
Upper Division
ACCT 311 Data Analysis for Accountants
3.00 credits
A study of the role of big data and data science and analytics in business. The course includes coverage of the theory and practice of data visualization, statistical methods, analytical models, and an introduction to software tools and programming languages to facilitate the analysis of data.
ACCT 360 Interm Financial Accounting I
3.00 credits
An intensive study of financial accounting theory and practice. Topics include recognition, measurement, and reporting of assets, liabilities, corporate equity, revenues and expenses; preparation and analysis of the principal financial statements.
ACCT 361 Interm Financial Accounting II
3.00 credits
Continuation of ACCT 360.
ACCT 360 Minimum Grade: C
ACCT 362 Accounting Information Systems
3.00 credits
A study of the role of accounting information systems in organizational decision making and control. The course includes coverage of the theory and practice of information processing, internal controls, and systems analysis and design related to major transaction cycles.
ACCT 363 Cost Accounting
3.00 credits
An examination of the mechanics and application of accounting principles and concepts for planning, control, and decision making. Topics include cost behavior, job, process, and standard cost systems; budgeting and control; and activity-based costing.
ACCT 365 Federal Taxation I
3.00 credits
Fundamentals of federal taxation with emphasis on individual taxation and tax planning. Topics include income, deductions, losses, and credits in addition to capital asset and other property transactions.
ACCT 260 Minimum Grade: D
ACCT 366 Federal Taxation II
3.00 credits
A study of corporate, partnership, estate and gift, and international taxation is conducted in this course. Current issues in taxation relating to both business and individual taxation will be discussed, along with an examination of tax procedure and tax practice.
ACCT 365 Minimum Grade: C
ACCT 367 Financial Reporting & Analysis
3.00 credits
Corporate financial accounting theory, practice, and analysis for students pursuing a concentration in finance. Topics include generally accepted accounting principles; concepts of revenue and expense recognition; measurement of assets, liabilities, and equities; and analysis of corporate financial statements. Course credits may not be applied to the accounting major.
ACCT 260 Minimum Grade: D and BFIN 320 Minimum Grade: D
ACCT 460 Advanced Financial Accounting
3.00 credits
Advanced topics in financial accounting, theory and practice. Subjects include inter-corporate investments, consolidated financial statements, international accounting, partnerships, and accounting for governmental and NFP entities.
ACCT 361 Minimum Grade: D and ACCT 360 Minimum Grade: D
ACCT 464 Auditing
3.00 credits
A study of auditing concepts and practices. Includes audit planning and procedures, ethical considerations, and report writing.
ACCT 360 Minimum Grade: D
ACCT 471 Forensic Accounting Lab
3.00 credits
Called the "Justice for Fraud Victims Project", this class is a joint program with members of the community (law enforcement, prosecutors, and local certified fraud examiners), that provides a select group of students with an opportunity to investigate real cases of suspected fraud that are referred by local law enforcement. Students are assigned to teams and are supervised by faculty and by mentors from the Spokane Chapter of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. The cases are selected based on financial need of the victim (primarily local small businesses and non-profit organizations). Student teams must complete a written forensic accounting report on their case, an internal control recommendation report for the client, and a formal presentation to law enforcement outlining their results. Enrollment is by application only. May not be counted toward the required accounting elective.
ACCT 489 Special Topic Seminar
.00- 3.00 credits
On sufficient demand.
ACCT 491 Directed Study
1.00- 3.00 credits
Directed Study requires completion of a form, and department permission. Zagweb registration is not available. Available Summer only
ACCT 497 Internship
.00- 3.00 credits
Accounting internships may not be counted towards the required accounting elective. Internships require departmental approval and 3.00 GPA. Zagweb registration is not available.

In addition to their major and minor areas of study, all undergraduate students follow a common program designed to complete their education in those areas that the University considers essential for a Catholic, Jesuit, liberal, and humanistic education. The University Core Curriculum consists of forty-five credits of course work, with additional designation requirements that can be met through core, major, or elective courses.

The University Core Curriculum is a four-year program, organized around one overarching question, which is progressively addressed through yearly themes and questions. Hence, core courses are best taken within the year for which they are designated. First year core courses encourage intellectual engagement and provide a broad foundation of fundamental skills. Second and third year courses examine central issues and questions in philosophy and religious studies. The fourth year course, the Core Integration Seminar, offers a culminating core experience. Taken at any time throughout the four years, broadening courses intersect with the core themes and extend students’ appreciation for the humanities, arts, and social and behavioral sciences. Finally, the designation requirements (writing enriched, global studies, and social justice) reflect important values and reinforce students’ knowledge and competencies.

Overarching Core Question: As students of a Catholic, Jesuit, and 杏吧原创, how do we educate ourselves to become women and men for a more just and humane global community?
Year 1 Theme and Question: Understanding and Creating: How do we pursue knowledge and cultivate understanding?

  • The First-Year Seminar (DEPT 193, 3 credits): The First-Year Seminar (FYS), taken in the fall or spring of the first year, is designed to promote an intellectual shift in students as they transition to college academic life. Each small seminar is organized around an engaging topic, which students explore from multiple perspectives. The FYS is offered by many departments across the University (click for list of FYS courses).  
  • Writing (ENGL 101, 3 credits) and Reasoning (PHIL 101, 3 credits): The Writing and Reasoning courses are designed to help students develop the foundational skills of critical reading, thinking, analysis, and writing. They may be taken as linked sections. Writing (ENGL 101) carries one of the three required writing-enriched designations (see below).
  • Communication & Speech (COMM 100, 3 credits): This course introduces students to interpersonal and small group communication and requires the application of critical thinking, reasoning, and research skills necessary to organize, write, and present several speeches.
  • Scientific Inquiry (BIOL 104/104L, CHEM 104/104L, or PHYS 104/104L, 3 credits): This course explores the scientific process in the natural world through evidence-based logic and includes significant laboratory experience. Students pursuing majors that require science courses will satisfy this requirement through their major.
  • Mathematics (above Math 100, 3 credits): Mathematics courses promote thinking according to the modes of the discipline—abstractly, symbolically, logically, and computationally. One course in mathematics, above Math 100, including any math course required for a major or minor, will fulfill this requirement. MATH 100 (College Algebra) and courses without the MATH prefix do not fulfill this requirement.

Year 2 Theme and Question: Being and Becoming: Who are we and what does it mean to be human?

  • Philosophy of Human Nature (PHIL 201, 3 credits): This course provides students with a philosophical study of key figures, theories, and intellectual traditions that contribute to understanding the human condition; the meaning and dignity of human life; and the human relationship to ultimate reality.
  • Christianity and Catholic Traditions (RELI, 3 credits). Religious Studies core courses approved for this requirement explore diverse topics including Christian scriptures, history, theology, and practices as well as major contributions from the Catholic intellectual and theological traditions (click for a list of approved courses) .

Year 3 Theme and Question: Caring and Doing: What principles characterize a well lived life?

  • Ethics (PHIL 301 or RELI, 3 credits): The Ethics courses are designed to help students develop their moral imagination by exploring and explaining the reasons humans should care about the needs and interests of others. This requirement is satisfied by an approved ethics course in either Philosophy (PHIL 301) or Religious Studies (click for a list of approved courses).
  • World/Comparative Religion (RELI, 3 credits): Religious Studies courses approved for this core requirement draw attention to the diversity that exists within and among traditions and encourage students to bring critical, analytical thinking to bear on the traditions and questions considered. These courses carries one of the required two global-studies designations (see below) (click for a list of approved courses).

Year 4 Theme and Question: Imagining the Possible: What is our role in the world?” 

  • Core Integration Seminar (DEPT 432, 3 credits). The Core Integration Seminar (CIS) offers students a culminating core experience in which they integrate the principles of Jesuit education, prior components of the core, and their disciplinary expertise. Some CIS courses may also count toward a student’s major or minor. The CIS is offered by several departments across the University (click for list of CIS courses).

The Broadening Courses

  • Fine Arts & Design (VART, MUSC, THEA, 3 credits): Arts courses explore multiple ways the human experience can be expressed through creativity, including across different cultures and societies. One approved course in fine arts, music, theatre, or dance will fulfill this requirement (click for a list of approved courses).
  • History (HIST, 3 credits): History courses are intended to develop students’ awareness of the historical context of both the individual and the collective human experience. One course in History (HIST 101, HIST 102, HIST 112, HIST 201, HIST 202) will fulfill this requirement.
  • Literature (3 credits): Literature courses foster reflection on how literature engages with a range of human experience. One approved course in Literature (offered by English, Classics, or Modern Languages) will fulfill this requirement (click for a list of approved courses).
  • Social & Behavioral Sciences (3 credits): Courses in the social and behavioral sciences engage students in studying human behavior, social systems, and social issues. One approved course offered by Criminal Justice, Economics, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, or Women and Gender Studies will fulfill this requirement (click for a list of approved courses).

The Designations
Designations are embedded within already existing core, major, minor, and elective courses. Students are encouraged to meet designation requirements within elective courses as their schedule allows; however, with careful planning students should be able to complete most of the designation requirements within other core, major, or minor courses.

  • Writing Enriched (WE; 3 courses meeting this designation): Courses carrying the WE designation are designed to promote the humanistic and Jesuit pedagogical ideal of clear, effective communication. In addition to the required core course, Writing (ENGL 101), which carries one of the WE designations, students must take two other WE-designated courses (click for a list of approved courses).
  • Global-Studies (GS; 2 courses meeting this designation): Courses carrying the GS designation are designed to challenge students to perceive and understand human diversity by exploring diversity within a context of constantly changing global systems. In addition to the required core course, World/Comparative Religion (RELI 300-level), which carries one of the GS designations, students must take one other GS-designated course (click for a list of approved courses).
  • Social-Justice (SJ; 1 course meeting this designation): Courses carrying the SJ designation are designed to introduce students to one or more social justice concerns. Students must take one course that meets the SJ designation (click for a list of approved courses).

Major-specific adaptations to the University Core Curriculum

All 杏吧原创 students, regardless of their major, will complete the University Core Curriculum requirements. However some 杏吧原创 students will satisfy certain core requirements through major-specific programs or courses. Any major-specific adaptations to the core are described with the requirements for the majors to which they apply.