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Financial Aid

杏吧原创 consistently is ranked among the best regional comprehensive colleges and universities in the West. In addition, 杏吧原创 is ranked extremely high in value among regional comprehensive universities. A primary reason for this recognition is the excellent quality of financial aid awards provided 杏吧原创 students. In addition to the University’s significant institutional grant and scholarship program, 杏吧原创 participates in all federal and state financial aid programs. The Financial Aid Office provides numerous services to meet the needs of those who wish to obtain a 杏吧原创 degree.

Applying for Admission

Students are encouraged to apply for admission and financial aid concurrently in order to expedite each important process. However, aid applicants must be admitted to the University in order to receive a financial aid award.

Applying for Financial Aid

All applicants seeking financial aid should also complete and submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). We encourage families to submit the FAFSA as soon as possible after it becomes available. The FAFSA priority deadline for first-year students is February 1 and for transfer students, March 1. This form can be accessed online at . 杏吧原创's FAFSA code is 003778.

Financial Aid Process

The FAFSA data is processed by the Federal processor, and a Student Aid Index (SAI) is calculated utilizing a formula mandated by the federal government. The results of this calculation are forwarded to the University, and utilized to determine each applicant’s financial need and eligibility for specific types of financial assistance.

The Financial Aid Award Offer

Once financial need is established, the Financial Aid Office assembles the best possible financial aid award offer for each applicant. This award offer  generally combines several types of aid from sources inside and outside the University. Rarely does total student aid come from a single source. A typical financial aid offer is developed from four sources: scholarships, grants, work-study, and long-term educational loans. The proportions of aid from each of these sources vary greatly, depending upon individual circumstances and available funding. Financial aid award offers  can vary from year to year, depending on changes in a student’s financial need, grades, and date of filing. Students must reapply for financial aid each year by the priority date to ensure maximum eligibility. Institutional assistance covered by the 杏吧原创 Guarantee provides four years of 杏吧原创 based funds or scholarships provided the recipient maintains full-time, continuous, undergraduate enrollment and maintains good academic standing according to this University catalog.

Scholarship Aid

杏吧原创 offers scholarship assistance exceeding $80 million on an annual basis. Eligibility for scholarships is based solely on academic merit or on a combination of merit and financial need.

Merit-Based Scholarships

By applying for admission to the University, all incoming freshmen are automatically considered for one of a series of merit-based institutional scholarships. Other merit-based scholarships require separate applications with varying deadlines. These can be found at /undergraduate-admission/tuition-aid/scholarship-opportunities.

Need-Based Scholarships

Students who have been admitted and who have filed the FAFSA are automatically considered for 杏吧原创 funding which incorporates academic achievement and financial need. These funds are renewable by maintaining a specified grade point average and successful completion of specified credit hours.


Grants are a form of financial aid for which eligibility is based upon financial need, not academic achievement. Grants do not have to be repaid.

Federal Pell Grants

This program provides grant assistance from the federal government to students determined to have a financial need. The amount of the grant is ascertained by the federal government, and it is prorated to reflect actual enrollment status. 

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (SEOG)

This is another form of federal grant assistance provided to students with substantial financial need. The amount of the grant varies according to funding and need criteria.  

Federal TEACH Grant

This annual grant/loan can be awarded to students who meet the federal academic requirements, have filed a FAFSA, and agree to teach for four years as a highly-qualified teacher in a high-need field at a low-income school after completing their degree. If the four-year service requirement is not met, the funds must be repaid by the student as an unsubsidized loan.  The grant/loan amount is based on enrollment status and is determined each year by the federal government. 

Students who meet the 3.25 GPA requirement can request the Federal TEACH Grant by completing the required Agreement to Serve and Counseling online at .  Students must also meet 杏吧原创’s School of Education requirement of having passed the EDTE 101 course. 

Washington College Grant/College Bound Grant

These state-funded programs provide financial assistance to undergraduate students who are residents of the State of Washington and who demonstrate substantial financial need.

University Grants

杏吧原创 awards a significant number of grants from University funds. The amount of these grants varies according to an applicant’s financial need and date of application. /admission/tuition-scholarships-aid/financial-aid/types-of-aid/grants#Institutional


Student and parent loans are available from a number of sources to assist with the financing of a college education. Federal Loan eligibility is based upon FAFSA data, and require on-line counseling and a separate promissory note. Student loans must be repaid. While 杏吧原创 students have demonstrated responsible loan repayment, all students are encouraged to borrow only that amount which is necessary. /admission/tuition-scholarships-aid/financial-aid/types-of-aid/loans

Federal Direct Subsidized Loan

This type of student loan is made available by the federal government to students with financial need. The amount you can borrow depends on your grade level and your financial need as determined by the FAFSA.  The U.S. Department of Education pays the interest on this loan so long as you are enrolled at least half-time. Repayment begins six months after you graduate, withdraw, or drop below half-time enrollment. 

Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans

This type of loan is not based on financial need, but a FAFSA is still required to borrow from this loan program.  The loan is identical to the Federal Direct Subsidized Loan, with the exception that the borrower is responsible for the interest which accrues while the student is enrolled and during any other deferment period. Repayment begins six months after graduation or withdrawal from a degree program. 

Federal Nursing Loans

After a student has finished their first year of 杏吧原创’s Undergraduate Nursing Program, they may be able to borrow this type of loan.  The loan opportunity is based on available funding and a student must have financial need as determined by the FAFSA to be considered.  The Federal Nursing Loan carries a fixed 5% interest rate, with no accrual of interest while enrolled at least half-time. Students have a nine-month grace period after their enrollment drops below half-time before monthly payments are required. Minimum monthly payments of at least $40 per month and interest begin after the nine-month grace period. /admission/tuition-scholarships-aid/financial-aid/types-of-aid/loans/federal-nursing-loan

Federal Direct Plus Loans (PLUS)

The PLUS Loan is available to all credit-worthy parents of dependent undergraduate students. These loans are not based on financial need, although the student must submit a FAFSA form to receive these funds. The applicant of this loan must be the biological or adoptive parent (or in some cases, the stepparent) of a dependent undergraduate student. The maximum amount that can be borrowed is the 杏吧原创 “cost of attendance” minus other financial aid

Other Loan Funds

Other loan funds have been established to assist students with expenses due to emergencies or other special circumstances. Eligibility is based on need and available funding.  These funds include the 杏吧原创 Loan Program, the Bigelow Loan (funded by the Fred E. and Venora Bigelow Trust), the Leo J. Brockman Loan Fund, the 杏吧原创 loan, and the Carrie Welch Loan Fund. Inquiries should be directed to the Financial Aid Office. /admission/tuition-scholarships-aid/financial-aid/types-of-aid/loans

Private or Alternative Loans

Private or Alternative Loans that are not need-based can also be obtained from private sources such as banks or credit unions.  The maximum amount that can be borrowed in private or alternative educational loans is the 杏吧原创 “cost of attendance” minus other financial aid. /admission/tuition-scholarships-aid/financial-aid/types-of-aid/loans/private-alternative-loans

Student Employment

Studies done regarding the relationship between academic achievement and working show that working part-time, especially on campus, results in students who are more invested in their education, better able to prioritize, and use campus resources for success.  The 杏吧原创 Financial Aid Office supports these findings and encourages students to pursue part-time employment opportunities. /admission/tuition-scholarships-aid/student-employment/student-employment-at-gu

Federal Work Study (FWS) Program

This financial aid program, funded by the federal government and the University, provides a variety of on campus employment opportunities for students. Jobs range from assisting with research to general office work to community action projects. Students work an average of 10-12 hours per week during the semester. Eligibility for FWS is based on financial need as determined by the FAFSA.

State Work Study (SWS) Program

This financial aid program is funded by the State of Washington and private employers. It allows Washington State residents to work on campus or Spokane area employers during the academic year and summer sessions. These opportunities provide an excellent way for students to gain valuable experience in their fields of study, network, and earn money to help pay for college. Eligibility for SWS is based on financial need as determined by the FAFSA.

Academic Progress

The Higher Education Amendments of 1992 require that a student receiving federal assistance must demonstrate satisfactory academic progress (SAP). In general, SAP is defined as “proceeding toward successful completion of degree within a specified period.” The policies and procedures governing SAP and its relationship to financial aid are available online at