Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service is available to 杏吧原创 School of Law faculty, staff, and students. All other 杏吧原创 users are encouraged to contact the Interlibrary Loan service of the Foley Library. Attorneys and members of the public are encouraged to contact their local public library for assistance.

杏吧原创 School of Law members may request an ILL for materials not owned by Chastek Library and not accessible through the Foley Center or our online resources.

Here are the steps to follow:

  • Search Primo, our catalog, (includes records for Foley’s collection), to see if the item is available on campus.
  • If you still can’t find what you’re looking for, search a database containing records for libraries worldwide. WorldCat provides full bibliographic information, which you will need to submit an interlibrary loan request
  • Submit an interlibrary loan request using one of these methods:
    • Make a direct request in WorldCat by clicking on either the “Borrow this item from another library” availability link or the ILL button.
    • Call Chastek's ILL department at (509) 313-3755 or email (preferred) with the full bibliographic information and the date after which you will no longer need the item.
    • Complete and ILL form at the ILL office.

Requests are usually processed within one working day and it takes an average of one to two weeks for the material to arrive. Esoteric or rare items can be difficult to locate and may not be available through ILL or may require a lengthy waiting period. You will be notified by e-mail upon the arrival of your Interlibrary loan request. Requests will be placed on the ILL shelf at the Circulation desk. All items must be returned to the Circulation Desk by the due date. Photocopies need not be returned unless specifically marked with a due date. Items borrowed through ILL are subject to recall by the lending library. Contact the ILL department to renew materials.