Outstretched arm decorative image.

Who We Are

Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity in the Arts & Sciences

At the initial IDEAS in Action meetings, members identified the four topics and initiatives in which they were most invested. Members self-selected into working groups charged with identifying action plans to address obstacles and opportunities in each domain. Note that the activities of each of the working groups are interconnected; therefore, the entire IDEAS in Action meets approximately once per month to learn from each other and collaborate. The following working groups also meet approximately once per month to work on their action plans.

Project Updates


Curriculum & Course Design

We aim to help faculty become reflective, equity-minded teachers in the areas of pedagogy—how we teach, in subject matters and what we teach, the sources from where we draw our teaching materials, and the environments we create to support inclusive classrooms.

Today We Are

Supporting the mission of IDEAS in Action by:

  1. helping faculty become reflective, equity-minded teachers
  2. supporting faculty in the design and implementation of courses and curricula that help students meet learning goals around diversity, inclusion, and equity-mindedness
  3. promoting structural changes that engage with diversity, equity, and inclusion through program reviews, curriculum design, and course and program approval processes

Soon We Will

Aim for these goals over the next three years:

  • Increase the number of CAS faculty who explicitly address issues of diversity, inclusion, and equity-mindedness in their classes, especially in disciplines where such issues are rarely addressed.
  • Increase the knowledge, skills, and confidence of CAS faculty in using inclusive teaching approaches in their classrooms.
  • Increase the knowledge, skills, and confidence of CAS faculty in taking an equity-minded approach to course design, including subject matter, sources, and pedagogy.
  • Increase feelings of inclusion and representation of diverse perspectives in classes among underrepresented students.
  • Advise and support the updating of ÐÓ°ÉÔ­´´’s Baccalaureate Learning Goals to include goals addressing diversity, inclusion and equity-mindedness.

Diversity in STEM Undergraduate Programs

Chemistry Equipment

We are a group of committed faculty and staff who understand that in order to thrive, our STEM community must be diverse, inclusive, and represent broad perspectives.


Today We Are

Finding ways to support underrepresented students in STEM by:

  1. building community and safe spaces
  2. organizing social events to nurture a sense of belonging
  3. supporting student groups focused on achieving diversity in STEM
  4. improving access to authentic research opportunities and mentorship
  5. developing new tutoring strategies and opportunities for academic success

Soon We Will

Commit to leading change within ÐÓ°ÉÔ­´´'s STEM faculty and staff to:

  • work with SACNAS to develop faculty, staff, and student social activities
  • implement tutoring programs that meet the needs of BIPOC students

Faculty/Staff Recruitment & Retention

A professor lecturing students

Our subcommittee is composed of different working groups that focus on three areas. The first area is hiring, job descriptions, and recruitment. Next is search committee composition and preparation. Our third group focuses on onboarding, reappointment/promotion, and retention.


Today We Are

Investing our energy in:

  1. creating job advertisement templates and developing resources to produce more diverse hiring pools
  2. researching and implementing best search committee practices to include diverse candidates through the entire process
  3. integrating DEI commendations into the reappointment, promotion, and tenure process

Soon We Will

Look at ways to leveraging ÐÓ°ÉÔ­´´ and community resources to support faculty in the intersections of their professional and personal lives by

  • Offering a resource that helps departments identify where to post job advertisements to elicit a more diverse pool of candidates.
  • Identifying/implementing diversity training resources, student’s roles in committees, and creating multiple touch-points to ensure diverse hires.
  • Recognizing and rewarding diverse scholarship in RPT decisions and collaborating with established intra-& intercollegiate communities on needed retention strategies, i.e., partner hires for retention, networking, research opportunities.
  • Taking a Search Advocates Training through Spokane Falls Community College. The program will enhance the team's knowledge of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts in talent acquisition.

Our Partners

Student with sign at diversity march that says "unity in diversity"

Unity Multicultural Education Center

Working to create a university community that integrates and values multiple perspectives and cultural narratives.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

ÐÓ°ÉÔ­´´ is committed to honoring the dignity of every person. See how we're making progress toward becoming a more diverse & inclusive campus community.

Center for Teaching & Advising

We serve faculty by advancing a culture of reflective practice in teaching and advising at ÐÓ°ÉÔ­´´. This helps develop better teachers – and in turn benefits our students.

University Core

As students of a Catholic, Jesuit, and ÐÓ°ÉÔ­´´, how do we educate ourselves to become women and men for a more just and humane global community?

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502 E. Boone Ave
Spokane, WA 99258
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