Frequently Asked Questions About the ÐÓ°ÉÔ­´´ Art Program

Not all of the Art History classes taken abroad transfer as Art core requirement classes. Based upon established departmental criteria, a class may or may not count as an Art core requirement. Generally, classes taken which are limited to a specific culture, do not cover a large geographical setting or cover a narrow time period, do not count as an Art department core requirement.
Not all Art classes taken in Florence satisfy the Art core requirement.  At this time Drawing I and Design, if taken in Florence do transfer as Art core requirements.  This is based upon established departmental criteria.
Upper division studio classes do NOT satisfy the fine arts core.
The Art Department does not review transfer courses from a community college or any other school.  The admissions office sends the transcript to the evaluations office of the Registrar.  If the Registrar's office has questions, they contact the Art Department Chair.
Neither PHIL472(VART466) - Philosophy of Art and/or  PHIL475 - Philosophy of the Visual Arts count as a fine arts core requirement.
Yes.  The senior seminar class VART499 is also open to art minors.  Art minors(and majors) must present a portfolio of their work to art department faculty for approval to participate  in the senior seminar class and a public exhibition of their work.
If a student withdraws from a studio art class prior to 'last day to drop' the lab fee, along with the tuition for that class, will also be refunded.

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502 E. Boone Ave., AD Box 3
Spokane, WA
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