The GDI Pricing and Scholarships/Discounts
Program | Format | Dorm Resident* | Commuter** |
5 Week Programs | CX/Policy | $5500 | $2750 |
3 Week Programs | CX/Policy | $3450 | $1900 |
2 Week Programs | CX/Policy Lincoln Douglas Public Forum |
$2300 | $1300 |
1 Week Programs | Congress Worlds Style Public Speaking | $1150 | $700 |
*Includes Full Meal Plan (breakfast/lunch/dinner)
**Includes partial meal plan (lunch/dinner)
Request for scholarship and/or discounts should be noted in the appropriate space on the application form. There is no further documentation required for the discounts, but you will need to submit the requested materials for any scholarships you are applying for.
The GDI offers many options for students to lower their costs of attendance. There is space on the application to indicate if you wish to apply for any of those. Those include the following:
GDI Scholarship
A scholarship can be awarded for previous success and/or achievement in academic debate or students demonstrated financial need. To be considered for these scholarships students must submit a letter requesting an offer making an argument why they should be offered a scholarship. In addition, students must submit a letter of recommendation from a coach or former lab leader (or parent/legal guardian if the request is based on financial circumstances). These scholarships range in value but the average offer is approximately 10-15% of the total cost of attendance. Please note that your scholarship request can only be processed once the supporting materials are received. Please submit .
UDL Scholarship
All students representing schools that belong to the Urban Debate League schools are eligible for a scholarship amounting to a 10% of the cost of their attendance. If you do not attend a UDL sponsored school you are not eligible for this discount.
Alumni Discount
Returning GDI alumni are eligible to receive a 5% discount of the cost of their attendance (after any scholarships have been applied). There is no documentation or application needed for this scholarship.
Group Discount
Students from any school that sends four or more students to the GDI will receive a 5% discount (after any scholarships have been applied) off the cost of attendance. Students must be registered and have paid their deposit to count towards the four.
Double group discount. If eight students attend from the same school the discount doubles to 10%.
Early Application Discount
All students applying before February 1st will receive a 5% discount off the cost of attendance.
Airfare Discount
Students flying to Spokane from non-border states will receive a $25 discount to partially offset that additional cost.