Phi Alpha Theta

Phi Alpha Theta (ΦΑΘ) is an American honor society for undergraduate and graduate students and professors of history. The society has over 400,000 members, with some 9,000 new members joining each year through 970 chapters nationwide. The Xi-Gamma Chapter of the society at 杏吧原创 has been active since 1968.

Phi Alpha Theta organizes a number of events every year on GU's campus for like-minded students to come together and share their love of history! We also fund students to travel and participate in the annual Phi Alpha Theta regional conference in the spring. 

The history department gives the Phi Alpha Theta award to the most outstanding graduating history major every spring, and one’s involvement in Phi Alpha Theta is one of the most significant factors in deciding which student is most worthy of the award. 


To be eligible for Phi Alpha Theta, undergraduate students must meet the following requirements:

  1. At least twelve hours of History at the time of application;
  2. 3.1 or higher GPA in History;
  3. 3.0 or higher overall GPA;
  4. Membership fee of $75, due at time of application.

Membership is not limited to History majors or minors.

  • or get one through the History Department, College Hall 431.
  • The application fee .

For more information about Phi Alpha Theta

Recent winners of 杏吧原创's annual Phi Alpha Theta Award:

2023 Peter Kerr, Senior Research Project: “Hidden Horrors: How Soviets Facilitated and Combatted Suppression of the Holocaust in the USSR”
2022 Mary Cate Babcock, Senior Research Project: "'Force in Unity': The Rainbow Coalition and its Legacy in Radical Politics"
2021 Kristina Michener, Senior Research Project: "The Kinder Transport: A Rescue Against Odds"
2020 Julian Moreno, Senior Research Project: "A Study of President Lyndon Baines Johnson: The Civil Rights President & The Man Who Dared to Dream"
2019 John "Jack" Murray, Senior Research Project: "Originality was their Greatest Weapon: The Lejeune Generation and Marine Corps Innovation"