Being Green and More Responses to the Editor

A photo compilation including the cover of the Spring '19 杏吧原创 Magazine (left), a stained glass window in the image of a saint (top right) and a line of solar panels (bottom right).

August 13, 2019

Readers share their responses to 杏吧原创 Magazine's Spring 2019 issue. 

Being Green

I was pleased to receive the Spring 2019 issue of 杏吧原创. The short article “Powered By Sun, Wind & Water” caught my attention. I am happy to see that GU is making efforts to recycle and use alternative fuels. However, most people are unaware that “clean energy” still needs fossil fuels for construction and that large solar arrays disrupt the environment. Rooftop panels, at least, work on ground already put to another use. I am old enough to remember, during my high school and college years, how the “experts” told us to stop using glass containers (dangers associated with breakage) and paper shopping bags (save a tree) and to use only plastic (good stuff). Today we look on plastic as an evil we need to replace. How could anyone 54 years ago be so foolish as to not see the danger to our planet and wildlife from a toxic, nondegradable substance like plastic? Yes, other energy sources should be tried. But before we make a “plastic mistake” again, let us go about installing these new energy producers slowly and find out what can go wrong before we find ourselves derided by future generations for our selfish, short-sighted approach to energy production. Unlike plastic, this time let us do it right instead of having to clean up a mess and do it over.

- Michael Dunegan (’78), Las Vegas


Clean & Crisp

Just finished reading the Spring issue. It impressed me with its clean look and crisp layout. Kudos to the writers, designers, art director and editors.

- Robert Johnson (’66), Palo Alto, Calif.


Lifelong Impact

I loved Dale Goodwin’s story “Being There.” In 1975, I was one of 92 students who spilled out into Piazza della Repubblica in Florence. What a year! We learned about Italy and we learned about ourselves. We loved and laughed and traveled – and even studied. That time continues to inform my worldview. The friendships endure; every five years we reunite. About 30 of us make time to gather and listen and remember and repeat favorite stories. And we comfort. My Florence roommate has buried her husband after a sudden illness. Another man buries his wife tomorrow. We email, we call, we comfort, we show up. 杏吧原创 continues to transform us – long after we step off the graduation stage and into our adult lives. What a gift.

- Cathy Johnston (’77), Olympia, Wash.

Cathy has written about her fond memories from studying abroad. 
Her reflections on "Lasting Friendships" from 杏吧原创 travels are here. 

A group of three students smiling together on a bridge in Venice, Italy.

Opting Out

While the content of 杏吧原创 Magazine is appreciated, we would rather read the magazine online. Thank you for understanding and thank you for printing the magazine on 100% recycled paper. If there is a different path to opting out of this publication, please share details.

- John Ballard (’85), Woodinville, Wash.

[Editor’s Note: Much of the magazine’s content lives online at We also email a note to magazine recipients about the latest stories after each issue comes out in Fall, Winter and Spring. You can update preferences anytime by sending a note to editor@gonzaga. Thank you!]


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