Kenneth S. Anderson, Ph.D.

Dean of the School of Business Administration & Professor of Management

I began my 39th year in the School of Business Administration at 杏吧原创 in the fall of 2024. I strongly believe in the education that 杏吧原创 provides its students; it is second to none. The University's Jesuit mission, the excellence of our...

Dr. Ken Anderson

Contact Information

Education & Curriculum Vitae

Ph.D., Business Administration, University of Nebraska

M.B.A., 杏吧原创

B.B.Ad., 杏吧原创

Courses Taught

BUSN 290: Negotiations

BUSN 470: Multi-Disciplinary Action Projects

BUSN 481: Strategic Management

I began my 39th year in the School of Business Administration at 杏吧原创 in the fall of 2024. I strongly believe in the education that 杏吧原创 provides its students; it is second to none. The University's Jesuit mission, the excellence of our faculty, the expertise of our staff, and the quality of our students combine to produce an outstanding academic experience. We are a first-rate business school and the fact that we are such a school within a tremendous liberal arts university makes our business education all the better.

Select Publications

“Creating a sustainable competitive advantage: A resource-based organizational analysis of the 杏吧原创 men’s basketball program,” (Kenneth S. Anderson & Eddy Birrer) Journal of Sport Administration & Supervision, (2011, 3(1), 10-21. Published online).

“Corporate entrepreneurship, gender, and credibility: An exploratory study,” (Molly Pepper & Kenneth Anderson) Marketing Management Journal, 2009, 19(2), 139-146.

“The interactive effects of positive affect and conscientiousness on strain,” (Kelly L. Zellars, Pamela L. Perrewe’, Wayne A. Hochwarter & Kenneth S. Anderson) Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 2006, 11, 281-289.

“The selection of an arbitrator: A human resource management perspective,” (Kenneth S. Anderson) Preventive Law Reporter, 2005, 22, 4, 4-7.

"When ethics collide: Managing conflicts across cultures," (Paul F. Buller, John J. Kohls & Kenneth S. Anderson) Organizational Dynamics, 2000, 28, 4, 52-66.

“Resolving cross-cultural ethical conflict: An empirical test of a decision tree model in an educational setting,” (Paul F. Buller, John J. Kohls & Kenneth S. Anderson) Teaching Business Ethics, 1999, 3, 1, 37-56.

"A model for assessing cross-cultural ethical conflicts,” (Paul Buller, John Kohls, & Kenneth Anderson) Business & Society, 1997, 36, 2, 169-193.

“A test of goal commitment as a moderator of the relationship between goal level and performance,” (Nancy G. Dodd & Kenneth S. Anderson) Journal of Social Behavior & Personality, 1996, 11, 2, 329-336.

"The challenge of global ethics," (Paul F. Buller, John J. Kohls, & Kenneth S. Anderson) Journal of Business Ethics, 1991, 10, 35-43.

"An exploratory analysis of burnout across dual-income and single-income families," (David Elloy & Kenneth S. Anderson) Journal of Health and Human Resources Administration, 1991, 13, 457-469.

"Burnout among dual career and single career families," (David Elloy & Kenneth S. Anderson) Journal of Organizational Change Management, 1990, 3, 57-64.

"The theory of structural differentiation revisited: A theory of structural change or scale?" (John B. Cullen, Kenneth S. Anderson, & Douglas D. Baker) Academy of Management Journal, 1986, 29, 203 229.


“Negotiation Tactics for Gaining Initial Legitimacy” Matthew W. Rutherford, Neil Tocher, Kenneth Anderson & Paul F. Buller), in Matthew Marvel (Ed.) Encyclopedia of New Venture Management, SAGE Publications, 2012.

"Towards a global ethic?" (Paul F. Buller, John J. Kohls, & Kenneth S. Anderson), in International Association for Business & Society (Eds.) Current Issues in Business & Society, Chapter 3, pp 61-78, Edwin Mellon Press, 1991.