Office of the Dean

Dr. Ken Anderson

Dear Prospective Students,

The 杏吧原创 School of Business Administration has one very clear and distinct vision: we will be an exemplar of Jesuit business education. We emphasize academic excellence, active engagement with others, and our Jesuit traditions. We are committed to helping you gain the knowledge, skills and experiences that prepare you for personal and professional success. We want you to be ready to make a difference from the time you leave our business school.

You will have an excellent academic experience. Our curriculum, our faculty, and our staff are all first-rate. Our accounting program is nationally renowned, and our portfolio of business concentrations offers you a variety of options including the ability to pursue study across multiple disciplines. Almost 50% of our graduates have a second, major, minor, or concentration. Our faculty are difference makers; they will positively impact your life. They excel in the areas of teaching, research, and networking. We also have a dedicated staff. From academic advising to internships to computer labs to business school events our staff provide great service to our students.

We highly value active engagement with others, whether they are on our campus or in our local, regional, national, or global networks. We actively look for opportunities for our students to work with others across campus be they in engineering, arts & sciences, or education. Our faculty are involved in their professional associations as well as in the broader community. We are consistent participants in the University's outstanding Trek program, we take visits to the headquarters and facilities of numerous organizations, and we are strong supporters of and active participants in the University's study abroad efforts. You will be connected when you leave our business school.

Our Jesuit heritage is very important to us. Being part of a Catholic, Jesuit and humanistic university is central to who we are. What you learn in our university's core curriculum will be invaluable to you. As you would expect, we stress ethics and social responsibility throughout our courses. In the finest Jesuit tradition, we also believe in confident, enlightened, and innovative action. We place a high value on learning by doing. We give you opportunities to do things you can later talk about and when you leave us you will be prepared for the challenges ahead.

Please feel free to reach out to us in the School of Business Administration at and we can connect you with our faculty, staff, or students. We would love to show you who we are.


The signature of our Dean, Ken Anderson, Ph.D.
Ken Anderson, Dean
School of Business Administration