Contact Information
- (509) 313-7033
Education & Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D., University of Oregon
M.S., Urals State University of Economics
B.S., Urals State University of Economics
Lada has been teaching at 杏吧原创 since 2004. She holds a Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Marketing from the University of Oregon, where she specialized in the study of consumer behavior. Her previous degrees (Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Master of...
Ph.D., University of Oregon
M.S., Urals State University of Economics
B.S., Urals State University of Economics
Lada has been teaching at 杏吧原创 since 2004. She holds a Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Marketing from the University of Oregon, where she specialized in the study of consumer behavior. Her previous degrees (Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Master of Science in Marketing) are from the Urals State University of Economics in Yekaterinburg, Russia. She started her teaching career in Russia, working as a Lecturer at the Urals State University of Economics in its School of Business Division. Her teaching currently focuses on Marketing Strategy and International Marketing, and the Foundations of Marketing at both the graduate and undergraduate levels.
Her publications span a variety of topics including the role of emotions in consumer decision-making, influence of social values on consumers’ attitudes and behaviors, cross-cultural research, consumption of sports, and study of business ethics. Her current interests in pedagogy are centered around incorporating experiential learning into a variety of classes.
Lada served as a reviewer for the Journal of Business Ethics, International Marketing Review, Global Economics and Management Review, Journal of Global Marketing, as well as for a number of marketing conferences. She has been serving as a volunteer liaison between 杏吧原创 School of Business and the English Language Center (ELC) program since her first year on 杏吧原创 campus. At the University level, Lada serves as a Faculty Senator and as a member of the Program Review Committee.
Selected Publications
Helgeson, James G., Lada Kurpis, Ahmed Ekici, and Magne Supphellen (2017) “Consumers' Use of Country-of-Manufacture Information? Norway and the United States: Ethnocentric, Economic, and Cultural Differences” Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 29 (3), 179-193.
Kurpis, Lada, James G. Helgeson, Ahmed Ekici, and Magne Supphellen (2016) “Consumers' Use of Country of Manufacture Information: Turkey versus the U.S.A.” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Studies, 20 (2), 82-100
Kurpis, Lada and James Hunter (2017), “Developing Students’ Cultural Intelligence through an Experiential Learning Activity: A Cross-Cultural Consumer Behavior Interview,” Journal of Marketing Education, 39 (1), Apr. 2017, 30-46.
Bozman, Carl S., Vivek H. Patil, Lada V. Kurpis, and Kevin Lehman (2016) Community Sport Social Benefits: A Basis for Continuous Improvement,” Athens Journal of Sports, 10 (June), 129-142.
Kurpis, Lada and James G. Helgeson (2012), "The Effects of Country-of-Origin and Product-Category “Fit” on Acceptance of New Brands," International Research Journal of Global Business Development, 1(1), 9-18.
Kurpis, Lada (2012) “Empirical Investigation of Select Personality, Attitudinal, and Experience-Based Antecedents of Cultural Intelligence in Undergraduate Business Students,” Journal of Learning in Higher Education, 8(1), 47-58.
Kurpis, Lada Helen V., Carl S. Bozman, and Lynn R. Kahle, (2010) “Distinguishing between Amateur Sport Participants and Spectators: The List of Values Approach,” International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 7 (3/4), 190-201.
Bozman, Carl S., Lada Helen V. Kurpis, and Chris Frye (2010), “Sport Festival or Tournament? Using Longitudinal Economic Impact Data to Assess the Success of a Strategic Reorientation,” Sport Management Review, 13 (1), 65-81.
Kurpis, Lada Helen V. (2009), “Developing Students’ Cultural Intelligence in an International Marketing Course,” Journal of Global Business Development, 2 (1), 110-122.
Kurpis, Lada V. and Simona Stan (2008), “When a Foreign Brand Pretends to Be Domestic: Cross-Cultural Differences in Responses to Deception in Positioning a Foreign Brand as a Seemingly Domestic Brand (U.S. versus Romania),” International Journal of the Academic Business World, 2(2), Fall, 41-52.
Kurpis, Lada Helen V., Mirjeta S. Beqiri, and James G. Helgeson (2008), “The Effects of Commitment to Moral Self-Improvement and Religiosity on Ethics of Business Students” Journal of Business Ethics, 80, July, 447-463.
Kurpis, Lada Helen V., Mirjeta S. Beqiri, and James G. Helgeson (2007), “Business Ethics Education: The Service Quality Perspective,” The Journal of Learning in Higher Education, 3 (1), Spring, 51-56.