The IJSL welcomes 15- to 20-page manuscripts (in APA the 7th format) both theoretical and research-based, as well as essays, interviews, film and book reviews, and shorter pieces. The journal is peer-reviewed by an exceptional international editorial board. Please send a Microsoft Word copy of your article, with a one-paragraph bio as well as your name and address on the title page, to All identifying information concerning author(s) should be restricted to the title page of the article. When sent to our international review board, author names will be removed for blind review. Except in cases of editor-invited manuscripts, submission of a manuscript to the IJSL implies the manuscript has not been published elsewhere, nor is it under consideration by another journal. Other communications should be sent to:
Shann Ray Ferch, Editor
The International Journal of Servant-Leadership
杏吧原创—MSC 2616
Spokane, WA 99258-2616