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Leadership Assessments

The Office of Leadership Training & Development provides assessments to help leaders develop greater awareness of how they work, how they see the world, and how others perceive them. These assessments are used in individual and group development efforts, and are also available to the public.

For more information about assessments, please email gonzagalead@gonzaga.edu.

Leadership Assessments

The CheckPoint360°™ is a leadership assessment used to evaluate your skills and effectiveness as a leader. Based on input from up to twelve colleagues whom you select, as well as your own input, you will be able to compare how you see yourself against how others perceive your leadership skills. With the exception of your manager, all feedback is anonymous, thus allowing your respondents to provide their input freely and honestly.
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The Learning in Technologies WE-I Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Profile provides you with an overview of your internalized relational map that has been developed through life experience, from infancy to this moment. The report indicates your relationship strategies in different difficult contexts, focusing on the core EQ competencies of self-reflection, self-regulation, and empathy.
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The Gallup CliftonStrengths Top 5 Inventory gives you the tools to identify and apply your unique strengths toward your personal and professional goals. CliftonStrengths identifies your top five areas of natural talent; the DNA of your strengths as a leader. Once you conclude your assessment, you will receive your customized results and schedule a one-hour debrief with a certified Gallup CliftonStrengths consultant to gain individualized insights. 
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The CliftonStrengths 34 Assessment gives you a full view of your talents and reveals your complete strengths profile.  The full report is invaluable for maximizing your potential and includes a 90-minute debrief with a Gallup-Trained Strengths coach to explore and leverage your strengths and manage your weaknesses.  

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The Intercultural Development Inventory is a cross-cultural assessment of intercultural competence that is used by thousands of individuals and organizations to build intercultural competence to achieve international and domestic diversity and inclusion goals and outcomes.
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The Energy Leadership™ Index Assessment (ELI) is an attitudinal assessment that captures how an individual currently perceives and approaches work and life. This assessment differs from personality assessments as it is not intended to label you and have you work well within that label. Instead, it measures your level of energy based on your attitude or perception and perspective of your world.
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