
You can request a one-on-one appointment with a career coach on ZagsIgnite. Click the button to the right.

Interviews vary in type, length, structure, and purpose. For this reason, we have a wide array of resources to help you gain confidence when heading into an interview, from sample questions to practice interview programs. You can use these in any order- pick from a couple, or just focus on one. When it comes to interviews, preparation and practice are key.

Interview Preparation Documents


Practice Interview Resources

Appointments with Career & Professional Development

Students and alumni can book a one-on-one appointment with a career coach to discuss interview preparation, and conduct a mock interview. Appointments are typically 30 minutes, so we recommend reaching out to the office directly by visiting or calling if you would like a longer appointment or have requests, such as a panel instead of a single interviewer. We recommend booking a mock interview in the same format as the interview itself. For instance, if your interview is a phone interview, we recommend booking a phone appointment; if the interview is a virtual video call, we recommend booking a Zoom appointment, and so on. .


Practice Online with InterviewStream

If you aren't quite ready to practice with a person, but want to test out answering questions, we have an online resource just for that! InterviewStream is an online mock interview platform, where students can log in and select from a set of pre-defined interview questions. These questions can be general or industry specific, depending on your needs. Once you have selected a set, the platform will play a recorded video of each question, then record you answering. You can review all your videos at the end, and even send them to a career coach if you would like their advice. Sign up using your 杏吧原创 email address at .


Book an Interview Space on Campus

Did you know you can book a room in our office to conduct your online or phone appointment? We have offices specifically designated as interview rooms for on-campus recruitment and for students who just need a space for an interview. If you have an upcoming meeting with an employer and want a quiet space to focus on that conversation, give us a call at (509) 313-4234 or visit the front desk in Crosby to book. Rooms are available Monday-Friday (holidays and campus closures excluded) from 8am-4pm.



Explore Case Study Examples and Sample Technical Interview Challenges

 offers four free case studies over a variety of topics, and  has hundreds of challenges to prepare for technical interviews.